
A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • I just want to remind all of you on forum and Red himself, that today is 24. August, just one week until end of the month. So august "Biomes" update comes, or is postponed for september? :)

  • Red did say "a few weeks" on steam forums so it'll be a September update then. I guess I'll probably have a double update for September. I don't mind because that means we're getting a quality update that deals with biomes, maybe animals, and plants to add into it.

    I'm interested in this whole 'Rising World' game for tablet that Red spoke of. I know it won't be soon, yet it seems awesome for that want to play on the go, or when things go sour.

    Ya....I guess September shall be biomes then.......*looks over towards Red*. You're doing awesome so keep up the good work. Can't rush quality. More patience needed.

  • Hello developers and players

    I really liked how this game looked in steam store, early access for an alpha-stage game that looked like minecraft on steroids in every way. Even for an older player (30+) like me this seemed like this will be interesting - a diverse, exciting game with fast progress - alpha stage is supposed to be a stage of fast progress and experimenting.

    But now it's 5 months after I and many others paid over 12 euros for this. Dear dev team: for a COMMERCIAL game being in alpha stage, the rate of hard, feature-adding updates has been ridiculous. Look at the list of new features added after April 2015. This rate of development is OK if JIW Games would have released this for free alpha-testing. But now you have two figures of each CUSTOMER's money in your bank account and, pardon my french, it seems like this is just some silly hobby of yours - developing with the left hand while doing something far more important most of the time. School, a real job or whatever I don't know but you really are not working on this like it's a commercial game.

    And you constantly "promise" updates and push it further, no wonder your names cannot be found on your website. You would not do that, or if you would, you would not continue letting paying customers down.

    Start developing like a commercial game should be developed, new experimental content, never mind if its' buggy for a while ... you know what I mean. Get resourceful, you are smart people who know how to code. This is not your best currently. No more pushing back updates and jibber jabber, or soon all the servers will be empty and this will be a farce. AND get your names on site so your customers know there's actual persons behind this!

    I am being polite now, but if this dilly dallying continues harsher language can be deployed =D


  • Well I didn't find a name when I looked for it, if this is the case I apologize.

    And no I was not aware of it being one person (wtf?!) but I don't care, people have paid for this and it should be professional around here.

  • -snip-

    I never heard or read that Alpha-stage means "fast progress" :/
    Not from steam and not from the developers of this game either...
    not even in any software engineering field...

    Perhaps you've misunderstood what it meant...
    "Alpha" only indicates a games condition, it doesn't indicate the speed of it's development.

    But some advice:
    Usually when buying an early access game, I check the update history of the game I'm looking at.
    Just to get an idea of the pace in development.

    That's what I and most of my steam friends do before purchasing an Early access game.. . even Steam mentions this as a thing to check before deciding to buy...
    (for reference: it's written on Steam "What is Early Access?" page at "What should I look for?" )

  • I just want to remind all of you on forum and Red himself, that today is 24. August, just one week until end of the month. So august "Biomes" update comes, or is postponed for september? :)

    Expect a preview of the biomes update this weekend, from that point on, it requires a few weeks until the update goes live ;) Definitely will be available in September.

    alpha stage is supposed to be a stage of fast progress and experimenting.

    That's true, but not every kind of progress is suitable for release. Apart from that, even though the game is in alpha, a lot of customers - especially on Steam - treat it like a finished or nearly-finished game. So it doesn't make sense to release every tiny new feature, even if it does not work and breaks your world eventually. I'm pretty sure updates shouldn't be buggier than they already are. In addition, releasing an update always consumes a few extra hours (upload it everywhere, make sure everything works, write an announcement, give support if it does not work etc), so if we publish every "experiment", development of the real important features would be much slower =O
    In my opinion, buying an early access game is not only to jump into alpha testing, you should also get something "in return". Unless you want to actively support development, you should only buy the game if you think its current state is worth the money. If it's too boring for you atm, wait one year until the game is in beta, if you already purchased it, you got it for a cheaper price at least. If you're too disappointed with the current state and don't think the game will be satisfying in the future, just issue a refund.

    for a COMMERCIAL game being in alpha stage, the rate of hard, feature-adding updates has been ridiculous

    That's your personal opinion (and of course you have a right for such an opinion), but please keep in mind that game development is a time consuming task, especially since this game has a pretty complex world. This is not a simple shooter, where adding a few more guns is done in no time. Since april, a lot of important things have been added to the game. You also have to take into account bugfixes and technical updates that happen in the background. In short, a complex technical background and multiplayer slow down the progress.

