Changelog 2017-11-30: New playermodels, new items and more!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Well I am still new to this forum, and to be honest my search skills (search bar syntax and so on) are not very good.
    I was informed by other players that in the past they just "lost" items when changes have been made, so that is the majority of what I went on, after not being able to find definitive information about what you stated. Thanks for clearing the air.

    Yeah, sorry for being harsh. It's hard handling my reaction with this flu that I feel horrible for "attacking" you there.

    From what I've learned that if you know there's an update coming it's best to chest everything on display on the tanning rack & your inventory. I just found out I have invisible hide on the tanning rack I can highlight, yet can't reach. :whistling:

    Edit: And now I can't get to the hides. They disappeared fully now it seems (from the tanning rack) that I'ma have to take advantage of the 'Animal Breedmaster' plugin.


    - I lost my hide on the tanning rack yet shall use 'Animal Breed Master' to get those back.
    - Inventory was wiped, yet thankful it was to restart from bottom up.
    - Sound of feet on wood is a bit weird, yet love how it goes quiet on stone.
    - New peaceful music added into the gaming library as background music. Nice!
    - When wearing a hat the avatar still loses his beard. Wish this was fixed.

  • I don't know what went wrong, however there are some things not correct with my update! (see image).

    I'm sorry to hear that! In certain cases the game cannot convert old inventories/chests properly. This happens when either the world database is corrupt, or if the inventories contained certain problematic items. Do you have any idea what items there were in these slots previously?

    Some weird grey icons in a crate. If I remember right, it was bones in that one (chests and suchs).

    Unless you can still use these items, I'm afraid you have to dispose of it :|

    We are taller than before ! I have to adapt some little walkways in my prison we now need 3 block and half

    Yes, player size changed a little bit ^^ We still have to adapt some of the furniture^^

    - Sound of feet on wood is a bit weird, yet love how it goes quiet on stone.

    Some of these sounds definitely need some tweaking :)

  • I'm sorry to hear that! In certain cases the game cannot convert old inventories/chests properly. This happens when either the world database is corrupt, or if the inventories contained certain problematic items. Do you have any idea what items there were in these slots previously?

    Unless you can still use these items, I'm afraid you have to dispose of it :|

    Yes, player size changed a little bit ^^ We still have to adapt some of the furniture^^

    Some of these sounds definitely need some tweaking :)

    hi red, thanks for your reaction.

    In that particular chest, were minerals like iron, copper, gold etc. stored. beside that the inglot and plates of those, have been turned into furs.

    And in the character it selve, were mostly blocks (the one you see in the background in the building, don’t know the number by heart). However also my axe, and pick axe were turned into nothing.

    If it works, it is not a problem so gain all resources again, however how can I delete/ throw them away?

    Many thanks!

  • Didn't take it as being harsh. I should have stated that my search did not bare fruit, and I am sure there are many times the same thing is posted over and over again.

  • @ ArcticuKitsu I remember you had an issue with your computer when the last? update came out. Sadly the curse has been past to me... My video card is going out, it is under warranty but unfortunately I will not be able to see the silky smooth frames. So sad ;(;(


  • Suggestion on the smaller stack sizes for harvesting purposes this could be solved if were could craft bags or boxes to carry in our inventory.
    Allow us to carry small crates or bags that we can fill as we harvest.

  • @ ArcticuKitsu I remember you had an issue with your computer when the last? update came out. Sadly the curse has been past to me... My video card is going out, it is under warranty but unfortunately I will not be able to see the silky smooth frames. So sad ;(;(

    Wow, that's rough. I'm being paranoid right now with how touchy 2017 is right now. I'm not sure if I'm kicking the power cable here from when I had to pull my charger cable for my phone that it behaves funny when I nudge the power cable. Maybe that's it. I was trying to type a hide & pelt message on steam forum where my computer just randomly rebooted.

    Computer problems aren't fun. I even had to replace an LG G5 battery by ordering a new one on Amazon. This year is stupid that I hope you don't get constant pains as I do. Well, hope you can get your video card fixed soon enough because this update is still quite fun. I wish you the best on repairing your computer.

