Changelog 2019-03-12: New npcs, better AI, modded items

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Hmm... this crash is caused by the rwdoc plugin (more precisely, the crash occurs in the plugin). It looks like it cannot check the version or it has trouble reading some configs or something like that. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it :/ Maybe contact the plugin creator about this issue.
    You can install ABM again btw, but make sure to get the latest server and client version first (

  • Oops, that was a debug square that was used for pathfinding Will be fixed shortly!

    Seems to have been fixed. Awesome. No more red squares from what I can see.

    Unfortunately npc spawn has an impact on the performance... but it's getting better once the first wave of npcs is spawned in new chunks.

    Yeah, I'm gaining constant stutters which I haven't had before. It's really effecting my play through having lost the smoothness of the playthrough. Can't say about others, just very laggy and stuttery making it hard to either play or stream on Twitch.

    I've released a small hotfix which fixes this issue

    Thanks for the hotfixes fixing various things. The big one now is the constant stuttering needing to be smoothed out. It really effects my CPU usage, I can't battle bears and the like.


    A few more notes being skeletons need to be slowed down by a hell of a lot. They run too fast at times when trying to get to the player. I love the bandits & skeletons when I did fight them in a test world. They have nice payout reward for when you do attack them. I also found spiders to be interesting with how they dodge ranged weapons. They almost seem to be immune to them by side stepping.

  • no... its good as is. this creates real incentive to build better weapons. i went down with a bow and arrow and was quickly overpowered. a crossbow and a repeater are better suited or just a sword with a little skill

    This one is good

    Trying to find a clip to share of where bandits & especially skeletons came running at you at lightning speed. The clip below the skeleton runs around a bit too quickly to the point I feel they should be slowed down by a "tad"... I did say "hell of a lot" .... Just slight weight to them.

    What we have now is awesome, and I'm glad bandits guard the forest. I am seeing animals populating the biomes nicely, it's nice. Also, in my opinion, I feel we should have bandits all the time to keep you on the alert.... That's just me I guess, and a "few" other people.

    Also,....... Am I the only one stuttering a lot when playing Rising World because I feel it should be smoother. Maybe it is me because I was also streaming, but I feel it's Rising World needing to be optimized again. It used to run silky smooth.



    Bear turned into a statue for me. Still could kill it.

  • Hi Red51 Thank you for the update although I play peaceful mod the bandits therefore don't attack. I did notice however they spawn quite close to building if in forest. two bandits even walked right up to my forester lodge. I also notice they did not despawn at daybreak but were still roaming at midday, is this normal? How far do they roam? and do others keep spawning regularly if they are not killed? I was sorry to see we did not get curtains that can be sized like windows. My house look rather bare. I also would have liked to see the ability to put food down (so the do not disappear) in my shop example watermelons apple etc.
    However the update is great and I congratulate you for all the hard work ^^

  • Red51 & Team.... THANK YOU!! The NPC are awesome (the peaceful times are over - they really mean to fight :) ) but for me personally the most outstanding part is the Terraforming-Blueprints. Im so happy about this i could cry. Now no mountain is safe from me.

    @WalterDasTrevas - would you be so great to upload a blueprint of your wonderful statues? I can´t wait to implement some of them on my map.

    Thanks again!! The waiting was so much worth it

  • One more thing:

    Trying the water-terrain-tool-functions the "smoothing out" function doesn´t seem to work.

    I have selected "water" but all it does is to raise/lower the ground below. It doesn´t effect the water at all. The red circle/square is also not projected on the water surface but only on the ground below the water.

    The "painting"-tool though seems to work great.

  • ABM-fehler:

    RW SERVER: Fatal error occurred!
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.risingworld.api.World.spawnNpc(SLnet/risingworld/api/utils/Vector3f;Lnet/risingworld/api/utils/Quaternion;)Lnet/risingworld/api/objects/Npc;
    at carsten.risingworld.abm.AnimalBreedMaster.spawnAnimal(
    at carsten.risingworld.abm.AnimalBreedMaster.giveBirth(
    at carsten.risingworld.abm.AnimalBreedMaster.updatePregnancyProgress(
    at carsten.risingworld.abm.AnimalBreedMaster.executeForEachPlayer(
    at carsten.risingworld.abm.AnimalBreedMaster.timerTask(
    at pluginapi.PluginTimerManager.update(SourceFile:73)
    at pluginapi.PluginManager.update(SourceFile:303)
    at server.Main.update(SourceFile:286)
    at commons.JIWApplication.update(SourceFile:324)

  • Hi, guys! Been playing around with the new update on a single player world & love it! Awesome job Red! I do have a question for my server though. We all agreed we want to keep the animals on peaceful, no bandits, but we do want enemies in the dungeon. How would I go about that? The folks that play on the server like to just chill & build, thus the peaceful setting, however, they did agree they want some excitement in the dungeons. Lol. I'm just trying to keep them all happy. Again, awesome update!!

  • Hi, guys! Been playing around with the new update on a single player world & love it! Awesome job Red! I do have a question for my server though. We all agreed we want to keep the animals on peaceful, no bandits, but we do want enemies in the dungeon. How would I go about that? The folks that play on the server like to just chill & build, thus the peaceful setting, however, they did agree they want some excitement in the dungeons. Lol. I'm just trying to keep them all happy. Again, awesome update!!

    One more question, I think they want to keep bandits off because they are worried they will damage the very massive build we have been working on for months (Its several towns & such.). Will they damage builds or just go for players. If they will just go for players, maybe everyone on the server would agree to have them & the dungeon enemies on but keep the animals on peaceful. Any ideas what I need to change in what file to accomplish that? Lol

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