Changelog 2017-04-20: Ingame map, dungeon, new content

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • What are the rotation modes? how you change them?

    What @WalterDasTrevas describes are not rotation modes, but rotation precisions. Rotation modes are:

    *) rotation world: rotations occur around the world X Y Z axes
    *) rotation local: rotations occur around the X Y Z axes of the object being rotated
    *) rotation legacy: rotations follow the original rotation mode, which was a mix of the two above.

    They are entered by typing these commands in the console (not the chat!).


    Is there any doco on it?
    I find hard to find a place where all the documentation is: there are forum posts on server.permissions, for instance, but it is all over the place.
    Perhaps a top level pinned post with links to the several post where all the commands, settings, etc are would be a good start :)

    The programme is still under heavy development; any documentation is likely to become obsolete or irrelevant rather quickly. For the moment being, we have to do with pieces and bits as we can gather...

  • The world error is now fixed, as with the tears being both raked & dynamited away. The world is now 'clean' again. Many thanks! :thumbsup:

    Also, looking into this white wood texture addition wondering where it is. Would be neat if you could point it out in detail as to where this one is located because I'm somewhat struggling to find it.

    I think it's ID 84 in the blockbench in the woodblock part. Maybe it's also being subtle with the planks & beams stuff, yet everything was always whitish there. Maybe just ID 84, or something.

  • Nice. Figuring out how to use the permission system is working out. I can soon open up my server ot others to allow others to come in as 'ghosts'. I love how the custom logo handles on the loading screen while desiring for logos on the server list so we can add such to the server bubble. The journal entry confuses me because I do not know where to put the .xml stuff, nor how to mess about with such. If there's a tutorial for such then I may make my own journal.

    Also, I see that all the past pyramids turned into abandon shacks in the desert. :sleeping:

    Also, Daboiye, I'll have to build you a Pyramid then you'll have to tunnel down to make a makeshift maze or whatever you need. Let's just do it that way. If the shack has loot it's all yours. All of them in the desert that I Haven't picked. I only picked one.

    Also, can't seem to get the colours in chat & such to work. Not sure where you're pulling from yet wanting blue & red as a colour.

  • I think now the default is "rotation world"". But red51 needs to confirm, about this I know as much as you do.

    Actually this was true until the latest hotfix ^^ I switched the default mode to "legacy" (since some people were struggling using the world/local rotations), but this only affects new players, so if you played the game prior the hotfix, the default rotation will be "world" indeed (but changes to the rotation mode will be saved, so you don't have to toggle it manually every time you start the game ;)

    The world error is now fixed, as with the tears being both raked & dynamited away. The world is now 'clean' again. Many thanks!

    I'm glad to hear that! :)

    Also, looking into this white wood texture addition wondering where it is. Would be neat if you could point it out in detail as to where this one is located because I'm somewhat struggling to find it.

    It's indeed id 84, sorry for not mentioning it in the changelog. Although it's unfortunately not available for construction elements, this will be fixed with the next hotfix ^^

    Also, I see that all the past pyramids turned into abandon shacks in the desert.

    In this case the pyramids weren't supposed to be at that location previously (a lot went wrong with the original world conversion, that's why it was such a drama). Unfortunately there is no chance to fix the missing pyramids, I'm afraid that any further attempts to fix this may break some other worlds^^

    After yesterday's update the posters are flickering again.

    I'm still tweaking the depth sorting (in order to reduce the flickering). Had to tune it down since the previous change caused some rendering issues in certain situations.

    Shush! Don't tell Red51 that. You'll get the player models delayed from all these hotfixes ;-p

    Hehe, these hotfixes are indeed time consuming :D Since there is still an issue with the server (and some minor clientside issues) there will be another hotfix today (in ~ 12 hours), hopefully that's the last one (but I'm confident). But there will be definitely no more world conversions^^

  • Shush! Don't tell Red51 that. You'll get the player models delayed from all these hotfixes ;-p

    Heh!~ I live to prank & troll heh :whistling:

    Well, as Red51 said I now have to live with the shacks in the desert so that's fine. I'll just have to build mock pyramids where they used to be (or around) if I ever want to get them back. That's fine. I'm fine that let's just get to the player models and animations. I didn't want it hotfixed because it was driving Red51 crazy. Anyways, and that's not me being 'tsundere' (putting on a false front). I'll just improvise.

    Now, let's see that preview for the player models so we can hype them up, the clothing, the armour, as well as me finally being able to customize NPCs to bring into my world. :thumbup:

    Lastly, I was poking fun that all this fixing was making Red51 go nuts that I was expecting him to let out a curse word. Fox beat Red51 to the punchline, altering it in ways. That's actually quite hilarious haha!



    In this case the pyramids weren't supposed to be at that location previously (a lot went wrong with the original world conversion, that's why it was such a drama). Unfortunately there is no chance to fix the missing pyramids, I'm afraid that any further attempts to fix this may break some other worlds^^

    Well, that's a shame. As mentioned above i'll just make mock pyramids then Daboiye can do whatever he wants with them.