  • Tonight I played on AR and had no problems: fps good, lag very little. I checked all my chests and crates and the items were fine. Made an outfit, np. Working on building for the Jam, and an interesting development there.

    The lighting has obviously been adjusted as we were told.
    Our entire site had to be gone over. Lights being removed as I type, because of the brightness and clarity of the new ones. My sculpture had 18 green lights previously, went in tonight and it almost blinded me...:). Cut down the lights and it looks good. This may well help the overall site lag also.

    Only think I noted is that the snow, when placed, is doing what the gravel did, it is dropping down HUGE drops of snow.

    AR uses the PNB plug in, and that is seriously malfunctioning. The dev on that plug in likely needs to update it to match the game update. (Dont quote me, im not a game dev. and know nothing of Java. Just a guess based on other alpha/beta updates.)

  • One statement of my opinion: I do not like the crafting stations. all and each. being able to access all the other crafting stations, for 3 reasons:

    it takes away from the uniqueness of each station
    it is difficult to read the red letters on the brown wood surface and hard to find the server you need with the recipe
    players will not need to bother making all of the nifty stations, just make one and use it for everything

  • hey red51, I run the rosalia server and my people are now loosing there personal inventory when they enter the server without opening chests or doing anything. They do some stuff then log out then log back in later and there stuff is gone again. I am having them empty there inventory before they log out till this is fixed. We also have been experianceing loss of carried inventory when opening certain chests and crates, but this is a crap shoot. not every chest is corrupted, some are ok. The chests I mentioned were there before the update, all new placed chests are fine.

  • Putting the edit first, because I was a retard: Displaying the running processes/memory usage on another screen at the same time as playing the game showed it eating up 8 gig (on a server at least) in no time. Probably won't be an issue for most as most use a swap, (unless it keeps going and hd thrashing starts). Anyway off to create a /swap partition.


    Has anyone else experienced a hard crash due to apparent lack of memory?

    I have 8 gig total and around 7.2 free when starting the game. I know this game isn't chewing that much because when I alt-tab to desktop it currently shows total system memory used is 2.9 gig with Skype and Firefox running as well.

    64 bit kernel on 64 bit Java VM.

    Error log spat out:

    # There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.
    # Native memory allocation (mmap) failed to map 196608 bytes for committing reserved memory.
    # Possible reasons:
    # The system is out of physical RAM or swap space
    # In 32 bit mode, the process size limit was hit
    # Possible solutions:
    # Reduce memory load on the system
    # Increase physical memory or swap space
    # Check if swap backing store is full
    # Use 64 bit Java on a 64 bit OS
    # Decrease Java heap size (-Xmx/-Xms)
    # Decrease number of Java threads
    # Decrease Java thread stack sizes (-Xss)
    # Set larger code cache with -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=
    # This output file may be truncated or incomplete.
    # Out of Memory Error (os_linux.cpp:2640), pid=16523, tid=0x00007fba03ba8700
    # JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_131-b11) (build 1.8.0_131-b11)
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.131-b11 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
    # Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again

    --------------- T H R E A D ---------------

    Current thread (0x00007fba1401f800): GCTaskThread [stack: 0x00007fba03aa8000,0x00007fba03ba9000] [id=16527]

    Stack: [0x00007fba03aa8000,0x00007fba03ba9000], sp=0x00007fba03ba70d0, free space=1020k
    Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
    V [] VMError::report_and_die()+0x2ba
    V [] report_vm_out_of_memory(char const*, int, unsigned long, VMErrorType, char const*)+0x8b

  • first of all, congratulations Red51 for the update. The update is beautiful! I wanted to point out that when you build a room with the blocks completely closed, the light enters the same from the outside.

  • One statement of my opinion: I do not like the crafting stations. all and each. being able to access all the other crafting stations, for 3 reasons:

    it takes away from the uniqueness of each station
    it is difficult to read the red letters on the brown wood surface and hard to find the server you need with the recipe
    players will not need to bother making all of the nifty stations, just make one and use it for everything

    That is only because you are in creative mode, in survival mode you cannot access the other crafting stations from a different one

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