Changelog 2017-11-30: New playermodels, new items and more!

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • the latest hotfix broke the "Create World" button. It does nothing, just sets the focus back to the name of the world.

    tobi said this happened to him too.

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • The frames are so smooth now! Silky smooth! I love it! I can now see how fast I can run, and I love it!

    Windows 10 (x64) 10.0 Java: 1.8.0_131 amd64 0.9_37 -H:4096 -D:3072 (Steam)
    AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor, M5A78L-M LX PLUS, 16366 MB (4242 MB Heap)
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 20171027000000.000000-000
    Error occurred during application-update (25)
    com.jme3.asset.AssetNotFoundException: Models/Items/Threadreel/threadreel.j3o
    at com.jme3.asset.DesktopAssetManager.loadAsset(
    at com.jme3.asset.DesktopAssetManager.loadModel(
    at com.jme3.asset.DesktopAssetManager.loadModel(
    at ah.o.a(SourceFile:150)
    at N.e.<init>(SourceFile:32)
    at as.g.a(SourceFile:343)
    at ah.E.a(SourceFile:156)
    at aI.o.a(SourceFile:142)
    at commons.JIWApplication.update(SourceFile:286)
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(
    at Source)

    I blame Daboiye because the moment he hopped on it crashed. Well, with the 20 seconds delay.


    - Clothing duplicate in inventory when you drag it back into the inventory. When you trash it both pants disappear from inventory. When you drop it and pick it up again it resyncs into one item again.
    - Character beards are invisible when you have a hat on.
    - Do not shoot your musket around elephants or you'll be trampled upon. I learned this the hard way.
    - I'm glad I can finally shoot moving targets! Yatta!~
    - I love how fast running is that i now have no gripes. It's silky smooth also (FPS).
    - I'd say musket balls should be 4-8 per one ingot. Somewhere around there......
    - Apparently when you travel to far, to an unloaded chunk, you gain the same issue as the water update spawn issue where nothing loads. I then was TP'd back to spawn where I was stuck, then gradually loaded higher up in the air where I eventually fell to my death. (Image below of me falling). A similar thing happened when I respawned from the bed where I floated half a meter up in the air.

  • A new hotfix is now available. We still have to fix some smaller issues as well as clipping issues (i.e. player partly visible through clothes)

    Sleep you also?
    It's past two days and you are at work.

    But always a great thank on all, and you red51. The game feel smoother than bevor,( and all have new playlables :thumbsup: ).

    PS:Chrakterbeards are invisible when i have a Cap or accessoiar on head.

  • Hehe, basically you're right But stack size changed with this update. This doesn't affect old stacks though, but if you have an old stack with a size greater than the max size, you can't add any new items to this stack

    Please, please revert to original stack sizes. Exploring/gathering has lost some of it's appeal as I have to return to base frequently to empty bags. Have just about gotten to the *&%# @& point.

  • Hello,
    After the hotfix, for me :
    - crafting clothes is ok \o/ We have so much choices, it's great ! I found my "wooly" ! I try out the leather armor too (need some space in inventory for all that leather :p) so : armor has been implemented yet (reducing damage taken) ?
    - steel hoe : Ok but morning star deals no damage still
    - bandage et leg split always broken (as my legs after trying out :p)
    - your facial customization (beard at least) vanish when wearing a hat (in inventory window at least)

    Apart of that, the game runs great for me

  • I have the latest hot fix.

    I can't apply bandages to stop bleeding.

    I had the sound go in and out while being chased by wild boars, bears, and tigers. I kept running, so I had a lot of them behind me. After I died, (they got me several times so I was bleeding to death), I rebooted my computer and the sound is working again.

    Otherwise the game is running great.

    Edited to add. I still can't take screenshots in the game. After I tried to take a screen shot with the print screen, I noticed a log in the rising world directory. I'll paste it here, I don't know if it has anything to do with not being able to take screen shots. My game didn't crash, I don't know why it made a log. Here is the log.

