Upcoming: New player models

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Hi folks! We are happy to present the first screenshots of the upcoming player models. All models and animations were made from scratch.

    We have prepared a male and a female character as well as lots of different clothes (medieval and modern ones). The models will be customizable, i.e. you can change your skin color, haircut, facial hair etc.
    The upcoming update will also introduce several new items, including new tools and ranged weapons like bows and a musket.

    But the most important aspect will be the fact that this update will serve as a foundation for several future survival features, which will be added in subsequent updates.

    The models still need some adjustment, especially when it comes to the animation part. We also have to rework some of the ingame mechanics in order to handle the new player models properly (e.g. proper syncing of the customized characters in multiplayer, ability to change clothes, armor etc). We can't say for sure when the update will be ready, hopefully it won't take too long, but we try to get it ready as soon as possible.

    Maybe we will split this big update into several smaller updates.

    Last but not least we also want to announce that our stats page is practically finished. This page gives you an overview of the various multiplayer servers, i.e. amount of online players, average player count etc. Server owners are able to customize their server overview page (e.g. add a custom description, custom screenshots etc) by adding their name as "webadmin" in the server.properties file.

    Expect the stats page to be available in the next few days: https://stats.rising-world.net

  • wow @red51 these look far better than I ever expected XD (no offence :P). One question can you add multiple people as webadmins in the server.properties file?

  • Oh, this is a game-changer. For one thing we'll be able to tell the girls from the boys (if they're being honest about it). This will SO improve the feel of the game. Looks like we'll be making ourselves nice wardrobe, too.

    Wonder how I'll make a red polo shirt... :/

    Question -- will the models we make for ourselves be permanent, or will they be modifiable afterwards, too?

    Hmm... so much to take in. It just registered on me that one those models is using a bow and arrow. Good things are coming, fer sure.

  • YATTA!~

    Finally! I can finally rest easy knowing we have the previews for the 'Player Models & Animations' update. I love the first & last image because it brings the most out of the characters. The second image is funky because hair isn't being shown (or little), yet love how you're showing off the shirts & mining helmet, something I'd use. Mining helmet, musket, as well as bow & arrow. Shall be interesting to see how I'd tweak my character to be more like me. It's as you say, a foundation for things to come.

    I hope you don't mind me being picky. I was expecting more, yet I'm happy with this because it's going to change how we play. We're now going to be able to tell each other apart, as well as being able to craft clothing to tend more to ourselves. It's a nice welcomed addition. Do hope you speed up running to 2-3x the speed when holding shift. Maybe with a sprint meter. That really has to be a thing. No joke.

    Same question as Harv of - "Will we be able to customize our character that "one time", or be able to have it stored on the server to put into one server and another?"

    Nice. I can't wait to see modding adding in body types to bring out the most out of these character models. Not just the nudity side, but the actual quality. Not knocking you guys because you're working your rear-ends off, yet curious how far modding shall go by adding further customization.

    Even loving the stats. I may play around with that to see how that goes. Glad you finally mentioned it, answering questions of what it shall contain, and such.

  • Question -- will the models we make for ourselves be permanent, or will they be modifiable afterwards, too?

    You can always change the appearance of your character ;) Clothes can be changed at any time, but if you want to change you "base appearance" (e.g. skin color, hair color, gender etc), you have to disconnect from the server and go to the "Profile" tab in the main menu.

    Question : will we see our hands after that upgrade ?

    Oh yes! Although the first person animations are still causing trouble, so maybe we will just see a temporary solution for that in the initial release

    Give the red flannel shirt chap some leathers and a nice battleaxe and he would make a decent Ragnar Lothbrok, my favorite viking

    Hehe, true :D Actually there will be lots of other suitable clothes^^

    The second image is funky because hair isn't being shown (or little)

    You don't see much hair due to the perspective ^^ Here is another screenshot which reveals the true haircut of this character: https://images.rising-world.net/preview/playermodels/05.jpg

    Do hope you speed up running to 2-3x the speed when holding shift

    2-3x ? I agree that speeding up the max running speed makes sense, but I'm afraid that 2-3x might be too much =O

  • Happy to hear we'll have lots of suitable clothing, and such.

