Changelog 2016-09-19: Better animals, more content

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • While I'm perfectly fine with how Rising World handles returning ore, I both agree and disagree with your comment pertaining to mining ore. Minerals in real life are nonrenewable resources. That said, it is perfectly normal for a miner to go back into an old mineshaft, start new tunnels, and find ore where previous miners never mined. It's not perfectly normal to merely dig out an old mineshaft and find missed ores in the rubble that was used to fill it in the first place. It's also not normal for a miner to find ore in the rubble while refilling his or her mineshaft. Mistakes happen in reality and one can accidentally put back a stone with a speck of gold on it, but I would guess that's a rare occurrence based on a lack of attention, among other things.

    well often they put back the rubble and years later they then reprocess that same rubble oO its more to do with the process it never gets 100% of the ore first time and more processing is needed but at what cost is it to re process rubble is it worth it ? in most case's its not till the price of that ore goes above the cost vs yield every time you process rubble the cost is the same but each time you do it your yield gets less

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Main focus of this update was the improvement of the animal behaviour (that was necessary for the upcoming dungeons update). Animals still need work (proper water detection, better AI etc), but especially the collision detection should work much better now - in other words, animals will no longer be able to walk through walls or fences (which happened sometimes in the past), so you should be able to create a small farm now and fence in some animals.
    Apart from that, animals now also get fall damage (and die eventually) when falling from a certain height

    Hi all
    I made a closed, fenced in section on grass, using Grate 2X4 (Metal) and a Door Grille (Metal). I spawned each animal except the Bear and Moose
    inside the fenced in area. They all got out. The sheep was the last to find a way out. All was empty after 1 day.


  • Hi allI made a closed, fenced in section on grass, using Grate 2X4 (Metal) and a Door Grille (Metal). I spawned each animal except the Bear and Moose
    inside the fenced in area. They all got out. The sheep was the last to find a way out. All was empty after 1 day.


    Use planks and beams to make your fences as objects thats are pre made dont work to well the items still need work or the npc's need more work for objects oO

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • @red51 Question about NPC animals.

    I know theres a global limit of the number NPC's on a server but how does the game handle spawned NPC's ?
    does it delete another NPC elsewhere once its reached global limit ?
    is it advisable to spawn NPC's or does it mess up ID numbers etc etc..

    Incase the feature to breed animals happen to get added into the game in the future, would you consider allowing animals to have a natural death (get sick/old age/attacked by other animals/birth defect) as a way to control and keep players from overpopulating their farms and flooding a multiplayer server. (side-note same for crops maybe having a chance for bad crops or stolen/eaten by animals.)

  • the behavior where filling a mined area creates more ore from stone is a known bug but its not a high priority to fix. At present there is more ore than things to craft from ore so there really is no incentive to exploit that bug.

    I'm just more than happy to help. Reporting bugs here is much friendlier and less hostile than reporting them for Minecraft.

    That said, as an update to my bug report on how I wound up with more ore and stone once I had refilled a mined hole, even though it's not a priority bug, I performed some tests in my in-game workroom: The test was to separately put down two stones, dirt, sand, mud, and gravel, then mine them. Each gave me more than two back. Dirt also gave me gravel, and gravel also gave me sand. Who needs a sifter.

  • I'd love to know this as well because Minecraft is also looking into nerfing player farms by making everything "more natural" also. If players spawn too many animals in one given space the animals would "suffocate" to death from the lack of room.

    I would love to know how Rising WOrld shall treat this when we do gain natural farming breeding in the mix because having a global limit is new to me also. Having animals die various ways to keep things in balance would be an interesting way to go about it, yet you would however have to have some animal medical tool to know htis when animals just fall over into corpses.

  • I made a closed, fenced in section on grass, using Grate 2X4 (Metal) and a Door Grille (Metal). I spawned each animal except the Bear and Moose
    inside the fenced in area. They all got out. The sheep was the last to find a way out. All was empty after 1 day.

    Yeah, unfortunately animals are still able to walk through objects (like grates). In addition, a bug in the latest release cause animals to escape from their cages in certain situations. However, thanks to the feedback and the bug reports, we were able to fix these issues finally, a new update about that will be available very soon (finally animals are supposed to stay in their cages then, and they will no longer be able to walk through objects) ;)

    I know theres a global limit of the number NPC's on a server but how does the game handle spawned NPC's ?

    Well, there is no real limit (there is a max npc setting in the though, but it has no effect). Or more precisely, the precision of an "integer" is the only limiting factor (it's at ~ 2 billion). Right now there is no specific spawn handling, so the game just keeps spawning animals :D I guess in the future we will implement the "max npc" setting (either no more animals will spawn once the limit is reached, or just the oldest one will be replaced etc)

    Incase the feature to breed animals happen to get added into the game in the future, would you consider allowing animals to have a natural death (get sick/old age/attacked by other animals/birth defect) as a way to control and keep players from overpopulating their farms and flooding a multiplayer server

    Yes, actually animals have an "age" field, it's not really used yet, but most likely that will change in the long run. The same applies to "attacks by other animals", the animal AI anyway needs tweaks (so predators actually hunt their preys etc). Can't say much about animal sickness or birth defects, I guess we will think about it once the time has come ^^

    The test was to separately put down two stones, dirt, sand, mud, and gravel, then mine them. Each gave me more than two back. Dirt also gave me gravel, and gravel also gave me sand. Who needs a sifter.

