Changelog 2018-05-30: Look at my horse!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • I had to try it in creative mode just to see how these horses handle, and I love them. Waiting to play survival where the real fun shall begin, yet these are just my "quick thoughts".

    - I love how fast they are, and even faster when you hold shift to make them run. I see they don't have stamina on them.
    - Horses "whine" too much/too frequently, yet have neat sounds otherwise. (Someone noted this and I agree with them)
    - Saddles being slapped onto the horses is a nice touch. Same with how you can add the 24 slot saddle bag to carry additional cargo with you, something Minecraft now needs to learn from. :P 12 & 12, but it's 24 for simplicity sake.
    - Love how weighted horses weigh in game that they can also jump. However curious if they should jump slightly higher or if that height is intentional. Love how it "feels" when you ride a horse in the walking pace. Feels proper.
    - My major issue with horses is that they need some sort of "auto-run" similar to 'Skyrim' & 'Mound & Blade: Warband' where the former you press the 'V' button to toggle such while the latter you simply tap W or S to toggle pace up and down. For now it's fine, yet during travels it helps when you can type to someone without stopping, among other things.
    - You can't interact with objects when mounted, yet saw that it'll be changed later that I'm fine with this for "now". I'm satisfied with what we have now that it's more than enough.
    - Horses need to be able to "back up" by being able to walk backwards.
    - I'm amused by the riding helmet that it adds a nice touch

    (Haven't tried camels or donkeys; May get around to seeing how they tick later on.)

    Took a quick peak at the telescope that I'm loving it. It's a nice touch. I'll play with the rest tomorrow, yet what we have now is more than enough :D Thank you, Red51! I'm overly happy that I can finally build my projects some more with horses in mind.

  • Congratulations Red51.
    I've made saddles for each mount, and bags for storage. That's all I could do at the moment, but I had to see them.
    Next time in I will riding. And checking out the mechanics. The graphics look fine.

  • The horses are gorgeous. One major issue though. I can't keep my horse penned no matter what I do. It walks through walls, stone.....everything. Nothing works. It's not much to be able to tame a horse if I can't keep it. :(

    Just a couple critiques:

    1) Horses need to be able to back up. Lol

    2) I would love a black horse.

    3) I want to be able to craft hay stacks.

    4) A lead rope would be great so we can bring a horse into a building where we can't while riding because it makes us too tall.

    5) Barn doors, fence gates and hitching posts (This would work in conjunction with the lead ropes).

  • Beautiful update! I love horses, especially white horses. Now I can travel far away. Red51, I wanted to ask you if you can insert the command to remove the poster, to attack it from another place. Thank you! Congratulations again! :):saint::whistling:

  • 1- Yes I said that two. Slow of course unless it is a trained cutting horse
    2- What about a Appaloosas, or Clydesdale.. so wish list, against the smaller medieval muscular horses
    3- See picture. I got this out of Diedre's little out building blueprint. Works rather well. I think they are made of loam (natural column blocks)

    4 - a must actually having to ride them into the barn requires allot of space.. Red mentioned that the hit box area may be reworked for horses as it is the same size for both camels and horses now.
    5- the double grate gates work fine. I have these on my stables in the Chateau. The problem is the animals fall through the blocks if you let them roam and I had to dig one horse out. Therefore you need to leave them saddled.
    6- It is removable. You have to get into the right place and use the F key to pickup. It uses the same pickup routine as a sign. Once you do this the horse will move around and also sleep. But see the reason for keeping saddle on in 5.

    Ownership is a must but having the ability to steal it is worthwhile for gameplay. So I advise sever owners to set the editNPC permissions off so only Admins can name. They can put the owner name in the horse as sort of a branding. If it is found stolen the player may face online game criminal exposure depending on the server rules and scenario settings. (ie horse thieves are jailed for 3 days or just plain killed on sight on a PVP server). This until a suitable plugin is generated.

    I for one am particularly please with the patch and the horses. I station saddled horses at the spawn in on my server so players can ride into the sunset right away. (Angriff's Lair). Good for testing and good for a PVP server that starts you with very little.

  • Thank you Red!! Had some time to play with these last night, quite fun!!! Horses, Donkey and Camels are gorgeous!!