    But now you have two figures of each CUSTOMER's money in your bank account

    And a lot of this money has been put into new assets. For example, we hired an artist to rework and create new models for us. But even this requires several months until they're ready (and it's a professional artist, not some kid doing it after school), you see, game development and everything related to it isn't done in a few weeks or months :/

    it seems like this is just some silly hobby of yours

    Definitely not true: I'm working in fulltime on this game (and I havn't had any holiday the last two years :P ). But that does not mean "programming 8 hours a day". Conceptional design probably takes the biggest part in development, sometimes you have to discard some code when you find out it doesn't work as intended.
    But also things like giving support etc can be VERY time consuming, even writing this post right now is costly in terms of time ^^

    And you constantly "promise" updates and push it further, no wonder your names cannot be found on your website

    What do you mean exactly? You find a legally valid contact in the imprint. About the promise of features, I doubt we told any lies in the past? I must admit, when it comes to any timeframes, we often need longer than expected (and I'm sorry for that), but if we have to delay a regular update, it's only delayed by 1 or 2 weeks usually.
    This is the first time we're working on a huge update, but we said at the beginning that it will take longer than other updates.

    Start developing like a commercial game should be developed, new experimental content, never mind if its' buggy for a while

    Probably "developing like a commercial game should be developed" is subjective, what's your reference? Game development usually takes several years, even for AAA studios where whole teams work on it.
    Especially in this case it's - as mentioned - a complex type of game, such games take some time to develop. If I compare the progress to any other comparable alpha game (that means, a game with a fully modifiable terrain, that's the crux), it's not that bad as all. Other commercial games out there have a much lower update-frequency, some of them haven't been updated in months :S
    Plus, we do most stuff on our own (apart from the engine, which is mainly used for rendering and scenemanagement), without using some out-of-the-box ready-to-use Unity-clicking-together features ;)

  • Well, I don't really have any references. I am just disappointed how little new features have been added, but then it can be I don't exactly know enough about things. Well not "can be", I don't. I am not a game developer.

    I am sure what I said has been on minds of several people, and with your good answer to my harsh criticism you probably laid some unrest to rest. I know there is disappointment in the progress, but I also know people do not know enough about game developement.

    Best regards


  • I am just disappointed how little new features have been added, but then it can be I don't exactly know enough about things.

    I'm really sorry about that, but we can't speed up the development progress :/ On the one hand I'm happy that you like the game and eagerly want to see new features. But on the other hand I'm afraid - and I really don't want to offend you - your expectations about development speed/progress are too high?

    I am sure what I said has been on minds of several people

    Well, I'm pretty sure you're not the only one who is "disappointed" with development speed. One month after Steam release, we already earned some criticism like "now 4 weeks are gone, and there are still no biomes, no water and no monsters" 8| I mean, I can partly understand it, as a gamer myself I also can't wait for new updates for the games I play, especially when it's an early access or work-in-progress game or mod. But especially since I know how time consuming these things are, I wait patiently (not always easy) ^^

  • I do apologies once again for jumping in but thought what I'm adding may help some.

    I've noticed that people are never happy, purposely provoke, or just are innocently ignorant how game development works. I've shadowed Petroglyph Games, those making small flash games to get into gaming studios/industry, and I tried making games & mods for these games of my own. Currently trying to make one using RPG Maker VX Ace and anything simple there takes hours + days. I mean, making it all flow, making things work properly, and etc. Even with few basic mods I fiddled with in games that allowed me to understand their coding. Us gamers have to understand that coding something simple + making them function as intended may indeed take days, but the proper polished one should take 3 or even weeks. We alone can play it as intended, but what about those that want to purposely or accidentally break the coding? You have to make sure features are 'idiot proof'.

    I've encountered a troubling & countless amounts of gamers (kids & parents at that) who kept whining hoping to get everything on a gold or silver platter. They wanted to be treated like royalty, this time not something that should be defended. Check out 'Blockscape' & 'Lego Worlds' for all the backlash on steam forum. I even stalked Mojang with Minecraft seeing how everything makes a difference. No matter how big or small the update it's all important. The small updates Minecraft released was worthwhile, and same for this game.

    I once again apologize if this is misread or out-of-context or anything. Just that I found myself frustrated when coding doesn't work right while trying to hold respect for Red & his two buddies making this game. We're all eager & I'm still also feeling regret for accidentally lashing out myself along with Avenger up there in other topics.


    [Edit: In short: I'm basically saying that coding is a pain in the rear end with bugs & errors happening. You have to close loop-holes & etc. This tends to push things further away + Red having to deal with us pestering him to release updates when they don't want to function as intended. If we gain it earlier we then complain how everything is broken. Let's be patient & wait for this weekend + when the biomes are released? (Also pressed for time so I made horrible typos. Sorry.)]

  • u guys seem like a bunch of little kids, ur disappointed cuz u don't get what u want right now. I took a year of computer animation in college. We made a simple 6 second animation, it looked like it was from 2002 and it took a full month to make. Simply building a model takes a ton of time, 1 little mistake or one vertex in the wrong place and ur screwed. Building the background took forever too. I realize that I was just starting but still its very time consuming. I don't know much about programming but its probably a bit like physics, u find the perfect equation everything is great then when u think it ready there can be one little miscalculation and ur back to the drawing board. In terms of game design to give u an idea of what can go wrong in my small animation I screwed up the rigging and one of my verts was in the wrong spot. When I played my animation the rig broke and my guys body tore apart. I had to start all over again. In life we are all subject to murphy's law any thing that can go wrong will, just look as Disney land. On day one nothing worked and it was a disaster. If red rushed out an update that introduced everything they planned but it was so buggy and crashed all the time would you be happy or would u rather wait for everything to be perfect? Now I realize that some of you just like to complain and I can understand that I was like that when I was younger, nothing pleased me back then you could give me something for free and I would always find something wrong with it. But others of you may be able to comprehend just how difficult something like this can be, just be happy that this game isn't a pile of garbage and buggier than hell. All great things come in due time, grand theft auto five took 5 years to make so what makes this game any speedier?

