Upcoming: Hostile npcs

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • I do not think a donation is the way to go. There just have to be many who know that Rising World exists. If we all post on Facebook and Co and share like the crazy ones to reach as many as possible.
    Would it be a long-term goal and a short cash injection.

    Ich glaube nicht, dass eine Spende der richtige Weg ist. Es müssen einfach nur viele wissen das es Rising World überhaupt gibt. Wenn wir alle bei Facebook und Co posten und teilen wie die verrückten, um so viele wie möglich zu erreichen.
    Wäre es ein langfriestiges Ziel und eine kurze Geldspritze.

    Ich bin z.B. nicht auf Facebook, Twitter, etc. Ich poste viel und gerne, auch in anderen Foren (RW nur in Zusammenhang mit anderen Spielen und im Offtopic-Bereich, alles andere fände ich unfair gegenüber dem Spiel in dessen Forum auf Steam ich poste).

    Ich habe auch einige gute Freunde die gerne zocken und sich diese Spiel auch holen würden. Aber sie sind keine Baumeister und haben auch nciht so arg viel Zeit. Mehr action würde da was helfen. Und sollten die NPC genau das bringen, dann besorge ich für diese Leute auch noch RW.

    Aber davor noch will ich abwarten was Red51 zur Zukunft zu sagen hat. Wenn er von Steam weggeht würde ich gerne einen Key in dem neuen Shop kaufen. Steam bei deren Praxis zu unterstützen finde ich nicht gut. Und ja, ich könnte mir hier im Forum einen Key kaufen - aber ich persönlich mag die automatischen Updates, die Übersichtlichkeit, etc. von den Spieleplattformen. Auch wenn ich mehrere davon habe.

  • @red51 could always put a pay pal link for donations in the lobby of this forum. I don't think steam can say anything about that, and the money would go directly to red51. Label it something like "donations for development" or something of the sort. I don't think there would be any limitations to amounts that way either.

  • I realise that I am very much in the minority when I say I'm not really looking forward to the update. Skeletons and Bandits don't really appeal to me - I have plenty of fun staying alive with just bears, boars and jaguars to fight! However, I realise that most people just want to fight and thats what will sell the game so its perfectly fine. I just wanted to ask - will we have the option NOT to have bandits and skeletons in the same way we could disable certain animal predators?
    Either way Im totally addicted to the game so I'm sure I'll keep playing - just hopeful of that no bandit button!
    Thanks, Red, for all your effort and a beautiful and fun game.

  • Maybe this has been asked/ answered, but it would be nice if the NPC's carried items you could loot when killed. Gun, ammo, etc.. such as when you kill a cow, you may get steaks, a hide, or nothing.

  • Just like the latest minecraft update with the villager raiding

    I stopped playing Minecraft when they starting updating everything and recreating the game itself (thanks, Microsoft). Minecraft was a game that was amazing in its simplicity, and I know I'm not the only one who holds that belief. Rising World can totally do something like this, though, since it's a game that's fun to play because of its detail and realistic style. Hostile NPCs would be an amazing addition!

  • I stopped playing Minecraft when they starting updating everything and recreating the game itself (thanks, Microsoft). Minecraft was a game that was amazing in its simplicity, and I know I'm not the only one who holds that belief. Rising World can totally do something like this, though, since it's a game that's fun to play because of its detail and realistic style. Hostile NPCs would be an amazing addition!

    Agreed. I wonder what Hytale will hold as Minecraft itself seems to be taking a downward turn in general. That being said a comparison between the two games is impossible as it strains my eyes going from the awesome graphics of Rising World back to blocky games, even when you have shaders on :D

  • This may seem random, but I'm loving the recent updates to Minecraft showing Mojang is FINALLY listening to their fanbase again.... In some manner, that is. They're not listening as Red51, but they are taking note of things making Minecraft more enjoyable to play. I absolutely love the addition of foxes, parrots, barrels, illager patrols, zombie turning into Drowned, and all that fun stuff. Even the lovely campfire.

    Rising World still owns everything PNB style, as with the proper barrels. It's funny how I'm now building more barrels in Minecraft thanks to Rising World. It's the easiest in both games. The campfire thing you can do in Rising World is also able to be done in Minecraft. It's amusing. With the recent hostile NPC update I'm now curious how hostiles in Rising World shall behave, also for "science" reason when compared to Minecraft side of things. There's also the grinding stone to fix your tools, something people have been requesting Rising World tools to have. Durability on tools was a big one. The traveling merchant is also something Red51 wanted, but only in singleplayer game. They should also be in multiplayer, as they are in Minecraft. I find it amusing how they're done in Minecraft because they roam everywhere. Traveling merchants would also be best on multiplayer servers with how lonely it can still get on servers with time-zones, private servers, and the like.

    Rising World, I do hope you have plans to allow me to tame either foxes (normal & arctic fox). I can't wait to have cuddly foxes as my pet while feeding them berries, and such. For Minecraft those parrots are adorable, if quite a bit of a troll. They mimic the sound they hear around them making you think zombies, creepers, and such are roaming in your base. It honestly makes me quite paranoid making me be twice as cautious in picking out sounds.

    There's a lot in the new 19wo9a Snapshot making me see Minecraft in a whole new way. While I wait for Rising World to release their update I'm also seeing what Minecraft has to have Rising World learn from. There's many things to learn from Minecraft & vice-versa. :D

    I feel bad for all the things Red51 has to do because Rising World is still a beast of a game. One person working on a very beast of a game. Also, sorry if I'm posting way too much Minecraft postings..... Mojang is finally doing things properly that I have to note things seriously. These are actual worthwhile things which I would also love to see in Rising World whenever they're ready. No rush, but Rising World would need a few of these features, even 1-upping Minecraft in what they do.

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