Update 0.5: World generation

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • My follow up issue is I don't see any water in the old worlds that I backup from previous install. Is it fixable or should I blueprint everything and transfer to new world?

    Yeah, unfortunately water does not generate in old demo worlds... the problem is that some people did already build at sea ground (the original gravel area), and that area would now be flooded if we added water :(

    This is, what I was afraid of. Java version runs still great and my son loves it anyway.

    I'm so sorry for not having any positive news :/ Did you manage to run the new version on that laptop before? Or was it the first time you run the new version? Do you maybe have another machine where you can play the game on?

    Anyway, the Java version will definitely always remain playable :)

    Loving the new update RED and I must congratulate you on doing a wonderful job especially the pine forests, the only problem that I've come across is that I can't level the ground with the rake, the most it seems to be doing is taking the top off and nothing else?

    Thanks a lot for your feedback! :) About the rake, it's indeed still causing some trouble... it looks like this problem was already present in previous versions... I will take a closer look at this issue!

  • Did you manage to run the new version on that laptop before? Or was it the first time you run the new version? Do you maybe have another machine where you can play the game on?

    Yes, it was the first time on that laptop.

    Kind of I expected problems, quadro is not exactly gaming card and is supported only with legacy drivers. Unfortunately there are no usable open source drivers for nvidia.

    On my PC with RX580 everything works fine 🙂

  • There was just myself and another player online, say player x, when I found player x in-game the name tag over the player actually had a the name of player b who had disconnected earlier.

    When player c then joined, player x's name tag then change (right before me) to players c's name tag.

    Just as they might be useful to you I'm going to send all the server logs over so far.

    We have the same problem. (default player permissions, I didn’t change anything, didn’t add anything to the server. Default server settings and permissions, everything as provided by the developer).

    There may be problems with private due to scammers, I don’t know yet

    Names are not tied to a Steam account or..., I don't know

  • Loving the new update RED and I must congratulate you on doing a wonderful job especially the pine forests, the only problem that I've come across is that I can't level the ground with the rake, the most it seems to be doing is taking the top off and nothing else?

    A sledgehammer (hammer) does not smooth the corners of the ground in the cave. (in java, the hammer leveled the surface and it was very good)

  • We wanted to have such a tree in the game (because this also spawns IRL sometimes)

    I had no time to play in the new update yet, but I am sure I will like it very much! :D And finally an old IRL experience is confirmed, thank you so much :wacko: Several years ago it sometimes happened to me that on my way between office and home I suddenly saw an old, large tree which I had never realized at that location before. :crazy::crazy: That tree pretended to being there for years and I thought that I was on the way to crazyness ... You confirmed that trees can spawn in real life, too :wow: <3

  • We have the same problem. (default player permissions, I didn’t change anything, didn’t add anything to the server. Default server settings and permissions, everything as provided by the developer).

    Do you just refer to the nametags (there is indeed something broken with nametags in general), or do you mean the whole permission in general?

    If you're testing permissions as admin, make sure the setting "Permissions_AdminsFullPermissions" in the server.properties is set to false, otherwise admins will always have full permissions (irrespective of the permission group) ;)

    A sledgehammer (hammer) does not smooth the corners of the ground in the cave. (in java, the hammer leveled the surface and it was very good)

    Yeah, there seems to be some issues with the smoothing tools (including the sledge hammer and rake)... we will try to fix that ASAP!

    That tree pretended to being there for years and I thought that I was on the way to crazyness ... You confirmed that trees can spawn in real life, too :wow: <3

    Hehe, of course they can spawn in real life :D It's similar to situations where you suddenly hear boss music and a fat spider spawns on the wall <X I'm just so glad I never have any desync when driving a car :lol:

  • Another hotfix is now available btw! It hopefully fixes the water issue some people were experiencing (water patches sometimes dissapearing), but it also increases the spawn rate for ores - this affects both surface ores (the iron ore boulders) and underground ores. The hotfix also fixes the smoothing tools (creative mode tool as well as the rake etc). You can find the changelog below.

    This update also needs to be installed on multiplayer servers.

