Changelog 2017-11-30: New playermodels, new items and more!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Perhaps a way to override default stack sizes via API or even better, in the permissions file

    Sounds ok for me.

    All other where minecraft: creative gone, pvp is the sound ... or people how play long togther


    The worlds are different of luck, one will play so, an other like so, and every singleplayer play other ....

    "This is your world, this is Rising World." and this is the point not a minecraft- or other games like ARK-, Conan Exiles-, Space Engineers,Subnautica and and and ... Clone etc.

  • Thanks for the feedback! :)

    Suggestion on the smaller stack sizes for harvesting purposes this could be solved if were could craft bags or boxes to carry in our inventory.

    Well, at least once we have ridable animals and vessels, they will have a separate storage room. E.g. some bags that can be carried by the animals, or some chests that can be placed on your boat. Same applies to trains and vehicles (once that's implemented).
    Still not sure about backpacks for the player... it has some pros and cons... we really need to discuss this matter.

    hey red51, I run the rosalia server and my people are now loosing there personal inventory when they enter the server without opening chests or doing anything. They do some stuff then log out then log back in later and there stuff is gone again

    Does this still happen after the latest hotfix? If so, this indicates that the chest or the inventory is broken... to fix a broken inventory, one can use the command "clearinventory". If a chest is broken, I guess removing and replacing it is the only way to solve it =/

    I have 8 gig total and around 7.2 free when starting the game. I know this game isn't chewing that much because when I alt-tab to desktop it currently shows total system memory used is 2.9 gig with Skype and Firefox running as well.

    That's really strange oO Does this issue still occur? In this case, please create a new topic about that and maybe post the full hs_err_pid file there :)

    red51 does not like me very much

    This is definitely not true =O

    the half block on block nr. 167 won't line up like the "full" block.

    Oh indeed... that needs to be fixed!

    everytime i spawn, i get shorts. is this intended or is it a bug?

    If you carried shorts before you died, you still respawn with it. We will change this behaviour in the near future^^

    me too, he ignores me

    Why do you say that, that's not true =O

    When I run down the stairs, I fall down the stairs, so bad, I died. After my reincarnation I only got a map and “blank”. So I have a bit of a problem, as I can’t get any new resources with my bare hands.

    Probably the "spawninventory" is broken. You can change it by typing "setinventory" (requires admin permission), then your current inventory will be set as new spawn inventory.

    The text on the ore detector's screen is displayed off-centre. It is only partially visible.

    The ore detector is still broken, that needs to be sorted out ^^

    Holding down the button to collect ingots from the furnace currently is a bit hit/miss

    This used to work better before the update 8| We'll check out what's going on there

    apart from the upside down piano

    The upside down piano is on our list^^ As a workaround, you can type "lookdown" into console to fix the camera view

    if you are talking realistic, who flies?

    Flymode is just a debug feature in survival mode. By default it's now disabled, but can still be activated in the game settings. In the long run, we will fully remove it (although you can still activate it via file then) ;)

    as for the stack sizes.. this is a huge no for me.
    Our invent is small enough and would fill easily before
    single hide stacks.. god no

    Well, changing the stack sizes had different reasons. Especially when it comes to pelts/hides... these are quite big items, but before the update, you was actually able to carry up to ~ 1200 pelts in your inventory =O

    food.. no

    Before the update, you could just grab 1-2 stacks of tomatoes and you were good to go, no need to worry about starvation/dehydration ^^ This made the whole hunger/thirst thing more or less pointless.
    In the near future we also want to implement things like food spoilage, this requires us to reduce the food stacks even further 8| Although there will be other options then I guess, like putting food into stackable tin cans or something like that^^

    maybe the stack sizes should be modifiable. selectable for server modification

    Basically that would be an option, although it would be quite confusing if every server has different stack sizes out there ?( Maybe we need another solution for that... there could be two possible options for that... either a separate game mode (something like "survival lite", or just "Freeplay mode"), which is a mixture of creative mode and survival mode (no creative modes, no flying etc, but easy survival gameplay, not much limitations in terms of building or stack sizes). Or a customizable game mode, which allows you to set up exactly what features you want to enable or disable.