    LOADING CLASSPATH FROM: E:\steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld/data/classpath.xml

    Ticket: 14000000074AA85BF1836FF4C002840301001001B516245A1800000001000000020000008D3EC4638D3EC4634293170002000000B20000003200000004000000C002840301001001F0F104008D3EC4638D3EC4630000000091DD215A118D3D5A0100EDC70000000000000AE7BA054B65AFB09699CFECF39BEB84882977BBED0B8B9924F3A5B9DF134CAFF447757CB2105F6327E00C3381DAA99BC72FC2EA7111CFA17016D52C128B3CB27F6005673A7D0494F2F208240E7EF9222E688622ED3FB24E4A3848514F16E849F99CF66CFA85383A9C542D975E440C6F15DCDA03AF4729D0FAA29D03A141C41C
    Language: english

    Found display mode 1280x1024 @ 60 (32 bpp)
    created errorhandler...
    Language set to: English
    Rising World - 0.9 (Steam)
    2017/12/03 07:47 AM

    Windows 10 (x64) 10.0 Java: 1.8.0_131 amd64 0.9_37 -H:4096 -D:3072 (Steam)
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz, Z170-K, 16313 MB (4225 MB Heap)
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 20171027000000.000000-000

    JVM Arguments:

    Initialize HIVE...
    HIVE is initialized
    Found display mode 1280x1024 @ 60 (32 bpp)
    Start game...
    Start context...
    LWJGL: 2.9.4
    Display Scaling: 1.0
    CURRENT RENDERER: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2 (NVIDIA Corporation) 4.6.0 NVIDIA 388.13
    GL_ARB_draw_instanced = true GL_ARB_instanced_arrays = true
    Initialize Static Classes...
    Collision Shapes initialized!
    Constructions initialized!
    Items initialized!
    Projectile-Definitions initialized!
    Weapon-Definitions initialized!
    Record-Definitions initialized!
    Objects initialized!
    Plants initialized!
    Picking initialized!
    Food-Definitions initialized!
    NPCs initialized!
    Record-Definitions initialized!
    Clothing initialized!
    Crafting-Definitions initialized!
    read bytes from resource: 354
    read bytes from resource: 11417
    read bytes from resource: 7342
    read bytes from resource: 5351
    read bytes from resource: 32120
    Initialize Default Options...
    LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/
    1280 X 1024
    steam connect
    LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/
    LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/
    [UPTIME: 0s] Connected to: /
    Send SteamTicketMessage
    BUFFER SIZE 482 10
    Initialize Bulletphysics...
    Initialize IngameContext...
    2 blueprints initialized!
    Initialize Materials...
    Initialize FMod for Windows64 ...
    FMod - Load native library: fmod64.dll Filesize: 1692672 bytes
    FMod - Load native library: fmodstudio64.dll Filesize: 1835008 bytes
    FMod - Load native library: fmodL64.dll Filesize: 1850880 bytes
    FMod - Load native library: fmodstudioL64.dll Filesize: 2584576 bytes
    FMod - Load native library: JavaFMod64.dll Filesize: 160768 bytes
    ... finished
    (0) Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio), STEREO, 2, 48000
    (1) Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition ..., STEREO, 2, 48000

