Changelog 2015-09-28: Major improvements!

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Minor fix needed: You can make unlimited lumber in inventory / craft table if you click one at a time (not MAX) because it never removes/deletes/uses any logs

  • Quote

    I taught programming to 5th - 8th Grades for many years. I have used Everything from Logo, VB. And Visual C# to other stuff. And 1 thing I always taught them was to get 1 thing at a time working before moving on. Of Course you can not always do that. Anyhow when all is said and done the final decision always rests with the programmer. Everyone has their own way of doing things. Of course the more code that you touch for an update , the more stuff that can break. I am sure that Red is doing the best that he can. Java is tough because it can be unpredictable. I have never used it but some game creation software I have used ends up compiling it back to Java anyway. All of it winds up complied no matter what language you use now a days. There are plus and minus features to every language. That being said, you can write a game in most any language now a days.

    i know some people who teach music but cant sing for the life of them, just pointing that out lol yeah you made a game 100 years ago but that was then and things change try and make one now days thats half as good as rising world with out using unity or any other point and click game maker and then ill start to listen

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • i know some people who teach music but cant sing for the life of them, just pointing that out lol yeah you made a game 100 years ago but that was then and things change try and make one now days thats half as good as rising world with out using unity or any other point and click game maker and then ill start to listen

    A lot of good rock and roll was written by people that cant sing :)
    By the way , Rising world uses the jmonkey engine. Golook it up. Unity , Gamemaker, Unity , Unreal all use point and click technology but coding ties them all together .
    There is nothing wrong with point and click.

  • Hi folks,

    A big update is available! This update greatly improves the visuals, especially since all trees and plants have been reworked, and most textures have been replaced. In addition, we did some major improvements to all existing sounds, and also added ingame music! Those changes create an even denser atmosphere, and increase the immersion factor.
    Also note: The new changes are still work-in-progress. Expect another update within the next days. Feel free to leave some feedback and let us know what you think ;)


    • [New] Itemstacks can now be splitted in your inventory by using your mousewheel while dragging
    • [New] Object placement keybindings can now be changed in the settings
    • [New] Added options to adjust volume of different audiogroups (e.g. ambience, animals, footsteps etc) individually
    • [New] Added different light colors (green, blue, yellow, orange, white) for red lamp model (lamp1)
    • [New] Added warning when your inventory is full while digging
    • [New] New Lua functions: "player:setCreativeModeEnabled(set)" to enable creative mode, "player:slap(damage)" to hurt a player and "player:playSound(soundname, position)" to play a sound for a player
    • [Change] Game takes less time to start now
    • [Change] When changing the resolution, you have to confirm a dialog within 15 seconds
    • [Change] Game now automatically selects another fullscreenmode if current mode is not supported
    • [Change] If an error occurs, the game provides more useful information now
    • [Change] Improved settings menu, added reminder to save changes and appropriate option to revert changes
    • [Change] Adjusted loadingscreen for certain resolutions/aspect ratios
    • [Change] Replaced logo on gamestart
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issue when too many objects were placed in the same chunk
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong fog calculation in LOD chunks
    • [Bugfix] Piano sound is no longer audible over large distances (multiplayer)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issue that prevented a multiplayer server from loading Lua scripts in some cases
    • [Bugfix] Game no longer crashes when no audio device is connected
    • [Bugfix] Fixed error when removing a WorldElement (e.g. 3DText) via Lua

    I asked once for the possibility of using SLAP and playing sounds at some players in those scripts.. and you had them already implemented in the latest update?
    Incredible ;)
    Thank you!!

    One or two things I would like to be fixed someday..
    While playing those piano.. pressing the "ö" key opens the console(is this intentional??) the ^/° key should be enough..
    Blue lamps(those former red one) spreads still RED light. In spite of the colour of the bulb..(blue or yellow.. still makes a red shine)

  • Minor fix needed: You can make unlimited lumber in inventory / craft table if you click one at a time (not MAX) because it never removes/deletes/uses any logs

    It's a bug of the current version, will be fixed with the next update ^^

    The Blueprints work fine now thanks red

    Glad to hear that :)

    By the way , Rising world uses the jmonkey engine. Golook it up. Unity , Gamemaker, Unity , Unreal all use point and click technology but coding ties them all together .
    There is nothing wrong with point and click.

    I'm not a friend of "point and click" in terms of game development, that's why we use JMonkeyEngine mainly for rendering (reinventing the wheel just consumes a lot of time), most other stuff we implement on our own^^ I mean, even with those other engines, you probably have to do most stuff on your own, since all tools they bring "out-of-the-box" usually don't suit for a procedural dynamic world (with the exception of unity perhaps, where you could just buy everything in its asset store -.-)

    While playing those piano.. pressing the "ö" key opens the console(is this intentional??) the ^/° key should be enough..

    It seems to be an issue especially on german keyboard layouts... We will fix this issue ;)

    Blue lamps(those former red one) spreads still RED light. In spite of the colour of the bulb..(blue or yellow.. still makes a red shine)

    Yeah, that's unfortunately a bug, will be fixed with the next update^^

  • (so milk will play an important role) ;)

    When there's milk in the kitchen then I assume there's eggs in the fridge too right? right? haha but there's no eggs without a chicken first right? right? or will it be the egg first ? LOL I'm just playing around.

    This is most likely future talk however, Red if you happen to have a blog logging what you're currently working on and what challenge you're currently facing in the development of the game it would clear up a lot of assumptions from people that don't understand how much effort it takes to add in something as huge as fluids (water, milk, wine, ... ) into the game.

    It could be something as simple as Googles BLOGGER website
    blogs could be as simple as 2 lines per blog:


    Bug fixing furnace, might add coal insertion feature. I'm facing a big challenge to add animation in the door to the coal bay

    or something like that :p
    anyway back on topic: Has anyone found strawberries yet ? (without spawning them yourself ) ?

  • Going with the theme of visual enhancements, you might want to implement some sort of functionality to control or disable the gray 'fog-effect' filter used in this game:

    I realize that this is an important function used to conceal the unloaded edges of the world, but with a linear propagation characteristic, it washes out a lot of the colors in the game.

    If there is some way to implement an exponential 'fog' density curve instead, I think it might be an option to consider. Alternatively, a linear density gradient similar to the one already existing, but with a starting point far away from the camera.

    Nice work with the textures, otherwise.

    Sorry if this post isn't clear, or this feature has already been addressed... I've been short on sleep all week.

  • I assume there's eggs in the fridge too right? right? haha but there's no eggs without a chicken first right? right? or will it be the egg first ? LOL I'm just playing around.

    Yes sure! But well, answering the question which comes first, the chicken or the egg, may take 90% of the development time :D

    This is most likely future talk however, Red if you happen to have a blog logging what you're currently working on and what challenge you're currently facing in the development of the game

    Oh hmm, that's basically a great idea, but I'm afraid I'm not that blogger guy^^ I'm struggling with keeping our twitter and facebook pages up-to-date, and in the end, nothing but the final update notes get posted there ^^

    you might want to implement some sort of functionality to control or disable the gray 'fog-effect' filter used in this game

    Yes, we can implement that option. It's btw not a filter, the fog effect is implemented in the particular shaders, but I'm already thinking about a replacement for the fog (something that takes the actual color of the sky/horizon into account).

    If there is some way to implement an exponential 'fog' density curve instead

    It's already an exponential function, but probably stretched over a too large distance. I'll do some changes for the next update ;)

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