[Plugin] Animal Breed Master - Viehzuchtmeister V0.81.1

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Is there any way the animals can be protected from other players?

    There is no PlayerDestroyAnimalEvent event yet oO i guess we need to ask red51 to add that then he should be able to stop players from killing your pets

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • I agree with @yahgiggle red should add a playerHitNPCEvent like the existing PlayerHitEvent (which is only for players hitting other players). Especially if with the next update we get human npcs too....I wouldn't like everyone killing my npcs :D

  • Ich habe in einem anderen Thread schon mal danach gefragt.

    Tiere sichern

    Tiere innerhalb einer Area für andere Spieler unverwundbar zu machen ist an sich keine schlechte Idee, aber die Kehrseite der Münze ist, dass aggressive Tiere ebenfalls betroffen wären. Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass es frustrierend für einen Spieler ist, beim Durchstreifen eines Gebietes von wilden Tieren angegriffen zu werden, sich aber nicht wehren zu können. Ich weiß daher nicht, ob es sinnvoll ist, sowas standardmäßig ins kommende AreaProtection Plugin hineinzupacken.
    Grundsätzlich wird das AP Plugin aber einfach erweiterbar sein, sodass jeder seine eigene Abwandlung davon erstellen kann.

    Der Unterschied sind aber nicht Tiere in einem gesichertern Gebiet (also auch Tiger), sondern gezähmte Tiere. Vielleicht läßt sich da ja eine Unterscheidung machen. Obwohl gezähmte Tiere ebenfalls fremde Spieler angreifen könnten.

  • Greetings.
    Today I had a fatal exception while playing.

    Would it be the plugin to feed animals?

    Error occurred during application-update (25)

    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (6):
    at com.jme3.scene.Node.addUpdateChildren(Node.java:190)
    at com.jme3.scene.Node.addUpdateChildren(Node.java:194)
    at com.jme3.scene.Node.addUpdateChildren(Node.java:194)
    at com.jme3.scene.Node.addUpdateChildren(Node.java:194)
    at com.jme3.scene.Node.getUpdateList(Node.java:223)
    at com.jme3.scene.Node.updateLogicalState(Node.java:240)
    at commons.JIWApplication.update(SourceFile:329)
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(LwjglAbstractDisplay.java:151)
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(LwjglDisplay.java:197)
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.run(LwjglAbstractDisplay.java:232)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (7):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (8):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (9):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (10):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (11):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (12):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (13):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (14):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (15):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (16):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (17):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (18):
    Application SEVERE: java.lang.NullPointerException
    Error occurred during application-update (19):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (20):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (21):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (22):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (23):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (24):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (25):
    content.Game SEVERE: Fatal error occurred:
    Error occurred during application-update (25)

    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    [UPTIME: 2898s] Disconnected from: /
    Shutdown 1 database threads...
    HIVE ConnectionError
    HIVE Disconnect
    Remaining queues: 6
    EXECUTE TASK: UpdatePlayerTask
    aA.a INFO: DatabaseTaskManager stopped!
    destroyed errorhandler...

  • Ich habe in einem anderen Thread schon mal danach gefragt.

    Tiere sichern

    Der Unterschied sind aber nicht Tiere in einem gesichertern Gebiet (also auch Tiger), sondern gezähmte Tiere. Vielleicht läßt sich da ja eine Unterscheidung machen. Obwohl gezähmte Tiere ebenfalls fremde Spieler angreifen könnten.

    Das ist das gleiche mit was wir in unserem Server haben, d.h. neue Spielern können kein Tier betreffen (auch die aggressive) bevor die ein Anspruch erheben. Das funktioniert am meistens ok :D

    @WalterDasTrevas From the log you show it doesn't look to me to be the animal breeding plugin. No clue what the problem is though :/ I would recommend opening a separate help thread for your problem. ;)

  • schönes plugin

    jedoch, bevor ich es einsetze, wenn ich einen bären zähme greift er trotzdem meine mitspieler an ?

    Danke, dass es dir gefällt! :)

    Zu der Sache mit den Tieren: Mit dem Plugin wird das Verhalten der Tiere nicht verändert (ist bisher auch (noch) nicht vorgesehen, dies per API beeinflussen zu können).
    Das heißt:
    Aggressive Tiere bleiben aggressiv! Diese werden immer und überall ihr Angriffsmuster abspulen, auch der "Besitzer" wird nicht verschont.

    I think like @Minotorious, too. It looks like an error occurred in one game routine itself.
    But we must consider, that the plugin causes slightly more traffic for the game engine, it uses new implemented API-functions.
    Perhaps there was somewhere a sleeping bug - now awakened to do his work supposed to be! :D

  • @Kryssi_79 ja, seit Version 0.11 verwende ich diese, um Tiere zum Rennen zu animieren. Ist jedoch mit Vorsicht zu genießen.
    Leider kann man damit auch keine aggressiven Tiere besänftigen, da der Alert-Zustand jederzeit vom Spiel selbst überschrieben werden kann (und das tut es auch 100%-ig ^^ ).

