Changelog 2017-04-20: Ingame map, dungeon, new content

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Maybe we will also change the way how cloths will be created^^

    I look forward to seeing what you'll do to create clothing in the future, and I hope dyes (and paint) come into play around that time as well. Not only for clothing, but for leather as well. Either way, I see I'll have to build a new textiles building on my beach soon. I'll make sure to reserve some space for tannin and dye barrels.

  • I've notied that sometimes the pickaxe sound on stone or dirt sometimes doesn't play but the sound of the chunk breaking apart does play.

    True =O We will check out what's going on there.

    Wow.... The changes to the world generation using the 'ArcticuValley' seed sure changed a hell of a lot

    Actually this wasn't intended... that's why I'm always afraid of world conversions :/

    If I could suggest something is to make the pyramid sit properly with the terrain that it should probably go lower with those edges

    The pyramids seem to be buggy... they're supposed to align to the terrain properly, I think they need more attention ;)

    Was a bit disappointed that it's only gold & silver. Could use more bones & bandages.

    Yeah that's true, the dungeon loot is still boring and sometimes quite useless. I think we will get some new items for the dungeons with the playermodels update ;) And in the medium run, we also want to put some unique items in the dungeon chests^^

    Another bug... the spinning wheel does not animate when making thread. I do get a progress meter that goes to 100 and a thread reel.

    Yes it seems the spinning wheel stops working in some situations. Still have to find out what's going on there...

  • Actually this wasn't intended... that's why I'm always afraid of world conversions

    Hope my wording didn't throw you off. I have both a server world while also making the same seed as a singleplayer test world to see what changed, and to use it to 'predict' where the other biome related stuff is at. Seeing as how I don't have Admist for Rising World I have to do the next best thing of spawning a singleplayer world that I saw how much one world changed. I'm amazed with how much one simple coding changed everything.

    What you should be afraid of is me losing one (or maybe even a few) of my surface dungeons. As glitchy as they were, they were a nice landmark structures that your coding somehow fixed on its own. RIP, surface dungeons 8|

    The pyramids seem to be buggy... they're supposed to align to the terrain properly, I think they need more attention

    Yup, so I noticed. They're a nice addition, and I'll see about colonizing it on my survival world now after seeing them on my test world. It's still something I would love to claim. Hoping to see how you'll tweak/polish the pyramids, and such.

    Yeah that's true, the dungeon loot is still boring and sometimes quite useless. I think we will get some new items for the dungeons with the playermodels update And in the medium run, we also want to put some unique items in the dungeon chests^^

    Nice! Well, it's an update I shall happily anticipate so we can have fun with it. More loot, clothing, customization, and even the unique trophy styled loot that people shall tend to treat them as. This shall be awesome. Should be obvious that I shall be looking forward to, and being curious, as to what your unique dungeon loot shall be.

    ANy more updates now, or are we going straight to the player models & animation update now? Shall be sweet. :thumbup:

  • Ok, just a small criticism on the maze dungeons. I just raided a large one and I ended up with 8 full stacks of gold, 4 stacks of silver, and 10 stone chests.The stone chests are fine but the treasure probably needs to be toned down considerably. That's the kind of treasure I'd expect from some massive hell fortress and would be my reward for fighting off strong demons and dragons or something similar.

    And +1 to the idea of bones and cloths being in the chests. perhaps a few different rooms should be added to the maze such as one with a sacophagus which could have the bones and cloths in it (or rags now that we have them). It would be like doing some grave robbing. perhaps this would trigger an angry ghost for disturbing the grave. This is contrast to the idea I posted months back about a friendly spirit asking you to help find peace by collecting his bones and giving him a proper burial. Thinking longer-term, if we get a karma system, this would be a negative point on your spiritual karma for disturbing the dead.

    Ghost town / Burnt forest biome

  • Yeah, that gold & silver needs to be scaled WAY down, more so when you have all those pyramids in the area. You can cheat so easily with that. Stone chests....I counted roughly 10-15, and that's fine for how neat they are. I also agree that these mazes should have more rooms, maybe with some symbolic images on them, or something. Basically things to spice things up.

    Happy to hear ghosts being rementioned because it brings back an old thought about having ghosts in graveyards to spook you, or ghosts coming from corpses to haunt you. Having an angry ghost in mazes would be neat that you would simply keep it at bay with torches.

    Also, bears needs to be tweaked to be less hostile.....Always attacks on sight when they should be more....'curious'. They should stalk you a bit, then attack you if they find something delicious on you.