    Alternatively that could be handled by the level of difficulty. That feature was planned anyway, so when setting an easy level of difficulty, you could get big stack sizes, when selecting a hard level of difficulty, the stack sizes will be limited...

    We definitely need more discussions about the stack sizes thing. Maybe it's recommendable to create a separate topic about that :)

    is there a way to solve this? or is the file corrupted?

    It looks like the world conversion went wrong... when did you load the world the last time?

    If Red messes with the core and makes the people and server owner do things that will no longer be the case.

    Since the game is in early access, we sometimes even have to change certain core mechanics ^^

    Perhaps a way to override default stack sizes via API or even better, in the permissions file

    Allowing the API to do that might be an option. Not sure about the permission file though, since it might be a bad thing to change the stack sizes on the fly (e.g. when you change the permission group). When changing the stack sizes, old stacks will stay untouched, although they behave differently (cannot stack any more items on them, removing items from them feels strange etc)... some people would say the old stacks feel buggy. If the permission files change the stack size on the fly, people may consider this as a bug :whistling:

  • Good call @red51
    Yes, it could be bad to switch stack sizes on the fly. Giving us a way to override values in api or maybe a config file would be helpful. Are stack sizes pretty uniform across all categories of items? (fruits, saplings, wood logs, construction items)? Controlling the size of each category would be easier than controlling individual items. That would be a very long config file! o_0

    Eventually I want to try and start a more hardcore survival server and would want to set stack size to 1 ^^

  • I get shorts everytime I spawn (not only when i respawn) (when I create a new world)

    As we have said before when you spawn in a new world you spawn in your so called "shorts" these are the underwear. This game does not have nudity in it so there is currently no way to remove/spawn without those "shorts"

    When you respawn after death you keep whatever clothes you were wearing before you died so if you died while in your underwear you will respawn in your underwear only.

  • Are stack sizes pretty uniform across all categories of items?

    Unfortunately stack sizes are set individually per item :/ So even the api would allow you to set the stack sizes per item (or for all items at once of course).
    There are some item groups available though (e.g. all treelogs belong to a "treelog" group), but these groups are solely used for crafting recipes...

  • I was thinking along a custom game mode that allowed the options to control stack sizes as well as thirst and hunger speeds or something like that. all in all I like your ideas. and apparently the loss of inventory was traced down to a corrupted set of torch holders and I haven't heard of any losses other then the chests that contain corrupted items in them and there is no way to tell until you open 1 of them :) all in all things are slowly stabilizing.

    either a separate game mode (something like "survival lite", or just "Freeplay mode"), which is a mixture of creative mode and survival mode (no creative modes, no flying etc, but easy survival gameplay, not much limitations in terms of building or stack sizes). Or a customizable game mode, which allows you to set up exactly what features you want to enable or disable.

    Alternatively that could be handled by the level of difficulty. That feature was planned anyway, so when setting an easy level of difficulty, you could get big stack sizes, when selecting a hard level of difficulty, the stack sizes will be limited...

  • Ok, I tried searching for this, but got Zilch as a result.

    Can anyone tell me, when in Creative Mode, when pressing F6 then choosing #2 (Blocks), when you open your inventory to select the block type, is Block 218 (Sand) now shown? Under the previous version, which I still need to use for a time, Block 218 is not available for selection in this feature.

  • Not sure if this has be asked yet, but... In regards to:

    [New] All crafting recipes are now always accessible in creative mode (inventory -> crafting)

    Could this feature be added as a group permissions setting (unless it is already there and I missed it) so that it can be "denied" even while in creative mode (a "semi-creative" configuration)?

  • Posters:

    I noticed that if you place a poster on a wall and then walk behind the wall. When you reach about 30 meters away, you can see the poster on the opposite side of the wall. Then if you walk closer again it disappears. There seems to be an exact distance when the poster switches to the other side of the wall.

  • Can anyone tell me, when in Creative Mode, when pressing F6 then choosing #2 (Blocks), when you open your inventory to select the block type, is Block 218 (Sand) now shown? Under the previous version, which I still need to use for a time, Block 218 is not available for selection in this feature.

    That issue should be fixed with the next update :)

    Could this feature be added as a group permissions setting (unless it is already there and I missed it) so that it can be "denied" even while in creative mode (a "semi-creative" configuration)?