    If you're still running into any issues, please let us know ;)

    Hotfix 2022-11-02:

    • [Change] Increased spawn rate for surface iron ore boulders
    • [Change] Increased spawn rate for underground ores (TBD)
    • [Change] Deep underground area (below forests) is no longer filled with dirt
    • [Change] Vehicle controls can now be changed in the controls settings
    • [Change] Updated some sounds (more birds in trees etc)
    • [Change] Increased music volume
    • [Bugfix] Fixed water chunks sometimes disappearing or missing (need feedback)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed smoothing with rake, hoe and sledgehammer
    • [Bugfix] Fixed terrain smoothing tool (F5) not working properly with certain materials (like grass)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed error when trying to join a multiplayer server right after playing via Steam P2P
    • [Bugfix] Fixed block icon in inventory not updating properly when changing the shape retroactively
    • [Bugfix] Fixed performance issues when lots of lamps were placed in the world
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wall torch breaking when modifying nearby terrain
  • Probably I don't know something, but is grass placing intended Sickle functional?

    Lol :wat: Fix a bug, create a new one ||

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I'll prepare a hotfix for this :D (unfortunatly it'll take ~ 2 hours until the fix is compiled and uploaded well, it takes longer because Unity crashed while building - this happens sometimes unfortunately)...

  • Thankyou Red.

    This is beginning to look exactly like the final version which I pictured in my mind several years ago when i first discovered this game. The new biomes look fantastic and I could spend a lot of time walking the rocky beaches. I look forward to more sandy beaches in the future. There seems to be only an occasional sandy beach. Overall the landscape is diverse and the transitions are smooth. Sadly no caves yet but implementing those as well as (i hope still) underground biomes will be a pleasurable experience to explore.

    The pseudo-dynamic water seems good so far. I dug straight down in the ocean and dug out a little cave and it handled the water additions very well.

  • Oooh Red, thanks for the fix.

    1. Permissions. I referred to the name tags (they are duplicated).

    2. Players are asking if they will be able to use the soil from the inventory? In the Java version, it was possible to edit the landscape from the inventory (fill up a hole, paint the area and not only ...), it was very convenient for editing caves.

    3. Still interested in Dynamite, and Boer. Will they be in the game in the future? (maybe I missed the information about this on the forum).

    4. I forgot, I'm sorry (I am from 8:00 to 23:00 in the Rising World). I'm late... 8:02 already^^

  • Hotfix 2022-11-02:

    • [Bugfix] Fixed water chunks sometimes disappearing or missing (need feedback)

    I wandered along a coastline for ages - no missing squares anywhere - looks fantastic. I started a different world and spawned in a valley with water - there was a single square missing when viewed at a distance but it was rendered as I approached (the opposite of what was happening before I think) - maybe something to do with the water only being one 'tile' wide??? See near centre in these images:

  • 1. Permissions. I referred to the name tags (they are duplicated).

    Oh I see! We'll check out what's going on there :)

    2. Players are asking if they will be able to use the soil from the inventory? In the Java version, it was possible to edit the landscape from the inventory (fill up a hole, paint the area and not only ...), it was very convenient for editing caves.

    This is planned, unfortunately the different terarin materials didn't make it into this update yet :/ But it's still on our to-do list :)

    3. Still interested in Dynamite, and Boer. Will they be in the game in the future? (maybe I missed the information about this on the forum).

    Dynamite is planned :D We just prepared a nice explosion effect a few weeks ago :saint:

    What do you mean exactly with "Boer"?^^

    bug: group names from json file do not keep case. Eg. "Hello World" become "hello world"

    Oh, thanks for letting me know, I'll check this out!

    bug: I planted 2 hemp plants last night, harvested them this morning, planted the seedlings, and after a server restart the seedlings were there, but also the two fully grown plants that had already been harveted.

    Hmm... sounds like the hemp plant wasn't fully removed on the server :wat: Could you maybe send me a server log (from last night and/or today)? :saint:

    I wandered along a coastline for ages - no missing squares anywhere - looks fantastic. I started a different world and spawned in a valley with water - there was a single square missing when viewed at a distance but it was rendered as I approached (the opposite of what was happening before I think) - maybe something to do with the water only being one 'tile' wide??? See near centre in these images:

    This seems to be a different issue unfortunately :saint: In very rare cases water does not generate naturally in LOD chunks apparently. I ran into a similar issue once, but couldn't reproduce it anymore...

    This one is probably a bit harder to fix, but it's on our to-do list ^^

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