    Ability for players to 'walk' their mountable animal via reins (so they can better place them in a stable)
    Ability for players to stop their horse, Donkey or Camel from wandering (only admin can locknpc on them to keep them from wandering, which helps those who request it so they stay put in stable)
    I see people complaining about volume of horse 'whinny' I think its fine, BUT Camels on other hand HAHA .. VERY loud, almost obnoxious like the cow (though humorous!)
    Obviously, backward walking would be nice
    Adjust hitbox (currently all set the same mule, camel horse require a 4x6 space to walk through .. which is good for camel, horse and donkey should be reduced a bit)
    Ability to use map and weapons whilst riding (I saw you mention this will be worked)
    More variants of horse, Donkey, and Camel (colors, details)

    Minor bugs I noticed that was mentioned by Angriff:
    Horses sometimes appear invisible (you see the rider floating, no horse) until they dismount. I have not identified the trigger on this and doesn't happen often.
    Saddles occasionally are invisible when they dismount
    Other minor issues I notice:
    Door hitboxes now wonky since update (I think you acknowledged this is a known issue)
    I love the dust trail Camel Donkey and Horse makes if you turn around after trotting. But only the rider can see this effect, players on ground do not see the kicked up dust, I presume this was done to minimize a performance hit on players?

    Sooo much fun!!! Thank you so much for your excellent work Red!!

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • I noticed that the horse goes invisible at a certain point when you are far enough away from it, probably to do with entity rendering in when you are close enough, from my memory other players on the server render till you are further away.

    If this doesn't make sense I'll try and get some pics tomorrow.

    Either way thanks for the update and I now go and rebuild the archway to my tavern stables .. :D

  • Thanks for the feedback! :)

    One little thing that I think should be fixed, you should be able to back up

    Something like that will probably be added in the future^^

    And I would really like the be able to craft blankets for the horses that would work like the saddles to keep them still. My horses look kind of funny standing the barn in full tack

    This sounds like a good idea, I'll put that on our list :)

    ok Red. I think this is the scenario. The player comes near via a TP movement

    Thanks for the explanations! I think I finally found the issue that caused other horses to turn invisible or saddles not being visible etc, I guess the hotfix will be available in a few hours ;)

    Here is another funny thing.. if you have two horse saddled and ready they soon begin to sync up and move exactly the same

    Indeed... the idle animations need more variations... I'll put that on our list^^

    Horses "whine" too much/too frequently, yet have neat sounds otherwise.

    We will definitely update the sounds with the next update ^^

    My major issue with horses is that they need some sort of "auto-run" similar to 'Skyrim' & 'Mound & Blade: Warband'

    An "auto-run" feature is on our list, I think it's maybe about time to get it ready... maybe this will be added with the next regular update

    You can't interact with objects when mounted, yet saw that it'll be changed later that I'm fine with this for "now"

    Yes, at least it will be possible to use certain things like maps. In the long run, it will be most likely possible to use certain items like weapons as well, but that's a different story :D

    I can't keep my horse penned no matter what I do. It walks through walls, stone....

    Unfortunately horses suffer from the same issues as other animals when it comes to collision detection, however, you can put a saddle on your horse, then it no longer moves :)

    2) I would love a black horse.

    More variations are definitely planned!

    3) I want to be able to craft hay stacks.

    Originally we wanted to add hay with this update, but first we need a proper process to "craft" hay (i.e. drying grass). It's on our list^^

    6) Please make saddles removable.

    As @angriff mentioned, you can remove saddles by holding your interaction key (F) while looking at the saddle :) If there are satchels attached to the saddle, you have to remove them first.

    I wanted to ask you if you can insert the command to remove the poster

    I'll put that on our list ;)

    Ability for players to 'walk' their mountable animal via reins (so they can better place them in a stable)

    Something similar is planned for all animals... unfortunately we have no ETA for that yet :(

    Ability to use map and weapons whilst riding (I saw you mention this will be worked)

    That's indeed planned^^ Although being able to use weapons whilst riding is a specific thing that will be addressed in a future update (which mainly focuses on mounted combat)

    Door hitboxes now wonky since update (I think you acknowledged this is a known issue)

    This will be fixed shortly!

