Update 0.6: Animals

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Hotfix (2023-03-04):

    • [New] Added setting to change the spawn rate for animals

    I have no intention to do that, but keeping the logic with the others slides, maybe for it's minimum, could be set to 0 instead of 20 ?

    Also, concerning slides, I have some interrogations.

    I guess "Ore smelting" slide, only affects furnaces, and not fire camp (to cook meat), if's correct, could you maybe consider to add a slide for cooking (in general, including rack meat dryer and futur cooking features) ?

    Another slide is the "Plant grow", are the trees included on this one, or it's only for vegetables consumption, (because trees are growing much more slower than anything else) maybe have a slide only for trees?

    tell me the command for re-spawning animals, please

    the command is: spawnnpc

    then you specify the desired animal, for example: spawnnpc Fox

    Also found another small bug, when you place black wool in a chest, next time you open the chest black wool is shown as white wool (but technically it stills black). If you get it outside from the chest it shows black again. Anytime you put it in chest and re-open the chest it shows as white again ^^

  • I do have very high ping, usually around 300 (I live in Australia, server in the UK). I dont know exactly what their lag is like, I have just been told that its very noticeable. Because of my ping I always have bad lag no matter what. But I do notice it is far worse than it ever was in the java version, with the same connections and ping.

    Hmm... a high ping (and maybe also some packet loss) results in a much lower throughput. If you have a 100 MBit/s connection, for example, a ping of 300 ms and 1% packet loss results in a remaining throughput of less than 0.5 MBit/s, for example.

    You could check the packet loss by typing "networkstats" into console while you're on the server. If there is a notable packet loss, this could be the reason for the low throughput.

    The Java version was actually working a bit different. It used both TCP and UDP and used multiple connections / channels, while the new version only uses a single UDP connection. The approach of the Java version was better in case of high pings, but TCP is also a bit tricky, because it requires a continuous connection (interrupts result in a disconnect). There were some cases where the ISP automatically closes TCP connections after 10 minutes, resulting in a disconnect (some RW players were suffering from this issue in the past, mostly when using cable internet)... this is also the reason why the majority of games only use UDP for networking nowadays (because it's a "connectionless" protocol) - but on the other hand, most games also have a lot less traffic than RW, so this may not be a problem there...

    We have to see if we can find ways to improve the situation... Of course there is also a chance that there is still a bug in the game, so we definitely have to take a closer look at this issue :thinking:

    tell me the command for re-spawning animals, please

    You can use the spawnnpc command, as mentioned by Kyo ;) This topic contains an overview of all npc names btw: https://forum.rising-world.net/thread/11296

    I have no intention to do that, but keeping the logic with the others slides, maybe for it's minimum, could be set to 0 instead of 20 ?

    Yes, maybe it's better to change that (but a setting of 0 would result in no animals spawning) ^^

    I guess "Ore smelting" slide, only affects furnaces, and not fire camp (to cook meat), if's correct, could you maybe consider to add a slide for cooking (in general, including rack meat dryer and futur cooking features) ?

    IIRC it also affects camp fires / cooking / drying at the moment. Not sure if a separate slider would be more appropriate maybe?

    Another slide is the "Plant grow", are the trees included on this one, or it's only for vegetables consumption, (because trees are growing much more slower than anything else) maybe have a slide only for trees?

    Yes, currently the "plant growth" also affects trees. Mabye a separate slider for tree growth would be a nice addition, we'll think about that :)

    Also found another small bug, when you place black wool in a chest, next time you open the chest black wool is shown as white wool (but technically it stills black). If you get it outside from the chest it shows black again. Anytime you put it in chest and re-open the chest it shows as white again ^^

    Oh, that's weird 8| I'll check out what's going on there :saint:

  • I

    ran the networkstats command a few times, see results. I also timed how long it takes me to log into a server. It took 3 minutes 55 seconds.

  • ran the networkstats command a few times, see results. I also timed how long it takes me to log into a server. It took 3 minutes 55 seconds.

    This is a very high packet loss rate =O This and the high ping is probably the reason why loading chunks takes so long (i.e. why joining takes almost 4 minutes - it takes a long time to download the chunk data from the server) :/

    If you run the "networkstats" command after playing some time, do you still have such a high packet loss? Or is it just an initial spike?

    Do you use a wired connection, or wi-fi?

  • This is a very high packet loss rate =O This and the high ping is probably the reason why loading chunks takes so long (i.e. why joining takes almost 4 minutes - it takes a long time to download the chunk data from the server) :/

    If you run the "networkstats" command after playing some time, do you still have such a high packet loss? Or is it just an initial spike?

