The Future of Rising World

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-02)
  • currently I use blocks in my blueprints to help in the placement as blocks always lock to the grid. If all elements are now like beams and you cant see the grid while placing a blueprint then It will be far more difficult to place blueprints with precision.

    Can you either add an element we can use that will snap a blueprint to the grid, or show the grid while placing a blueprint?

    example, when I am doing a complicated build, I often build the basic structure then blueprint small parts of the build that I want to improve. I place the small blueprinted area in a different location and work on it. then when that section is done I reblueprint it and place it back onto the main build. I am able to do this because I keep at least one block in the blueprint so I know when I go to replace the improved area that it will line up perfectly with the main build. The block acts as a key for me, so can you either have some sort of element that will always snap to the grid I can use as a key?

  • currently I use blocks in my blueprints to help in the placement as blocks always lock to the grid. If all elements are now like beams and you cant see the grid while placing a blueprint then It will be far more difficult to place blueprints with precision.

    Oh, that will be an optional feature. You can always toggle between regular block placement (just like current blocks) and construction element placement (which unlocks the block from the grid and enables you to resize/rotate it) :)

    Can you either add an element we can use that will snap a blueprint to the grid, or show the grid while placing a blueprint?

    Apart from the block placement, we need a better grid anyway (also for blueprints)... unfortunately I can't say much about that yet, but I'll definitely keep that in mind

    A nice to have in the new engine would be placeable, scalable rocks/bolders for landscaping...

    Rocks and boulders are planned, and probably they will be scalable ;)

  • Iv been playing Rising world for a very long time now and wondering in the new version will you be adding more in the way of character customization and attribute like Speed / Luck / Strength ect. and with the ability to increase these as we play? I don't expect them to be implanted with the first release but having these will make us feel that the game as a bit more substance to the survival element of the game.

    Hope the port over to Unity is going smoothly (as it can) and lets hope we can get some sort of preview soon even a video diary would be nice :D

  • Basically it is our intention to implement a skill/xp system, even though it will be an optional feature :) Originally our idea of a skill/xp system was to have a "learning by doing" approach, i.e. becoming more efficient in certain things (cutting trees, mining etc) simply by doing that.

    We really want to make sure that the skill/xp system will not be too grindy, but I understand that some people are not happy about this feature at all (that's why it will be optional)^^ There was a long discussion about that on Steam some time ago btw:…ns/0/1642041106369933741/

  • Basically it is our intention to implement a skill/xp system, even though it will be an optional feature :) Originally our idea of a skill/xp system was to have a "learning by doing" approach, i.e. becoming more efficient in certain things (cutting trees, mining etc) simply by doing that.

    We really want to make sure that the skill/xp system will not be too grindy, but I understand that some people are not happy about this feature at all (that's why it will be optional)^^ There was a long discussion about that on Steam some time ago btw: https://steamcommunity.c"Jon"om/app/324080/discussions/0/1642041106369933741/

    That's a great read and I do like the optional feature as "Jon" in the comments put in: that way it will be down to the player / server owner on how to play the game their way of liking.

    Survival mode: survival with a progression as you learn new skills, grow stronger and more efficient;
    Standard Mode: which is the current game;
    Creative Mode: which at lest for me I just use for building techniques

  • Basically it is our intention to implement a skill/xp system, even though it will be an optional feature :) Originally our idea of a skill/xp system was to have a "learning by doing" approach, i.e. becoming more efficient in certain things (cutting trees, mining etc) simply by doing that.

    We really want to make sure that the skill/xp system will not be too grindy, but I understand that some people are not happy about this feature at all (that's why it will be optional)^^ There was a long discussion about that on Steam some time ago btw:…ns/0/1642041106369933741/

    I really like that this will be an option and I wish more games would make these types of things optional.


    Red51, I would just like to say I have clocked 98 hours in about one week of starting to play. I just cant stop playing now. I look forward to animal farming and all the rest you plan to add. Thank you for a wonderful game!

    I have one question, though, and I know it might seem petty, and I hope it hasn't been answered a thousand time before. It has to do with Character creation. I love that you added the female option, and I love that the one character can be played in all the worlds. But I was wondering if maybe you have plans to make the body type/form a little alterable? I do prefer playing as a female, yes, but I would also prefer that I/she didn't have (what I see to be) such broad and manly shoulders. As I said I know it's petty, but playing as a more petite female form would really be more identifiable to me, and I personally feel that rpg adventure survival games need this personalized sentimentality behind it.

