Changelog 2018-05-30: Look at my horse!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • This isn't really a priority right now that it can wait for when it's ready......

    1) 2 Riders on horse/camel: Just curious if horses & camels (in the future) can support 2 riders on them (or 1 player & 1 NPC; 2 NPCs) for combined quick riding.

    2) Leading mount from mount: Something I can see sooner though is being able to lead mounts from another mount that it feels odd leaving a mount behind just to get another one. I'm find with for now, yet wondering if we can gain the ability to mount other mounts from a mount so you can take recently tamed mounts back, or to give them to a stranded person, or something.

    3) Whistling: If you're within render distance it be neat if you could whistle your horse nearby to come pick you up while also being a fair distance away to be a thing.

    Just some forgotten thoughts that I'll note here yet not really expecting them soon because I'm happy with what I have right now. I need to settle in right now making stables and such. :D

  • 2 Riders on horse/camel: Just curious if horses & camels (in the future) can support 2 riders on them (or 1 player & 1 NPC; 2 NPCs) for combined quick riding.

    Hmm... can't say much about that... basically this would be a cool thing, but requires some work to change the models and animations for that... I definitely need a break from working on animation stuff :D

    Leading mount from mount: Something I can see sooner though is being able to lead mounts from another mount that it feels odd leaving a mount behind just to get another one. I'm find with for now, yet wondering if we can gain the ability to mount other mounts from a mount so you can take recently tamed mounts back, or to give them to a stranded person, or something.

    Something like that could be added when ropes are implemented ^^ Although it becomes difficult if you want to "attach" a donkey to a horse, for example, since the donkey cannot run as fast as the horse. Unfortunately changing the run speed of an animal isn't that easy, since it requires changes to the sounds and animations as well =O Unless we set up a restriction that your mount cannot run while another mount is attached...

    Whistling: If you're within render distance it be neat if you could whistle your horse nearby to come pick you up while also being a fair distance away to be a thing.

    This would require us to have something like "personal horses", so only this particular horse actually listens to you. Maybe that would be a thing once pets are implemented ;) In the meantime, this could by achieved by the plugin API (if someone decides to create a plugin for this)^^

  • I mentioned before about animals falling out of the sky and dying when I TP in and out of places.
    Basically I was told it was the speed of the server filling in if I understood right.
    One thing I found out and I do not know if this was mentioned before was if you are on a mount and you TP the mount comes with you. That is kind of neat. 8o:D

    PS I "taught" my Camel to swim. :D


    Edited once, last by icon58 ().

  • Lol Arcticu did you see often 2 riders on the same mount? I am too much respectfull with horses to avoid that in real life (and in game)

    Please don't do this.... I'm already annoyed with people mocking me for desiring mounted Mooses with you actually being able to do it in real life that I shared sources to that. Just go look at any Ancient Greek movie, Wild West, Anime, our when someone helps someone out that you can have two people on a horse. It's not ideal, yet it happens.

    Hmm... can't say much about that... basically this would be a cool thing, but requires some work to change the models and animations for that... I definitely need a break from working on animation stuff

    Yeah, you honestly do need a break/a Vacation to not burn yourself out. Again, it doesn't have to be now, but something in the future when things slow down, or something. Do your own thing though :D

    It's also been said not to burn yourself out on the Steam forums on the topic of Steam Achievements that I do agree.

    Something like that could be added when ropes are implemented Although it becomes difficult if you want to "attach" a donkey to a horse, for example, since the donkey cannot run as fast as the horse. Unfortunately changing the run speed of an animal isn't that easy, since it requires changes to the sounds and animations as well Unless we set up a restriction that your mount cannot run while another mount is attached..

    Awesome. Make the fastest mount walk as fast as the slowest mount, that be ideal. I agree. Also, when posting this I imagined that you'd be holding on the rope with your hand, yet having it attached somewhere on the saddle would be interesting as well. Again, up to you and something for the future. It doesn't have to be now, yet something I noticed that should fill in the void sometimes in the future.

    This would require us to have something like "personal horses", so only this particular horse actually listens to you. Maybe that would be a thing once pets are implemented In the meantime, this could by achieved by the plugin API (if someone decides to create a plugin for this)^^

    Oh, interesting. Yeah, personal horses would be interested indeed :D Nice idea, and no rush. If someone does make a plugin that be interesting, but until then I guess I'll just be careful with my horse (my mounts) as to not lose them while having them nearby. I don't want to burn you out, yet wanted to suggest because of a noticable void that should be filled in at some time in the "far" future.

    But thanks for the mounts. I'm having fun with them that they're really speeding things along now. It's awesome. :thumbsup:

  • Oh, interesting. Yeah, personal horses would be interested indeed :D Nice idea, and no rush. If someone does make a plugin that be interesting, but until then I guess I'll just be careful with my horse (my mounts) as to not lose them while having them nearby. I don't want to burn you out, yet wanted to suggest because of a noticable void that should be filled in at some time in the "far" future.
    But thanks for the mounts. I'm having fun with them that they're really speeding things along now. It's awesome. :thumbsup:

    Not a fan of personalized mounts. The ability the steal mounts will be a great asset to the PVP/Survival game. The ability to domesticate cows and such on the other hand is great for the PVP/Surv game but you cant steal them or sell them with that routine.