    2-3x ? I agree that speeding up the max running speed makes sense, but I'm afraid that 2-3x might be too much

    Well, just half-inserting times speed yet something that would be nearly mirrored to what's in 'Medieval Engineers', or even 'Grand Theft Auto 5/Online' type running speed. SOmething that's actually running. Maybe running, jogging, and running itself. When you run it has to really feel like running. Not sure how you view 2-3x speed, yet something that's simply 'twice as fast' as the running speed we currently have that's more like fast walking. It's making me curse with how slow it is.

    You don't see much hair due to the perspective Here is another screenshot which reveals the true haircut of this character: images.rising-world.net/preview/playermodels/05.jpg

    Perspective tends to harm, yet happy to see another shot. It makes much more sense now that you had to have that shot for mining, and such.Thanks for sharing! Interesting hair style. Curious to see what other hair types we'll get, something I bet we'll see when the update itself releases.


  • Amazing, just amazing. I like the models. And I love that we now will no longer look like crash test dummies (although it is good we had them for place holders)
    I like these models, and that we can customize them and change outfits, this was more than I expected on a first model release.

    Ah, new tools, excited to see these.

    Range weapons are my favorite type of melee weapon. I used the bow in EQ, Lotro and anywhere given the choice to do so.

    We can change the characters basic appearance in the main menu profile? Amazing again, games I've played don't allow that, if you want a totally different look, you create another character.

    Question: it appears that there is a miners helmet with mounted light on one model? Is that a working lamp? (silly question, I'm sure it is, but gotta ask).

    Question: will we have any magic casters in game, or we it be strictly true to RL? I don't really expect it, just curious. Medieval areas had their soothsayers and such, while not true magic casters they had their 'auras'. And kings had their advisers.

    Thank you for the good screenshots and the update. Getting these in several updates is fine with me, as long as they are in the tube.

  • Question: will we have any magic casters in game, or we it be strictly true to RL? I don't really expect it, just curious. Medieval areas had their soothsayers and such, while not true magic casters they had their 'auras'. And kings had their advisers.

    I hope there'll be an option for magic casting on a basic level for plugin & modding purposes. Maybe some for the dungeons, and such. There's smoke effects that's stuck in creative so I do hope magic shall be treated highly in some fashion so we can use it for 'customization purposes', or something along those lines. The stuff that's in Skyrim with fire, 'winter' magic, as well as a magical 'light orb' for some basic stuff. Nothing major.

  • Not sure if you're focusing too heavily on hair styles or not, but for when you do here's some hair styles you could look into for added customization for the female side. I'm sure we could also find a nice male counterpart to the male player model hair customization.


    Thought I'd put this out there while I still had this before I lost it in the chat void. We're going to have so much fun with these new player models.

  • Not sure if you're focusing too heavily on hair styles or not, but for when you do here's some hair styles you could look into for added customization for the female side. I'm sure we could also find a nice male counterpart to the male player model hair customization.


    Thought I'd put this out there while I still had this before I lost it in the chat void. We're going to have so much fun with these new player models.

    I am offended by this because my natural hairstyle is "Bitch Curls" :D:D:D Usually tied up into a pony, though!
    I'd love to see a variety of hairstyles both for guys and girls too; nice picture!

    Magikarp used Splash!

    But nothing happened.

  • I am offended by this because my natural hairstyle is "Bitch Curls" :D:D:D Usually tied up into a pony, though!I'd love to see a variety of hairstyles both for guys and girls too; nice picture!

    I must have missed that :D I find it amusing now that you pointed it out that it's offending in that street punky manner.


    I"m curious. I just have realized sooner, will we have the option to wear various forms of glasses? Using metallic + glass stuff to create glasses, sunglasses, and the like? Pilot googles, among other sorts? Desert googles so sand doesn't get in your eyes.

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