    I love the dust trail Camel Donkey and Horse makes if you turn around after trotting. But only the rider can see this effect, players on ground do not see the kicked up dust, I presume this was done to minimize a performance hit on players?

    It's a sync issue, I'll try to get it fixed for the next hotfix :)

    I noticed that the horse goes invisible at a certain point when you are far enough away from it

    We reduced the render distance for all animals and npcs, this also affects horses... it mainly depends on your detail view distance. This reduces any "falling through ground" or "walking through wall" issues. Nevertheless, the animal AI (and collision detection) will be reworked in the near future, so we can maybe increase the render distance for animals again ;)

  • @red51 While you're checking door hitboxes, could you check bear hitboxes too? Maybe its a range issue (I used to be able to hit and walk back after stunning it) but I had trouble killing a brown bear from several angles. black bear behaved normally however. I also noticed similar issue while chasing a cow. I felt I got several direct hits which did not register. I'll try to stage some experiments to give you better feedback than this. One thing I haven't considered is that I'm still using tools as weapons. is there an accuracy rating of tools and weapons that I'm not aware of?

  • Just a mention RED51

    Kitchenette C Is now causing Client crashes when opened.

    The cabinet cannot be placed in the world anymore, and any cabinets ALREADY in the world will cause the client to crash, if opened

    Cabinet B does not appear to have this problem.

    Looks like and ID issue, but that's just a guess.

  • Also I want to say that whoever did the design and rigging and animation of these new horses did an outstanding job! There's so many little details such as the head movements and ear twitching that makes them life like. I hope some improvements can be done to the older NPC animals at some point.

  • @zfoxfire: Actually the hitboxes for animals didn't change, but some tools have a limited range... I'll look into this issue ;)

    A hotfix is now available ( which hopefully fixes most of the bugs out there (with the exception of doors, that'll be fixed soon). It's necessary to update multiplayer servers accordingly :)

    Hotfix 2018-05-31 (

    • [Change] Map (M) and journal (J) are now also accesssible while riding on a mount
    • [Change] Dust now also becomes visible if other players ride a mount (multiplayer)
    • [Change] Added proper jump animation for other players mounts in multiplayer
    • [Change] Reduced volume of certain animal sounds (camel, horse)
    • [Change] Updated horse idle sounds
    • [Change] Increased audible range for mount footsteps in multiplayer
    • [Change] Added workaround to prevent rendering crash in very rare cases (need feedback)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issues when using drawers, kitchen counters and other storage objects
    • [Bugfix] Fixed mounts sometimes being invisible (need feedback)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing saddles in multiplayer in some cases
    • [Bugfix] Fixed some elements not being rendered properly
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong texture id's being used for the "editc" command
    • [Bugfix] Fixed rare issue with map which caused the world to disappear
  • I cannot get my dedi server to update. client updated fine. verify integrity said 1 file could ot be verified and will be redownloaded .. it does that .. i launch server, it still says out dated. restarting steam did not help.

    Edit: even though the server still states it is outdated (in console upon launch), i am able to join with the updated client. just wanted to throw that in there. :)

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."


    If you teleport out of an area and you have a mount near by, it can fall through to hell and die. I was lucky and had a structure built and this caught my horses, but, if it wouldn't have been there, they would be dead. In-fact this is an old bug with all animals, and teleporting into an area seems to have a similar affect but to a lesser degree.

  • Wonder if i can get assistance. My horses even after being saddled wander off and am not aware what food to tame them with? Are they already added into the abm? P.s Carrots didnt work neither did lemons ....

    Mitzi Owner ASGARD server


    Server: Find Asgard in the server list or join with ip address (

  • Wonder if i can get assistance. My horses even after being saddled wander off and am not aware what food to tame them with? Are they already added into the abm? P.s Carrots didnt work neither did lemons ....

    you can only keep them if they are saddled.. and not ABM does not make them yours... Actually hope it never does.

  • Wonder if i can get assistance. My horses even after being saddled wander off and am not aware what food to tame them with? Are they already added into the abm? haha so after a saddle they shouldnt wander off? mine are literally going through stone walls and just taking off.

    Mitzi Owner ASGARD server


    Server: Find Asgard in the server list or join with ip address (

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