    The ability to keep the locked up behind the protected doors is a strategy for PVP to keep you mount. Holding them in place and locking your saddle up is also worthwhile.

  • Anybody else seeing that the Barrel second page the items disappear. Is this because the barrel was placed before the patch? ?(

    That is unintended, and to my understanding Red51 is working on correcting that back to the original single page. Highly suggest that no one uses/try to use the single page, and possibly barrels until that is resolved, but that is just my opinion.

  • @red51 I thought someone else was going to mention this, but it appears there might be a spawning issue related to the mounts. I have found Moose/Penguins/Polar Bears in the middle of cactus deserts, and across several different deserts, on 2 servers. Not sure, but this may be related to the Mount spawning?

  • @Wyzer Yes the other animals are on strike and marching across the globe. 8o8o
    They want their own personalize clothing. Horses , Camels and donkeys have saddles.
    So far Penguins are the only ones though that said what they want... Tuxedos.
    I am working on finding out what the rest of them want. :D


  • Anybody else seeing that the Barrel second page the items disappear. Is this because the barrel was placed before the patch?

    As @Wyzer supected, it's indeed a bug and should be fixed now with the latest hotfix :)

    @red51 I thought someone else was going to mention this, but it appears there might be a spawning issue related to the mounts. I have found Moose/Penguins/Polar Bears in the middle of cactus deserts, and across several different deserts, on 2 servers. Not sure, but this may be related to the Mount spawning?

    Hmm... that's strange oO Did maybe someone spawn these animals there? Maybe this could happen on old worlds, although this doesn't seem to be related to the mounts in this case 8|

  • A new hotfix ( is now available! It's necessary to update multiplayer servers accordingly. We also updated the plugin API, please find the latest changelog here: API Changelog
    If you still experience any issues, please let us know :)

    Hotfix 2018-06-04 (

    • [New] Added setting to change crosshair ("view settings")
    • [Change] Head lamp (L) can now be turned on/off while riding on a mount
    • [Change] Reduced storage slots of barrels (number of slots was increased accidentally with last update)
    • [Change] Changed warhammer and miningdrill sound
    • [Change] Whitelist/blacklist for multiplayer servers now also support format "name:uuid"
    • [Bugfix] Fixed collision of doors (you can open/close them correctly now)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed signs not being saved correctly if the text was set by a plugin
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong zoom in first person view
    • [Bugfix] Fixed some missing sounds
    • [Bugfix] Fixed horse idle/hurt sound range
  • A new hotfix ( is now available! It's necessary to update multiplayer servers accordingly. We also updated the plugin API, please find the latest changelog here: API Changelog
    If you still experience any issues, please let us know :)

    Hotfix 2018-06-04 (

    • [New] Added setting to change crosshair ("view settings")
    • [Change] Head lamp (L) can now be turned on/off while riding on a mount
    • [Change] Reduced storage slots of barrels (number of slots was increased accidentally with last update)
    • [Change] Changed warhammer and miningdrill sound
    • [Change] Whitelist/blacklist for multiplayer servers now also support format "name:uuid"
    • [Bugfix] Fixed collision of doors (you can open/close them correctly now)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed signs not being saved correctly if the text was set by a plugin
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong zoom in first person view
    • [Bugfix] Fixed some missing sounds
    • [Bugfix] Fixed horse idle/hurt sound range

    + added possibility to set number for different kind of animals

    thanks red!!

  • Weird. Someone on my server asked for help finding their horses. They were saddled but not in their stable. When I spawned in to take a look I saw them for a second then they disappeared. As I thought they fell through the earth I looked there and found nothing but when I pulled back to look around I saw them all on the roof lined up as if they were still in their pen. Funny event that maybe that the pen was too small and the head movement caused a collision the pushed them to the room. But I wanted to report it . They were all fine ... the person is going to open their stalls a bit .. but any theories? (I moved the donkey to make sure they were still there but it was lined in the space between horse and camel)

    The world database showed the location on the roof .

  • Weird. Someone on my server asked for help finding their horses. They were saddled but not in their stable. When I spawned in to take a look I saw them for a second then they disappeared. As I thought they fell through the earth I looked there and found nothing but when I pulled back to look around I saw them all on the roof lined up as if they were still in their pen. Funny event that maybe that the pen was too small and the head movement caused a collision the pushed them to the room. But I wanted to report it . They were all fine ... the person is going to open their stalls a bit .. but any theories? (I moved the donkey to make sure they were still there but it was lined in the space between horse and camel)

    The world database showed the location on the roof .

    I've had this same problem with the NPC dummies before, eventually they just disappear into thin air but you can still hear them :rolleyes: . If this is happening to other new NPC's then it may be a world bug and less of an actual one that red could make a patch for. In other words you may need to start a new world for them to function correctly. Haven't tested this theory myself yet but then again all these new NPC's being added could potentially be fixed by creating a new world than spending time trying to figure out why they are disappearing. @zfoxfire started a new world and the new npc's on his world don't flicker in and out like the do on these old ones. Chunk issue maybe? ?(

  • Well I have a invisible grunting dummy like that .. but this was totally different. it was that they must moved straight up about 10 feet. They did not fall through the stone like I have had with previous dummies.

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