Perhaps a way to override default stack sizes via API or even better, in the permissions file
Sounds ok for me.
All other where minecraft: creative gone, pvp is the sound ... or people how play long togther
Display MorePeople are going to get tired of hearing me but.
Rising World mission statement is "This is your world, this is Rising World!"
If Red messes with the core and makes the people and server owner do things that will no longer be the case.
Now of course the different servers will have different ways of playing which it should be. BUT... for something to be hardwired into the game to make it not my world well...
I know right now they are a lot of "Creative" servers out there, but I think with guns and armor that will change.
In fact I am thinking of making my test server PVP... So the code in the server would be handy.
Mods and add ons would be another way of changing the server with out messing with the core.
The worlds are different of luck, one will play so, an other like so, and every singleplayer play other ....
"This is your world, this is Rising World." and this is the point not a minecraft- or other games like ARK-, Conan Exiles-, Space Engineers,Subnautica and and and ... Clone etc.