    Construction elements quality 256
    Initialize Music...
    Initialize Sounds...
    Sound initialization done!
    Dec 03, 2017 7:48:02 AM content.Game initSounds
    INFO: FMOD Driver: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) ID: 0
    Dec 03, 2017 7:48:02 AM content.Game initSounds
    INFO: FMOD Mode: STEREO Channels: 2 Systemrate: 48,000
    Initialize RenderingSettings...
    Initialize SerializerRegistrations...
    Initialize InputMappings...
    Initialize LocalPlayer...
    125268440 bytes loaded
    Received SteamTicketReturnMessage -1
    Received SteamTicketReturnMessage -1
    -> 1
    load anim channels
    load anim channels
    Initialize AppStates...
    Initialize GuiStates...
    warning CollisionDispatcher.needsCollision: static-static collision!
    Initialize GUI...
    LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/
    LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/
    LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/
    LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/
    Dec 03, 2017 7:48:04 AM com.jme3.texture.plugins.DDSLoader loadHeader
    WARNING: Got 11 mipmaps, expected 12
    LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/
    Unable to read from file: E:\steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\server.favorites (The system cannot find the file specified)
    Unable to read from file: E:\steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\server.history (The system cannot find the file specified)
    LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/
    load anim channels
    load anim channels
    LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/
    load anim channels
    clothing element update player
    load anim channels
    clothing element update player
    load anim channels
    clothing element update player
    load anim channels
    clothing element update player
    load anim channels
    LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/
    LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/
    screenresolution 1280x1024
    aspect ratio 4:3
    loading texture dimension: 1920x1440
    read bytes from resource: 2139771
    skip registration/login
    Initialize PostProcessFilters...
    -> reattach
    WaterProcessor initialized!
    GrassOccludeProcessor initialized!
    WeatherOccludeProcessor initialized!
    SSAO Filter disabled
    SSAO Filter enabled
    SSAO Filter disabled
    Loadingtime: 8.87 seconds
    [UPTIME: 9s] Disconnected from: /
    HIVE ConnectionError
    HIVE Disconnect
    destroyed errorhandler...
    Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 324080
    Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: [API loaded no]

  • My thoughts on the update/bug report.
    First, the Bugs...

    • Tnt

    There are a few issues with tnt that I have noticed. First, I can't figure out how to detonate it. Holding right click while having it in your hand doesn't seem to work anymore. I have also tried placing it on the ground but it doesn't let me do that either. I assume that in the future i will see the tnt in my hand while holding it, right now nothing is there, not even my hand.

    • Hitboxes

    It seems that the hotboxes can be a bit glitchy. In MP, I was charged by a boar and found it impossible to hit him. I then went into SP to test it and the hotbox seemed to work fine there. BTW, red, thx for fixing the player hitbox, I can once again assassinate those nearest and dearest to me!

    Now, the thoughts...

    • The Models

    These are great, really great. I could point out a few minor things, like slightly awkward stances and some rigid posture. But I'm not. They are great, and I recommend to keep from wasting too much time tweaking them.

    • The Animations

    These are also very good. I really like how the swings feel, but they feel too soft. When I'm chopping down a tree, it feels like I am just setting the axe on the side of the tree. It would help if it was more like the stone hammer thing that you start off with. A backswing, and then a hard frontswing.

    • The Mining Drill

    This thing is a lot of fun. We finally have a way to realistically dig in big proportions in survival mode. Though it seems a bit OP. It would be awesome if the bits on the drill wore out, and while digging it would get slower and slower until you replace the bit.

    • The Guns

    YEAH BABY! These things are super fun and are really well done. I think I posted about this somewhere else, where I wish that we could mould the bullets instead of just clicking for them... Or at least the musket balls, the rifle bullets would need a lot of equipment to make them yourself, or just buy them from one of @ArcticuKitsu 's merchants. :P

    Anyways, great job on the update, @red51, and have a Merffy Criftmac! :thumbup:

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • Few items not working properly. Broke my leg and can't splint it. It's been broken for well over an hour now. I may have to kill myself to get it removed. Moving very slowly. Watermelon seeds fail to plant. They leave the hotbar while planting, but then reappear when you access your inventory. Other plants seem fine. Bandages are also not working for bleeding.

  • The Mining Drill
    This thing is a lot of fun. We finally have a way to realistically dig in big proportions in survival mode. Though it seems a bit OP. It would be awesome if the bits on the drill wore out, and while digging it would get slower and slower until you replace the bit.

    This thing i want to ban from my server, too OP...

    For Creative servers this is fine

    but for PvP servers {{ NO }}.

    I fully agree with DaBoiye on this one.

  • Someone should make a plugin for healing yourself

    healing by suicide works well.
    Not the perfect solution. But i cant see any necessary solution before red find time to fix it.
    Just dont die too far away from home.
    I just jumped from several mountains at home and saved my inv in crates before.
    Red gonna fix it soon for sure.
    So no need to code a plugin i think

  • The AdminTools script as well as the ServerTools plugin have an in-built healing function. (think it is /heal Name for both of them)

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