    Oh, yes, sure. With the next update, there will be a new creative allrecipes permission ^^

    I noticed that if you place a poster on a wall and then walk behind the wall. When you reach about 30 meters away, you can see the poster on the opposite side of the wall. Then if you walk closer again it disappears. There seems to be an exact distance when the poster switches to the other side of the wall.

    We will check out what's going on there!

  • Posters:

    I noticed that if you place a poster on a wall and then walk behind the wall. When you reach about 30 meters away, you can see the poster on the opposite side of the wall. Then if you walk closer again it disappears. There seems to be an exact distance when the poster switches to the other side of the wall.

    I also have this issue that you can see posters poking through walls of any sort. In my desert city 'Brisko' you can see posters from my Canadian Tower & my mini museum/touristy center that it catches you off guard.

    I also have this lag spike issue that I'm curious if it's Animal Breedmaster related, or if there's something horrible happening in my Brisko village. The more I analyze the more I believe it's purely sound because of how Red51 noted it was sound related in the beta. Something tried killing Blue in the pyramid, or so he claims. I can either send you the world, or you can visit my world as I guide you through there. Either or. I've noticed that the sound memory went up to 846 mb that it may or may not have something to do with it. As soon as my structures spawned the whole thing went to crap that it later knocked out all of my sound that I had to fully restart my client.

  • Ore detector having problems: Look closely at the printing in the lower rectangle window-it is half in half out of screen. The printing continues to stay below the space it should be in as you scroll thru it. Also the Needle in top window stuck permanently on the High position far to the right. Sorry I should have red marked all, but was afraid it might cover it.

    I am still having this problem, any time frame on a hotfix?

  • I"m at the point where I feel the game is unplayable for me because of the whole sound & soundmemory thing. I can't properly visit two of my settlements, nor travel too far or else the sound lags out, cuts out, and even makes annoying repeating sounds. I can play, but I'd have to stay confined to an area where I'll still feel 'trapped' that I feel it better to play other games for awhile. I'm hitting people's nerves that I feel I should give space as well by playing Ylands and such so people can do their thing.........

    Also, yeah... I knew tanning rack racks removed stuff, yet bones and such? I still saw bones, skulls,and chests.

    I feel the game is broken for me that I haven't been playing it after adding the features into the game that I feel sad. Blue managed to get stuck multiple times in the terrain having to relog.... So much lag and stuttering that it's near unplayable for us both. :(

  • I also have this issue that you can see posters poking through walls of any sort

    That will be fixed with the next update ;)

    I am still having this problem, any time frame on a hotfix?

    Originally we intended to release a fix for this issue with the next update, but I guess it makes more sense to release a hotfix. It will be ready within the next days^^

    I"m at the point where I feel the game is unplayable for me because of the whole sound & soundmemory thing

    I'm sorry to hear that :| We're working on these issues. There were so many changes under the hood that some stuff apparently is still causing problems. All these issues should be sorted out very soon.

    Also, yeah... I knew tanning rack racks removed stuff, yet bones and such? I still saw bones, skulls,and chests.

    Yes, bones were lost unfortunately. All item id's changed with this update, unfortunately these items which act as a placeable object (torch mounts, bones) caused some trouble during world conversion. Of course these items are still in the game, but they got lost during conversion. The easiest solution is to spawn the lost items via command.

  • @ ArcticuKitsu which sound card do you have? I know sometime Windows 10 will reinstall a "better" driver for realtek sound cards. Most of the time it is a high def sound drivers.


  • I'm sorry to hear that We're working on these issues. There were so many changes under the hood that some stuff apparently is still causing problems. All these issues should be sorted out very soon.

    Neat. Glad to hear, yet that just goes to show how vast & beastly Rising World is. Well, hope it all works out in the end.

    Also, attachment with all my sound stuff for Icon58, and maybe for Red51 to take a peak at. I however feel it's irrelevant. I feel bad for blue though because she (I think she's a she) keeps getting stuck in my world that you get frozen in place to then see down your player model's torso. It's what we had during the water update issues.

  • Hmm could you humor me ^^ ? Update and make sure your sound is set to nvidia output if you have a nvidia motherboard. If not maybe update the high definition audio device? Are you using the HyperX to listen thru?


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