    Thank you for reading, Red. I know you're busy :)

  • Dindin: I'm glad to hear you like the game :) About your question: Unfortunately I can't say much about character creation yet... originally it was planned to have options to alter the shape of the body, but we haven't started working on this part yet. I'm not even sure if we will keep the old player models for the new version :D

    In the long run, we definitely want to offer as many options as possible when it comes to character creation (including being able to alter your body shape), but I'm not sure if all options will be available with the first release of the new version ;)

  • Dindin: I'm glad to hear you like the game :) About your question: Unfortunately I can't say much about character creation yet... originally it was planned to have options to alter the shape of the body, but we haven't started working on this part yet. I'm not even sure if we will keep the old player models for the new version :D

    In the long run, we definitely want to offer as many options as possible when it comes to character creation (including being able to alter your body shape), but I'm not sure if all options will be available with the first release of the new version ;)

    oh wow! Thank you so much for letting me know, I really appreciate it! :D

    And no worries at all, I'm sure you will decide on the best way to go about it, as you have done with everything so far! And the long run is no issue either, I'm more than happy to wait :)

  • Originally our idea of a skill/xp system was to have a "learning by doing" approach, i.e. becoming more efficient in certain things (cutting trees, mining etc) simply by doing that.

    That reminds me of an old rpg called 'Ultima Online', where you had no levels but only skills which you had to raise by using that skill. I like this idea;)

  • Basically it is our intention to implement a skill/xp system, even though it will be an optional feature Originally our idea of a skill/xp system was to have a "learning by doing" approach, i.e. becoming more efficient in certain things (cutting trees, mining etc) simply by doing that.<br style="background-color: rgb(246, 246, 240);">...

    i like the do to learn approach to skill up, more realistic than 'level up' imho.
    I also like to skill up in a specific skill (carpentry is my favorite, for example), and dig the skill tree and become an expert, and in time sell / trade with other type of specialists, it's good way to make good community, and good relations, imho.

    Row your boat, peacefully, up the stream, until you find a place to call home.

  • Are you guys planning to increase the price of Rising World once the new engine is implemented?
    If so, will you recruit more Developers so that development will be much faster?

    Hiring more developers would certainly help with customer satisfaction(in terms of faster updates), but I am sure you'd want
    to increase the cost of Rising World! Also, the new engine would make a legit reason for increasing the price of Rising World as well!

    I think we can all agree that faster update development would be nice, especially to keep more people interested in playing Rising World!

    On a personal level, I would like updates to come out at least once a month, if not earlier!
    But I understand that you guys can only change things(faster updates, more profit, etc) based on the circumstances, like budget, time etc!

  • ;)
    @Brandon_lee19 : Good guy. But think about some things that may possible.
    A higher price can mean a less of new buyers.
    A new man in the team can decrease the progress. ( to get to know the kind of code/ fit into the team)
    Searching the right new colleague needs time and strength.

    English is not my native language.

    Tschak - Wenn ich gewusst hätte, was die alles damit in die Massen tragen :| Werdet Euch klar, was Ihr wirklich wollt und ändert gegebenenfalls Euer Leben ^^

    Ich wünsche Euch ein Leben in Harmonie
    Schnellhilfe / quick help ( alt / old )

    Edited 2 times, last by Boing----Peng-Bumm- ().

  • The only thing that worry's me is that the up grade may make the game no longer work with the Unity Engine on low end computers. My computer is 5 year old and will not run about half of the best unity games and doesn't have the power supply for some upgrades. Replacing the computer is not an option. Testing it on older computers is needed. I can still play the java version but I really like the upgrade. I guess this means I'm volunteering to be a crash test dummy in beta testing. :thumbup:

  • @wesleybruce: If you can run the current version of the game, it's very likely that you can also run the new version of the game ;) In the worst case, you have to disable certain graphics effects. As @joni909 asked, your system specs would be very helpful in this case :)

    As long as you still offer the game cross platform (I'm on Linux) I do not care about specs; all computers eventually need to be replaced, and upgrading a system is not that expensive. At some point, we need to move forward.

  • @wesleybruce: If you can run the current version of the game, it's very likely that you can also run the new version of the game ;) In the worst case, you have to disable certain graphics effects. As @joni909 asked, your system specs would be very helpful in this case :)

    Lol. I have something that pretends to be a computer. Acer Aspire TC 220 I'm trying to install an SSD or two but I've had problems with compatibility. Wasted a heap of money. Just bought something different which may work. :/
    I have a Dxdiag somewhere... Oh and the hard drives full. Dep.

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