  • also Avenger x you really need to gain some patience u seem more impatient than the rest. u are so far out in left field u arnt even in the stadium. When u talk about them not producing stuff fast enough u don't seem to get just how hard these things are to make. It took Albert Einstein years to perfect the theory of relativity, programing can be just as difficult. Of course u using euros makes u British and most of the people from the uk that I've met online love to complain so I realize it isn't ur fault but most other people in the world over the age of 12 have developed patience. I'm an American so I have to use patience all the time, in fact every time I go for pizza I have to wait a long time and deal with that one kid who always screams and cries but its all a part of life and as soon as u realize it u will feel much better and not be so uptight waiting for updates and such.

  • lol bashing people from the UK to make a point seems dumb.. Red is working hard no doubt about it communicating with people and in my opinion he is being a prime example of what early access is about. I sometimes bug Red on steam with pm to hear how things are going with the game and giving input and he always takes the time time to answer. it bothers me when i see someone making a post about how game development should be when it is obvious that the guy complaining is completly clueless.

  • I myself have written several games over the last 30 years. For those that are complaining about how long this takes.

    1. Are you aware of how complicated, generating a random procedural voxel terrain is ? If not google it. It is extremely complicated.

    2. After you generate the terrain you have to texture it and then smooth out the voxels so they aren't all square , this requires meshes and textures to get the realistic look.

    3. Just as little as 5 years ago, a computer was probably too slow to render a world like rising world is.

    Give red some time. Eventually it will get done. If you look it up you will see just how many thousands of people have bought rising world.

  • ^^^^^ :thumbsup: ^^^^^
    I'm lovin' this community!

    :thumbup: we got yo back Red! You keep working your magic and we school them haterzzz lol

    disclaimer: I'm just laughing. ArcticuKitsu did apologize & Avenger X was just venting out some frustrations out of "not knowing" ( 'ignorance' seems like a negative word... ) how things work around game development so lets not be too harsh on them.
    After all we can't expect everybody to know everything right from the start..

  • Seems that everybody missed *obviously* one more point. Not all programmers are the same skill. What one makes easy in few steps, other must take long time to do... so from what am I seeing here, it will be a long ride with Rising world... but I am ok with it... for example, more frustrated for me is that oculus runtime 0.7.0 broke my Elite Dangerous game.... and they will not update it untill 1.0.0 runtime (december 2015)....and that hurts...

  • I'm apologizing because I keep posting everywhere with me fearing I may have posted something stupid. I'm trying to have Red's back while fearing that I may sound like a hypocrite when harassing Red to add in NPC comrades because the world becomes lonely in both single & multiplayer worlds. Something along the Skyrim or Rimworld level of AI for those you can 'recruit' to join you. I had little time to proof-read my post so I hate what I posted mainly here & elsewhere. I failed to mention that in my post with it also being a giant missed opportunity to be twice or three-times as awesome with this game's potential. Apologizing mainly for that & my constant obnoxious posting.

    But ya, harassing Red to push out updates quickly just hurts us more than Red because we gain a buggy state of a game. Red has to make the game "Idiot proof" for us to use it. As what was said above, making these sorts of games is a pain in the rear. Something simple, even building a single complex structure, takes absolutely ages. It takes you three days (if highly skilled) building a complex & grand building, then the rest to polish it out. Use that same example for how coding works.....

    Wow....But ya, we have Red's back. Take as much time as needed. If I don't jinx myself I'll be able to enjoy both the biomes (or the introduction of water) when I'm able to jump in. Take your time. :thumbsup:

  • Well I didn't find a name when I looked for it, if this is the case I apologize.

    And no I was not aware of it being one person (wtf?!) but I don't care, people have paid for this and it should be professional around here.

    your a complete nob yes you paid some money but the game states its in alpha oO all alpha games are in progress or may even be scraped that's a risk you take when buying alpha in fact you are not really buying a game you are donating money to the developers and in return they give you a copy at each stage of progress
    the money is to help pay for this progress but trust me that money goes fast, so no not everyone thinks like you, some of us know what the true meaning of alpha is. also some of us are more than happy with the progress of the game, if you ask me asking for your donation back is kind of saying what type of person you are i mean would you ask for a donation back that funded the research of cancer ?

    Also look closer at the main page of the site Danny Imlau is on there ? this makes me think your just trolling

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


    Edited once, last by yahgiggle ().

  • I am with the rest I think RED is doing a great job and I would rather have a game that is solid than updates pushed out that breaks things BAD AKA" NEW RUST" bad rust bad...

    If I was closer I would buy you a Beer Red but until then I'll build a Pub and join me :D


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