First playable version now available!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Bummer... :( Thanks for the new report! We'll check out what's going on there. It's apparently related to the opus lib (the "" which should be in the "Data/Plugins" folder) :thinking: Unfortunately we couldn't reproduce the issue on our Linux machine (which uses Ubuntu btw), but we'll check out if this is maybe related to libopus instead...

    Yup, is definitely present. Really looking forward to firing this up but I appreciate you'll probably have a whole host of issues to deal with for the majority Windows player base first.

  • I'm not trying to be mean, it is just my opinion:

    I think that the previous design of the launcher and the RW bulletin board looked better than the current one.

    I am not trying to offend you, shame you, or otherwise make you feel uncomfortable, if I did I am extremely sorry.

    I did not do it on purpose.



  • Tried to remap the movement control to the up/down/sideways arrows but it didnt take. When I went back into settings it had changed to "print" for all 4 directions.

    Oh that's strange :wat: We had a similar issue with the game recognizing "fake input" some time ago. It could be related to Unitys new Input system we're using (which is still suffering from various issue), but we'll check out what's going on there.

    Does it still get this wrong input after restarting your machine (no need to do that now, maybe just try it tomorrow or something like that)?

    Yup, is definitely present. Really looking forward to firing this up but I appreciate you'll probably have a whole host of issues to deal with for the majority Windows player base first.

    Unfortunately we couldn't reproduce it so far, but we're still trying to find out what's wrong. In fact this is the only received reports about two errors - the issue described by agiser and Groovaholic and your report (but I'm not sure if any other Linux player did run the game yet) :thinking:

    I think that the previous design of the launcher and the RW bulletin board looked better than the current one.

    You mean the Java Standalone launcher? Personally I don't like the design of the old standalone launcher very much :saint: Especially since it's causing trouble on various machines.... but well, there is no accounting for taste :D

    When talking about the bulletin board, do you mean the forum? We changed that design back in January ^^

  • After selecting the "New Version Preview" Beta branch on Steam, make sure to launch the game from your Steam library. Then there will be a small popup where you can select "Play Rising World" (which launches the Java version) and "New Version" (which launches the new version) ;)

    Thanks for the work you've done. Red and his team create a super game. This will be the best game in the world.

    Everything works stably well, without lags and bugs.

    Thank you very much. We are waiting for updates)) great job, super.:D:D:thumbup::thumbup:

  • When talking about the bulletin board, do you mean the forum? We changed that design back in January ^^

    Yes, I haven't used the forums from late 2018 up until June this year so I noticed it in June. I think that the older design was better. The reason I liked the older one more is that it has more depth and cracks, the wood and stuff (and this looks somewhat strange because of the flat design, again, it's just my opinion, I am not trying to bewilder you or anybody who thinks other-wise, I am tolerant, I hope you understand, my English is too bad.)

  • I'm not trying to be mean, it is just my opinion:

    I think that the previous design of the launcher and the RW bulletin board looked better than the current one.



    While I like the new paintstroked transparency layer looking UI , I do miss the appearance of wooden planks. Maybe the old one was a bit overdone in wood but I wouldn't mind seeing some wood planks or maybe a wooden sign that is in the ground and menu driven in the new UI.

    Also, I have to nitpick about the look of the "milkyway" in the night sky unless it's established that we are on some far off world. But the milky way looks like two white fuzzy paint stroke against the starry sky. Here's the best I can find that represents its appearance to the naked eye:

    So i had to try and... any idea when Hell will be available? Are there plans to make that a vertical-layered biome like some other future underworld areas? :-D

  • So take this with a grain of salt but I'm imagining there's a reason why this chunk is showing but others are not. I flew out and recognized some of it from your trello. I guess this is not a seed-generated chunk but a modified chunk. still should not be visible from a distance.

    This is a hard coded playground which is actually not part of the world :D We used it as playground for testing various things and originally wanted to remove it for the demo, but it could still be fun to explore that part so we kept it in for the first demo release ;)

    I'm glad you kept it in. I took a peak as to what was there finding the megaphones, walkie talkies and such. Things in the suggestion forums were actually implemented and I'm happy.

    I love this playground area. I'm digging the grandfather clock, the Japanese lanterns, and a bit happily annoyed by the door locked teasing the Christmas tree. I have a lot more to explore.

    I'm going to see if I can make a video of this shortly, if the performance allows me. I kept experiencing slight stuttering as if its loading chunks or something. I still have errands to run so I'll deal with this game once I come back from that. So far, I'm impressed.

  • I love this playground area. I'm digging the grandfather clock, the Japanese lanterns, and a bit happily annoyed by the door locked teasing the Christmas tree. I have a lot more to explore.

    I missed the Christmas tree but leave it to Red to make an impressive demo with lots of teasers of what is to come. ;)

    Maybe the door is locked and time sensitive, only open on Christmas. I'll set my clock forward and see what happens. I wouldn't be suprised if Red put some easter eggs in here for us to discover.

  • From Red: "Does it still get this wrong input after restarting your machine"

    Restarted computer and changed the movement setting from the title screen before launching (not sure if that makes a difference) and its working now :)

  • Thanks for your feedback! :)

    Also, I have to nitpick about the look of the "milkyway" in the night sky unless it's established that we are on some far off world. But the milky way looks like two white fuzzy paint stroke against the starry sky. Here's the best I can find that represents its appearance to the naked eye:

    In fact it's not necessarily the milky way, instead it's just a more generic space texture :D We preferred that one over a regular star sky (like in the old version), even if it's not that realistic. But we'll think about changing that :)

    So i had to try and... any idea when Hell will be available? Are there plans to make that a vertical-layered biome like some other future underworld areas? :-D

    Unfortunately no ETA for that yet :silenced: We've done some preparations to hell but disabled it for the demo. About vertical-layered biomes, unfortunately we haven't implemented actual biomes yet (except some forests, which are technically also biomes), so I can't say much about that yet... but it's planned :)

    I'm going to see if I can make a video of this shortly, if the performance allows me. I kept experiencing slight stuttering as if its loading chunks or something

    Hmm... if performance is causing trouble, maybe create a new topic in the Help section with some information about your hardware (and your current config) :) Then we can check out what's going on there.