  • Honestly, I find the attack rate much better now. But stalking sounds like a good idea for sure. Anything that makes me die more often in this game is a good thing. I started a new world and spawned in a forest where I was shortly after ambushed by wild boars, one after another. After fighting them off with a pickaxe, I crawled out of the forest, leaving a trail of blood, looking for anything to boost my health. I died before I could eat a tomato. There's a bit of a crafting gap now for aquiring bandages (first bandages were introduced, then the crafting process to make them increased). You need to craft a workbench, then a spinning wheel and a loom. If you saw the latest video by Radioman03 then you'll see what I mean. It was actually quite hilarious (sorry Radio) watching him chop wood and craft stations in a panic after being mauled by boars to make a bandage as he's bleeding to death! ;-p

    We really need those primitive tools and bandages that do not require crafting stations. Like in 7D2D we should be able to makeshift bandages from grass (and cotton) to help stop bleeding. Then I'd be all for significantly increasing the bleed rate and the amount of damage that tigers do for example. i just downed 8 tigers in a desert effortlessly in a desert with a battle axe and only took about 10% of damage. Yes, meat should increase aggro radius of predators. Also, perhaps something to mask our scent would be a good way to reduce aggro radius :)

  • Started new game, there are no lakes again (improved biome arrangement), just ocean and water ponds. No matter in which direction I fly, no lakes... I`ll try more seeds later, but shouldn`t we be able to find lake after flying in one direction after a few minutes... would like to find and settle by a lake when there are no rivers... ocean biome is just too empty and the water is salty ;)

  • Hope my wording didn't throw you off

    No need to worry :D

    I'm amazed with how much one simple coding changed everything

    Yeah terrain generation is very sensitive. Like the seed: changing one letter or number leads to a completely different world.

    ANy more updates now, or are we going straight to the player models & animation update now?

    There will be a hotfix tomorrow, eventually another hotfix (if it's necessary) in the next days, but the next real update will be player models ;)

    I just raided a large one and I ended up with 8 full stacks of gold, 4 stacks of silver, and 10 stone chests

    That's quite a lot, we will reduce the loot in those chests ^^

    We really need those primitive tools and bandages that do not require crafting stations

    Originally we had a grass bandage in mind, it was even implemented, but then we removed it right before the "bandage update" was released (wasn't sure about it, I guess in reallife a bandage made out of grass would be useless^^). Maybe a combination of grass and cotton makes more sense

    Started new game, there are no lakes again

    Yeah unfortunately there is a bug in the current release which prevents the game from generating lakes. There will be a hotfix tomorrow which is going to fix this issue ;)

    Also, can we please enable (or re-enable) that feature where your compass can point you back to your bed and tent separately?

    Hmm... there was never such a feature before 8| I will put it on our list, maybe it will be implemented in the future ;)

  • Hey there,

    Is there a way to delete a mark that you have placed on the map? My first thought was to go into the map file and delete the one I made on accident only problem is inside the file they are named something other than the label I have given each mark in game. The files appear to be following a naming pattern of:
    mp _-1_-1

    Am I even looking in the right direction as far as how to get rid of a marker?

    Thanks in advance!

  • no these files are where the actual map is stored from my understanding, the marks would be in the .db file in the map directory.

    Eitherway you can delete marks by hovering the mouse over them and pressing the DEL key on your keyboard, so no need to mess with the files ;)

  • I have two questions:

    - The most requested feature by my daughters: character gender and clothing! Any ETA?
    - My most looked after feature: water / fluids that actually flow :) I'm sure it can be done much better than Minecraft. How are you planning to implement it? how would it behave? would rain affect -say- ponds levels? I would love to build dams that can actually fill with rain and get lower levels on dry times :) Asking too much?

    Thanks @red51, my three daughters an me love this game and play together a lot.


  • - The most requested feature by my daughters: character gender and clothing! Any ETA?

    That will be the next big update ;) There will be a small hotfix in a few hours, and eventually another hotfix (if it's necessary) in the next days. The next update will be the playermodels then (featuring a male and female model) which will be customizable (i.e. you can change clothes etc) :)

    water / fluids that actually flow I'm sure it can be done much better than Minecraft. How are you planning to implement it? how would it behave? would rain affect -say- ponds levels? I would love to build dams that can actually fill with rain and get lower levels on dry times

    Unfortunately I have no ETA for that yet. And I can't say much about how it will behave exactly... it's our intention to have a realistic behaviour, but we also have to make sure to not kill the performance (especially on multiplayer servers). I'm afraid rain will not affect water at all, flooding the whole terrain will be definitely problematic in terms of performance ^^

  • @Darwin_Blackwolf: That will be fixed in the future :)

    A new hotfix is now available ( Server admins also have to update their servers.