  • @Kryssi_79 ja, seit Version 0.11 verwende ich diese, um Tiere zum Rennen zu animieren. Ist jedoch mit Vorsicht zu genießen.
    Leider kann man damit auch keine aggressiven Tiere besänftigen, da der Alert-Zustand jederzeit vom Spiel selbst überschrieben werden kann (und das tut es auch 100%-ig ^^ ).

    Ich denke es ist nicht so schlimm, die wenigsten weden wohl versuchen eine Tigerzucht anzufangen :rolleyes:
    Bisher haben wir es noch auf unserem Testserver, sind aber zufrieden.

  • Ich glaube @Machete mit deinem Plugin haste hier voll ins schwarze getroffen *gg

    Ich denke es ist nicht so schlimm, die wenigsten weden wohl versuchen eine Tigerzucht anzufangen :rolleyes: Bisher haben wir es noch auf unserem Testserver, sind aber zufrieden.

    Wer erinnert sich noch an Die Siedler?
    Ich hatte immer etliche Schweinefarmen gebaut, diese Grunznasen waren einfach zu knuddelig.

    Dann in Rising World war mir aufgefallen, dass - egal welche Welt, sobald ich auf einer Wiese einen Schmelzofen aufgestellt hatte, irgendwann sich ein Schwein zu mir gesellt hat.
    Es stand immer neben dem Ofen, ganz alleine, und wollte auch nicht mehr weg! :)
    "Kann man da nicht etwas gegen machen?" dachte ich. Nun, dies war die Initialzündung gewesen...

    Tiger züchten - das ist doch mal survival pur! =O
    ...eigtl. eine gute Idee für das kommende Belohnungssystem: "Erfolg: züchte 10 Tiger ohne dabei draufzugehen" :D

  • I'd like to request that there be a choice to claim for yourself or claim for a group (as there might possibly be a tribal type of plugin in the future.

    I will keep this request in the back!
    When the time comes, I'll think of a good and simple solution, I then need to know the exact requirements to make it right. :thumbup:

  • So after playing with this for a few days, I have a few suggestions:

    First, a way to designate a chest as a feeding trough. This will encourage animals you own to eat from the trowel when they are hungry. I think NPC objects have hunger meters as well and presumably that's what is used to determine if an animal wants to breed (full hunger meter means ready to mate). . If they can't get to a feeding trough or if its empty, they'll try to get to your crops instead. If no food is available then they try to escape. if that fails then they eventually die. i think that the use of a rolling pin to interact is a good idea for other animal related tasks such as assigning a chest. Another option is that if the feeding trough is empty that animals will go after any chest with food in them!! :-D

    Second, a way to trade animals with other players or set them free into the wild. I was thinking that maybe a paper certificate (assuming custom inventory objects are possible yet) for each animal you own will identify the animal and be what you use to update the name or trade with another player. The actual owner could be, whoever picked up the certificate last. So if, for example someone was to raid your home and steal the certificates then they would own the animals and be able to interact with them with their rolling pins. Or simply using the built in trading system would accomplish the same. Destroying a certificate (throwing into a trash bin) will make the animal wild again

  • I will keep this request in the back!When the time comes, I'll think of a good and simple solution, I then need to know the exact requirements to make it right. :thumbup:

    I think that your responsibility would be to simply add a choice (popup gui window with yes/no buttons) to assign the animal to you or to your assigned group. Presumably the server owner will be managing groups effectively. Then if a player was to change groups, the animals would continue to belong to the same group. However whatever future tribe plugin would be responsible to detect whether this plugin is installed so that in the event a tribe leader merges with another tribe (group) then it would be responsible for calling an API function on your plugin to change group ownership on all animals in the old group.

  • So after playing with this for a few days, I have a few suggestions:

    First, a way to designate a chest as a feeding trough. This will encourage animals you own to eat from the trowel when they are hungry. I think NPC objects have hunger meters as well and presumably that's what is used to determine if an animal wants to breed (full hunger meter means ready to mate). . If they can't get to a feeding trough or if its empty, they'll try to get to your crops instead. If no food is available then they try to escape. if that fails then they eventually die. i think that the use of a rolling pin to interact is a good idea for other animal related tasks such as assigning a chest. Another option is that if the feeding trough is empty that animals will go after any chest with food in them!! :-D

    It is a very good idea with the feeding trough, I thought of it, too.
    But, what a pity, the API is still limited in the way, that f.e. you can't remove items in chests programmatically.
    The same applies to crops.
    In general it would be nice to have more possibilities. Especially with regard to be able to apply some nice behaviorial patterns, as you described above. :)

    Second, a way to trade animals with other players or set them free into the wild. I was thinking that maybe a paper certificate (assuming custom inventory objects are possible yet) for each animal you own will identify the animal and be what you use to update the name or trade with another player.

    The same goes here. As far as I cann see, no custom inventory items are possible yet. :)
    But I could think of a simple "change owner" mechanism:
    F.e. you use a noodle or something else to point at your animal, then pointing at the player, you want to give the animal. The player acknowledges it by pointing himself to the animal. ...or so. :)

    I would like to mention that I want to keep it as simple as possible, because it is only a gap filler until the game contains an official breeding and taming mechanism. When I remember right, it is planned in a later update (after the player models update).

    I do not want to cross @red51 plans! ;)

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