  • Unfortunately we couldn't reproduce it so far, but we're still trying to find out what's wrong. In fact this is the only received reports about two errors - the issue described by agiser and Groovaholic and your report (but I'm not sure if any other Linux player did run the game yet) :thinking:

    I can probably help you a bit with this - if I copy into ..../_New Version/Data/Plugins/ the game boots. Looks like a path issue :D Haven't played yet, thought you might want to know this asap though.

  • I can probably help you a bit with this - if I copy into ..../_New Version/Data/Plugins/ the game boots. Looks like a path issue :D Haven't played yet, thought you might want to know this asap though.

    Thanks for letting us know! This sounds like the shipped with the game doesn't work properly :thinking: We're currently updating our Linux rig to the same kernel version you have, hopefully this helps us to reproduce the issue

  • Thanks for letting us know! This sounds like the shipped with the game doesn't work properly :thinking: We're currently updating our Linux rig to the same kernel version you have, hopefully this helps us to reproduce the issue

    Great. Just had a few minutes in game and I can report it runs sweetly at 1080p.

    Oh, there doesn't seem to be a 'resume game' option after changing settings (unless I missed it).

    Feature request: change the player pick/hands pose. Like every other game with a pick, it's comical - no one runs around with a pick held like that and you swing it over your shoulder, not towards your face. I know the forearm would partially obscure the view but it would make first person view so much more realistic IMHO :D :D

    EDIT: Sorry forgot to say, I checked it's not a filename issue ie renamed to but that still causes a crash.

  • This is really awesome. I love everything about it. Definitely worth the wait!

    I do have to ask though, is the paint roller intended to be working at the moment? I could use it, but nothing became painted. Also, is item placement in yet? I tried to put some bottles down in a specific place but they just kept shattering :verysad:.

    Really excited to see future updates! It's looking amazing!

  • Great. Just had a few minutes in game and I can report it runs sweetly at 1080p.

    Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad to hear that :)

    Oh, there doesn't seem to be a 'resume game' option after changing settings (unless I missed it).

    Oh, there is a small arrow at the top (in the top left corner). But alternatively you can also press ESC to get back.

    Feature request: change the player pick/hands pose. Like every other game with a pick, it's comical - no one runs around with a pick held like that and you swing it over your shoulder, not towards your face. I know the forearm would partially obscure the view but it would make first person view so much more realistic IMHO :D :D

    Do you maybe have a screenshot or an image about your suggestion? ^^ It's true that the current animation isn't realistic (same applies to most items actually), but sometimes it feels a bit odd if the item isn't properly visible in the first person view :thinking:

    EDIT: Sorry forgot to say, I checked it's not a filename issue ie renamed to but that still causes a crash.

    Thanks for the info! Unfortunately we don't have any news either - we've updated our Ubuntu to the latest kernel version and it still works... but in the meantime we received another report of someone having the same issue. It doesn't affect all Linux players and we still don't know what's causing it exactly...

    One thing you could maybe try: What happens if you delete the "" from the plugins folder? Usually the game should then try to use the system lib (although maybe it doesn't find it due to the different name)


    Congratulations! red51

    Thanks, it looks like it works now? :wat:

    I do have to ask though, is the paint roller intended to be working at the moment? I could use it, but nothing became painted. Also, is item placement in yet? I tried to put some bottles down in a specific place but they just kept shattering :verysad: .

    Yes, the paint roller is supposed to work ^^ But you can only paint objects with it atm, i.e. furniture and doors. Just press the RMB to change the color (there are only a few pre-defined colors available atm), then look at an object (e.g. the bed or the door) and hold your LMB

    About item placement: That's not fully implemented yet, so unfortunately there is no way to place them right now.... but we're working on it ;)

  • I tried the new version with all the graphics and distance settings set to maximum and the game is so smooth (runs even better than the java version) I had no errors and gave it a fair test. The game uses around 67% processing capability compared to the java version which is around 15% - but im sure there will be optimizations when its released in full. I did not get any errors or crashes.


    nvidia gtx 980

    I really love the new graphics, ambience and immersion. It definatley feels a more realistic environment. I cant wait for the official release.


  • Do you maybe have a screenshot or an image about your suggestion? ^^ It's true that the current animation isn't realistic (same applies to most items actually), but sometimes it feels a bit odd if the item isn't properly visible in the first person view :thinking:

    Well one hand would be down at the bottom, probably out of view and the other diagonally opposite - you'd probably only see the wooden shaft running across part of your view and maybe the very tip of the head. When you swing it the upper hand disappears over your shoulder and the other one comes upwards in a diagonal path. Try swinging anything around pretending it's a pick and it's pretty obvious - so many games get this wrong, RW could be different! :D

  • I am downloading the new version now. I want 2 know if oneday I will be able to use this in VR on my Oculus quest 2, Mainly my quest 2 sits on my table because I can't find any games I like very much. If u did ever make this game have a VR mode it would be cool 2 use the Oculus controllers as u can't see your mouse or keyboard and once you're a PC user its very hard to get used to using a Bluetooth controller. Thanks. Looking forward to trying out this new demo.

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