Status Update: Lights and Shadows

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Hi like everyone else I'm eagerly waiting for the new version to be released, I understand that a preview of the new version ( Tech demo) is soon to be released and was just wondering will we be able to use our original blue prints at all? or is that a bit too early for this early release. :):)

    Many thanks for a great game and community

  • I understand that a preview of the new version ( Tech demo) is soon to be released and was just wondering will we be able to use our original blue prints at all?

    In general, old blueprints will be compatible with the new version (so yes, you will be able to use your old blueprints in the new version) ;) However, unfortunately you can't use them in the upcoming tech demo (it's really just a basic tech demo without much gameplay, so probably there will be barely any building mechanics in that version). It will still take some time until the first "actual" version is available (which contains actual gameplay, building mechanics etc)

  • When construction elements are available, will there be more textures, and if so, will there be glass planks and beams? I know that you can resize glass pains with command but not if you don’t have those permissions! Also, will glass look better? Like, more visible and more realistic?

  • Is it possible to create brand new blueprints and save them in the test version?

    I think if I'm not mistaken the up coming tech demo will be more like a "walking simulation" to test out without or very limited building. as red quoted in one of my posts (it's really just a basic tech demo without much gameplay, so probably there will be barely any building mechanics in that version). It will still take some time until the first "actual" version is available (which contains actual gameplay, building mechanics etc)

  • I think if I'm not mistaken the up coming tech demo will be more like a "walking simulation" to test out without or very limited building. as red quoted in one of my posts (it's really just a basic tech demo without much gameplay, so probably there will be barely any building mechanics in that version). It will still take some time until the first "actual" version is available (which contains actual gameplay, building mechanics etc)

    I think so too, but I needed to ask.:D

  • When construction elements are available, will there be more textures

    I don't think the new version will have more textures (there are already ~200 textures in the game :wat:), however, the new version will have completely different textures ;)

    will there be glass planks and beams?

    Yes, or more specifically, there will be resizeable glass elements

    Also, will glass look better? Like, more visible and more realistic?

    Glass will look different (due to the completely new look of the game), but can you elaborate on that? What's wrong with the current glass? :nerd:

    Is it possible to create brand new blueprints and save them in the test version?

    No, unfortunately there is no support for blueprints in the test version :/ As Groovaholic said, it will be rather a "walking simulator" with very few gameplay elements. It's only meant to give a rough idea of how the new version will play (player controls, physics, graphics, interactions etc), and of course to test some technical things (hardware support, performance).

  • Well, the current glass is ok, but the first glass texture is a little too see through. I was thinking you guys would make it stand out more lol

    Oh, that was actually intended. This could be changed in the current version just by changing the texture (and using a texture with less transparency). However, the new version will have a few more glass textures (including a few less-transparent glass types)

  • Not bad. I guess these posts actually sums up what shall be in the 'tech demo'. Hope it will keep us occupied for about a week or so, though being a tech demo that may be a bit odd. Good luck.

    Can't wait for the full version to have boats, trains, and such. Hopefully NPC companions (humanoids) not hire-able shall be a thing you can hire to aid in survival.

    Either way, shall check out the tech demo to see what its all about. :nerd:

  • Hi Red51 I'm please to see that people are still very much making plugins for the Java version of the game and was just wondering if all of these will be 100% compatible with the Unity version? I'm sure I have read before that they will be but as I'm too lazy to search so thought I would ask here, and of course with the development of the game is now a bit more advance was there any news on this? and what about the older scripts on here will these be redundant with the Unity version???.

  • Hi Groovaholic I believe the plugins will mainly be compatible, but certainly not 100%.

    From my understanding the Unity engine handles pivots different to JMonkey (which is how the UI knows how to display rectangles, lines, images, etc.). So any current plugin that uses any UI elements will certainly have a problem.

    I suspect the majority of console based plugins will still work okay though.

    As for LUA scipts. . . does anyone use them anymore?

  • Hey is Rising World also going to be on PS4 or XBOX? cause that will help to make the game more popular

    One of the many reasons for the engine update is that with Unity it will be easier to port to consoles. PC will be the main focus but the final version will also arrive for some consoles. I think i read it is for PS4 but i might be wrong here.

    red51 might know it better (or just read the announcement - he wrote it there as well)

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