    I've had such a good run that Harv had to boot me off of my own server just so I would get some sleep. When I get going I really do get going (in building), or so he mentioned. :thumbsup:

    Been talking about how I'm anticipating getting horses, trains, player models, computers, TVs, and etc. It just a great awesome game I can't stop playing when you place in the right fresh features. <3

  • Hehe, these hotfixes are indeed time consuming Since there is still an issue with the server (and some minor clientside issues) there will be another hotfix today (in ~ 12 hours), hopefully that's the last one (but I'm confident). But there will be definitely no more world conversions^^

    I wish other developers were as dedicated to releasing hotfixes as soon as possible as you have been. So thank you very much. And if it delays other parts of the game, so be it. The fact that we are all here helping to care for your baby, having our opinions heard, and our ideas occasionally implemented is rewarding enough. That said, *cracks whip* get back to work! Heheheh

  • Well, that's a shame. As mentioned above i'll just make mock pyramids then Daboiye can do whatever he wants with them.

    I had 2 pyramids succumb to Red's almighty hotfixes... :thumbup:

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • @ArcticuKitsu and @DaBoiye: It's indeed a pity with the pyramids, but at least unexplored parts of the world shouldn't be affected :)

    @zfoxfire: True :D Monday was a holiday in Germany, this always mixes things up^^


    Another hotfix is now available (! It introduces some minor changes and also fixes a few bugs. Server admins have to update their multiplayer servers accordingly.


    • [New] Added "constructioncollision" ("cc") command to toggle collisions for construction placement (experimental)
    • [New] Added some API functions (see API changelog)
    • [Change] White wood texture is now also available for planks and beams (sawbench)
    • [Change] Reduced flickering of posters
    • [Bugfix] Fixed a server crash in certain situations
    • [Bugfix] Fixed rendering issue of blocks in some cases
    • [Bugfix] Hopefully fixed map issue (rendering black patches), need feedback
    • [Bugfix] Fixed NPC desync in certain situations
    • [Bugfix] Torches should be visible through glass now
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issue with banning players (ban executed twice)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed some API related events (see API changelog)
  • [New] Added "constructioncollision" ("cc") command to toggle collisions for construction placement (experimental)

    Nice! every time I see a hotfix I get that little-kid-opening-the-presents-feeling! That cc command sounds cool, I'll have fun seeing what it does!

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • animals (friendly and non) seem to be spawning in within a relatively short distance from me. Either they're spawning or just not visible from a far. Anyways, I've had to fight off a few tigers suddenly running at me from the front. :\

    Also noticing lots of ponds which are filled with water but visually appear to be empty from above. I'm running an Nvidia GTX960 if that helps

    Edit: Seems like only at night the pond seems empty. I tried a few different light sources. Nothing makes the water visible

    Last Edit: I notice sugar beet saplings are extremely tiny when planted in a garden. Could be a scaling issue

  • Nice! every time I see a hotfix I get that little-kid-opening-the-presents-feeling!

    Hehe :D

    animals (friendly and non) seem to be spawning in within a relatively short distance from me

    Hmm... have to check out what's going on there, but unless the detail distance is set to a low value in the settings, animals should spawn in time =O

    Also noticing lots of ponds which are filled with water but visually appear to be empty from above

    That's strange, can you maybe post a screenshot of this issue? Sometimes the water may appear very transparent, especially if refractions are turned off.

  • We just got a tiny steam update a few minutes ago... anything important in there?

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • I wish we had more passionate and dedicated developers like Red51. Just look at all these awesome hotfixes! Impressive!

    Well, Daboiye has two pyramids he can still claim. Also laughing that each hotfix costs Daboiye a pyramid so he probably lost another one thanks to all these hotfixes. One queued right now, and just staying queued so that's another one offered to the gods, whichever one that may be.

    • [Change] White wood texture is now also available for planks and beams (sawbench)
    • [Change] Reduced flickering of posters

    Nice on this! :D


    @ArcticuKitsu and @DaBoiye: It's indeed a pity with the pyramids, but at least unexplored parts of the world shouldn't be affected

    Guess we'll have to find him another desert, or just claim the two abandoned pyramids. I now feel much prouder of my pyramid as I'm now able to observe it from my 'Fox Tower' in Brisko Village. I can just chill calmly smelting while staring at my 'restored' pyramid that I had to repair on two occasions.

    What Rising World gave me was that fun proud feeling of exhausted satisfaction in building, something I haven't had in a long while. Just pushing and pushing while seeing the end result. Like farming, I guess, and etc.

    Can't wait for the player models update so we can continue to expand, grow, and see grander heights both in and outside of the game. The horses, boats, trains, and etc. Having vehicles, airships, or whatever shall happen.

    A son of a friend wanted me to ask you (Red51) if we can crouch and have wave emotes in the next update. Crouching currently is useless, and a good way to hide & sneak up on stuff, or even evade threats. I'm certain both are on your list.

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