    Yes, that's true. It's related to the way how the terrain is rendered, or in other words, how the underlying data structure is used for terrain generation. We are aware of this issue, but right now, it has a low priority ;)

  • Yes, that's true. It's related to the way how the terrain is rendered, or in other words, how the underlying data structure is used for terrain generation. We are aware of this issue, but right now, it has a low priority ;)

    So it's safe to say this is why when you rake sand, it turns to dirt? It made things easier when it came to setting up my beach home garden. Heheh

  • Sometimes the saloon doors stop opening causing the other side of the doors to be inaccessible. A player will experience this problem but another player will be able to successfully use the same doors.

  • Don't know if it is mentioned already, but i still having issues with scaffoldings. I use them to bridge to off my twoers in constuction, so i used like 15 off them (normal scaffoldings) to connect the two sides. Somthimes it happens that one off them isnt sollid and i drop right down. Happens more often on higher altitudes (+50 blocks from the ground).

    I also would like to know if and when there are going to be roofs added to this great game. This is the only real ting i currently miss for finnishing my buildings. Some blocks with a 22.5°/45°/67.5° slope with roof textures on them would be realy great :P

    And last but for me not least, does anyone also feel the 'viewing distortion' is a bit to high? What i mean is that it feels like u see the world trueh a small globe and for me it feels the distortion near the edges of the screen are to big compared to the real world.

  • Sometimes the saloon doors stop opening causing the other side of the doors to be inaccessible

    I think this issue will be solved with the next update. At least we fixed a bug related to the saloondoors, not sure if this is exactly the bug some people are having^^

    but i still having issues with scaffoldings. I use them to bridge to off my twoers in constuction, so i used like 15 off them (normal scaffoldings) to connect the two sides. Somthimes it happens that one off them isnt sollid and i drop right down

    That's true =O Thanks for letting us know, we will fix it!

    I also would like to know if and when there are going to be roofs added to this great game

    Yes, it's definitely our intention to add roofs to the game. I can't say for sure but I guess they will be available very soon ;)

    And last but for me not least, does anyone also feel the 'viewing distortion' is a bit to high?

    Hmm... does it help if you change the field of view in the settings (esc -> settings -> "view adjustment" -> fov)?

  • @red51 it doesnt matter if i change the fov, it only amplifies the effect for me personaly. Just for the sake of experimenting i have set the fov to the max and there u can clearly see how the world distortion is. in other first person games i played (skyrim,..) i havent had this distorted feeling when looking at the world. Its nothing major, it only bugs me when building my cathedral ingame ;)

    Good news for the roofs, hope 'very soon' means somthing like in the comming weeks, together with the dungeons update? :rolleyes:

    Also is it possible to adjust the viewdistance off player made buildings? my pc is almost doing nothing while playing this game (all settings maxed: cpu max 10%, GPU max 50%), and my building is realy huge (currently 300x120x120 blocks and not done yet) so it littraly pops up if u come close. This realy kills the motivation to build real wolrd buildings on real scale :( . Love to see tall buildings from mile away. I know its an EA game and u still have lots off optimalizations to do so its no big deal if this is not going to happen in alpha/beta fase.

  • You know what's both awesome & frustrating at the same time? While testing out SimpleCars v1.3 plugin that cotton spawns in already spawned chunks, yet I was either too blind to see it, or it somehow spawned secretly in a newer update when I wasn't looking. I spent a good 30 minutes traveling FAR to newer chunks when this update appeared, yet it appeared right at the doorsteps of Niska Village when I was following the beach coast & such. Now I'm half-relieved that newer update content can appear in older chunks, yet it trolls the living hell out of you.

    <Insert facedesk emote here>

    I'm just loving how cotton now spawns on pre-spawned chunks, and that I can soon have a vehicle to drive around with after 'Simplecars' gets polished more. I'm still hyped for horses though. Dungeons then player models to allow for horses. Horses & man-made gravel......Oh, that's going to be sweet!

    I can't stop hyping this game up. It's hitting all the awesome sweet spots :thumbsup:

  • Horses & man-made gravel......Oh, that's going to be sweet!

    well in fact it would not be hard to code to make gravel now if you hit stone area you could use PlayerDestroyTerrainEvent and getTerrainID() if = stone and role a dice every time the dice lands on 1 you get some gravel you could incress your chance by the type of tool you use

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • That would be awesome, yet I wouldn't know how to do that. Having a dice roll on it would be sweet while adding to the fun of it all. Would be sweet to see how that works so I wouldn't have to keep pestering him, yet that's a bit too late now. Who's going to release it first? :whistling:


    I guess if Red51 was to add in vehicles that they'd be pretty small. Something to consider would be this Merc' truck which could be 'generalized' for our light mining, logging, & such type resource runs:

    That's awesome. I guess the biggest vehicle might be a box truck, ones you see for moving. Having played Euro Truck Sim 2 & American Truck Sim has me curious about those long haul trucks though. If they'd be possible.

  • Considering the seed I wound up on, which is essentially all plains, beaches, and a few mountains & forests, I'd go for a golf cart or an ATV when it comes to vehicles. Maybe a trailer to attach to them that could allow me to carry a few chests, barrels, or crates. Small enough to even go into the mines.

    As for the 1 in 6 chance to get gravel, I would think it should be a lot easier to get gravel than that. The world won't (shouldn't) crash due to an over-abundance of gravel. I'm going to patiently wait to see what Red has planned for the game.

  • An ATV with a small trailer behind it would be awesome. Seeing as how much we tend to haul resources it would be awesome with some people even hauling wood, food, or whatever. Even fishing, and such. Fishing might be a big thing that you'll have to haul it further inland & such.

    Minecarts & train cars with the ability to hold large crates would be awesome. Would be nice if Red51 could look into giving us forklifts to pick up & drop various crates onto trains & trucks, among others.

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