    Do you use a wired connection, or wi-fi?

    Just spitballing.

    Couldn't the client machine keep a copy of the chunk data and then use a hash value to see if the chunk on the server has changed?

    If the hashes are different the chunk is downloaded a fresh, but if the chuck is the same the client uses the cached chunk.

  • IIRC it also affects camp fires / cooking / drying at the moment. Not sure if a separate slider would be more appropriate maybe?

    Maybe it could, depending on how the food system will improve (maybe with cooking mixed meals system if you have plans like that) maybe could be a good idea to have it separatly, dunno

    Yes, currently the "plant growth" also affects trees. Mabye a separate slider for tree growth would be a nice addition, we'll think about that :)

    But for this, for sure it's a good addition, because the problem right now, as all is included, when you want to adjust your plants, then the trees made too long to grow, and if you want to adjust trees, then plants will grow too fast... :wacko: so yeah, maybe one for trees would fit much better here

    And I remember another topic, discussing about iron boulders... that where too much at the surface and/or too big (imo they are a bit too big yep ^^), but for the quantity, a slide for them could solve the problem for each personal likes :thumbup:

    Note: We need some snakes to sting our leggs :wacko: ;)

  • There are too many animals on the server, I made them smaller in properties. What is the command to restart animals on the server in the console?

    We'll add a command to remove npcs in proximity, but in the meantime you could delete the "Npcs.db" file in the world folder before starting the server, this removes all npcs ;)

    Couldn't the client machine keep a copy of the chunk data and then use a hash value to see if the chunk on the server has changed?

    If the hashes are different the chunk is downloaded a fresh, but if the chuck is the same the client uses the cached chunk.

    We'll think about that :thinking: It would probably help in situations where the network throughput is low... it could be slower though if the user has a slow hard drive.

    # Folder where the game stores backups. If blank, the game does not create any backups

    Sorry for the confusion, this setting isn't used by the server :| Currently you can manually create a backup by using the "worldbackup" ingame console command or the "backup" server command. This could also be used by the scheduler. Backups are stored in the "Worlds/.backup" folder ;)

    I think the @pm player echo is broken again :drunk:

    Echo? You mean the sound effect? :wat:

    But for this, for sure it's a good addition, because the problem right now, as all is included, when you want to adjust your plants, then the trees made too long to grow, and if you want to adjust trees, then plants will grow too fast... :wacko: so yeah, maybe one for trees would fit much better here

    I see... yeah, probably it makes sense to change that ^^ I'll put that on our to-do list!

    And I remember another topic, discussing about iron boulders... that where too much at the surface and/or too big (imo they are a bit too big yep ^^), but for the quantity, a slide for them could solve the problem for each personal likes :thumbup:

    Currently they're unfortunately not affected by the ore amount setting when creating a world, but we will change that with one of the next updates ;)

  • Quote from yahwho
    I think the @pm player echo is broken again :drunk:

    Echo? You mean the sound effect? :wat:

    Sound works, it just does not record 'echo' what you sent, so all you see in the pm conversation is what is sent to you, not what you sent (confusing to many who think it was never sent, or remembering what you sent if they are afk and their reply is delayed).

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Quote from yahwho
    I think the @pm player echo is broken again :drunk:

    Echo? You mean the sound effect? :wat:

    Sound works, it just does not record 'echo' what you sent, so all you see in the pm conversation is what is sent to you, not what you sent (confusing to many who think it was never sent, or remembering what you sent if they are afk and their reply is delayed).

    Hehe just saw Juggernaut :thumbup:

  • Red51, you sneaky sneaky b****d haha!

    MILKA! I want to tame this cow ASAP! Please let me get it in safe keeping! I hope it's still where I left it, especially with the necessary updates needed to get them into safe keeping.

    This genuinely made me do a double and triple take. I even had to compare it with the other cows nearby. You sneaky you. Let me guide it to a cow pen for safety! :!: At least with API :wacko:

  • Sound works, it just does not record 'echo' what you sent, so all you see in the pm conversation is what is sent to you, not what you sent (confusing to many who think it was never sent, or remembering what you sent if they are afk and their reply is delayed).

    Oh, I see :saint: Yeah we will definitely change that :D

    Please tell me which parameter in the graphics settings is responsible for blurring in the center of the screen?

    It's weird that the blur is visible in front of trees :wat: It's indeed the "depth-of-field" setting mentioned by Jita_La_Rotisor , but do you mind sending us a report, so we can take a closer look at the issue? To do that, open the console and type "report" (maybe add some information like "blur in front of trees" or something like that) ;)

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