    Changelog 2017-04-24:

    • [Change] Command "setr" now also affects objects (furniture, doors etc)
    • [Change] Command "setr 0" sets rotation precision to 0.1°
    • [Change] Reduced flickering of construction elements when logarithmic depth buffer is disabled
    • [Change] Reduced placement time for objects in creative mode
    • [Change] Adjusted positions of pyramids
    • [Bugfix] Fixed lake generation
    • [Bugfix] Fixed heavy performance issues after long travels
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong position of drawers on desks, kitchenette etc.
    • [Bugfix] Fixed an issue with creating new worlds on a server
    • [Bugfix] Servers work properly now when disabling dungeons or water sources
  • Quote

    [Change] Adjusted positions of pyramids

    I wonder if this broke the pyramid on my side. Now reading the log I guess it has on the bottom stone chest portion hmm (view the 0.8.2 help thread).


    [Bugfix] Fixed lake generation

    Nice to know. Nice. Wouldn't mind seeing more of those as I noticed it was quite dry.


    [Bugfix] Fixed heavy performance issues after long travels

    I had this hurt my session when I spent time building up and around the pyramid I claimed. It gradually got worse, with the worst part being when I had to travel back 18 min back to my other spawn settlement. Was like a fast moving slideshow when I was trying to show Zork naturally claimed pyramids.

    Curious about what happened with the pyramid I have going on with what's happening at the chest room. It's just a void.


    Edit; It is because of the pyramid fixing that the pyramids all moved around, even glitched out if you claimed them. My treasure is now being held hostage in the void if I'm in survival that I have to either A) rescue my loot, or B) wait for Red51 to rescue it. I had to bomb out another pyramid I claimed because another one went into its place.

  • Unfortunately I have no ETA for that yet. And I can't say much about how it will behave exactly... it's our intention to have a realistic behaviour, but we also have to make sure to not kill the performance (especially on multiplayer servers). I'm afraid rain will not affect water at all, flooding the whole terrain will be definitely problematic in terms of performance ^^

    Yes, I get the performance thing, however different types of terrain may absorb water quicker than others for instance. Sand almost instantly, rock not so much. Also maybe it could be a feature that can be turned on and off for a world, noting the huge performance hit?

    Not expecting this kind of advanced features in alpha or beta, I am talking a few years from now. Version 2 anyone? <3

  • I wonder if this broke the pyramid on my side. Now reading the log I guess it has on the bottom stone chest portion hmm (view the 0.8.2 help thread).

    Well, the pyramid spawn was problematic. In some cases the pyramid was placed at a proper elevation, but obviously in some situations the position of the pyramid was completely wrong (far too high, like in your case) :|

    It gradually got worse, with the worst part being when I had to travel back 18 min back to my other spawn settlement

    Yeah, noticed it when I was looking for broken pyramids in my world :D Returning to the main menu and reloading the world usually did the trick. However, it should be solved now, at least I was able to fly around for more than 30 minutes without any performance issues ^^

    Curious about what happened with the pyramid I have going on with what's happening at the chest room. It's just a void.

    It looks like the world conversion does not work properly for dungeons. I wasn't expecting this... I'm still looking for a suitable solution, in the future it's anyway necessary to fix the dungeon world converter (it's unacceptable that worlds break everytime now if a new dungeon gets added), but I'm not sure if there is a chance to rescue existing worlds :/

    Edit; It is because of the pyramid fixing that the pyramids all moved around, even glitched out if you claimed them

    Yeah, a faulty world converter in combination with edited chunks is really problematic :( Once a chunk gets edited (block removed, placed etc), it gets stored to the database, so this state definitely stays. That's why your pyramids are now broken, I'm sorry for all this hassle ||
    The easiest way to get rid of the blocks is to use the creative mode now (F6 -> 2 [block placement] -> select all blocks -> hit the DEL key to remove them all at once)...

    Yes, I get the performance thing, however different types of terrain may absorb water quicker than others for instance. Sand almost instantly, rock not so much. Also maybe it could be a feature that can be turned on and off for a world, noting the huge performance hit?

    I really can't say much about that yet ^^ Calculating these things is quite expensive (in terms of performance), especially if a server has to calculate this at several position simultaneously. On the other hand, it would be a pity if such a feature was only available in singleplayer for example (especially since it would take some time to implement it). Well, we'll see how things finally turn out ;)

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