Changelog 2018-09-26: Fishing, boats and more!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • The server has been updated but it seems the world still doesnt load for me and I waited 5 minutes until the game logged me out. There is other people online on that server so that proves the issues is not a reset on the server.

    Also, it seems that our PNB is not working properly, it seems we cant resize pnb. Also i just been reported that some stairs are making people freeze in place and cant walk by them.

    Update: So i managed to get in my server by reducing the video settings to minimun also the resolution to a very low one, and it seem everyone is getting stuck on stairs and ladders, and we have the assumption that we have grown taller, most people say that are bumping their heads agains things where before the update was fine.
    The Manhole covers also not opening well, the hit pointer is buggy, you can only opening them on the sides but not in the center and not always work.

    The Shift key is not working when you try to do claims, or delete obejects or resizing the pnb. so only works in one direction....
    chemical makeup of aluminum

  • This is a really awesome update. Except the worms. i hate worms. Ugh!!! Ugly, slimy, gross little things so essential to our ecosystem yet gross to look at! I guess I wont be fishing anytime soon.

    Anyways, looking back, the last year has been pretty awesome in terms of progress. I realize there have been fewer updates but they were big: player models, new tool models, dummy npcs, mounts, boats, fishing, and survival aspects. This is very very cool! I actually found myself scrambling to pickaxe a hole in the side of a mountain to get shelter because i was soaked and freezing to death. Anytime i say to myself, "Wow! I might actually die in Rising World." then I know the game is going somewhere I noticed when I got inside, i eventually began to dry off. I kept F3 up to monitor my change in stats. Now that all the basics are in place, there really needs to be number indicators on our player on the inventory screen to see how different articles of clothing affect insulation. My favorite red flannel shirt and jeans certainly insulate better than the starting rags but some numbers would be helpful. Another suggestion would be that when the temperature warning icon shows up, have little + and - numbers float up from it to indicate a change is taking place. That way you know that whatever you are doing is having a positive effect. Love the numbers on the food and thirst icons. This should help out some of our colorblind players. I guess some additional status icons down there might be coming soon.

    I've only explored a small fraction of what's in this update. Really impressed so far.

    A minor bug I came across is that when placing the boat in the water, the message on the status bar shows the last action i did. In this case, it read "you ate a slice of pumpkin" which I imagine didn't taste very good in real life. Seriously, you gotta be desperate to eat raw pumpkin but I'm glad it has more use now than simply a jack-o-lantern.…iledetails/?id=1523786657

  • In the vanilla game? That animal breeding plugin lets you feed animals you domesticate. I'll try it out more later. Currenty I am not running any plulgins

    Yeah you might be right, i guess i forgot about the amb plugin...sorry about that

  • Did this… sink? =)

    Oh, sorry for my late response! This bug is on our list, I'm currently checking out what's causing this. Most likely it will be fixed with the next update :)

    That said though, there is a lot of system println commands with format:

    Oh, that's not intended, they will be removed with the next hotfix ^^

    (The NullPointerException on de.kiw.gui.core.Screen.destroy line 244 also seems to stop you using the rp command)

    True oO Nevertheless, the next hotfix will fix this issue.

    yeah i spawned a pouch and tried to open it and every time i've tried it has disappeared and not opened any interface

    Pouches don't have an interface, they're just supposed to hold a certain item and they despawn once they're opened. However, if you want to spawn in a pouch with items, you can use the command itembag <itemname1> <itemname2>.... For example, "itembag goldingot" spawns a pouch which contains a gold ingot etc ;)

    most of the times there is no servers on the list

    This either happens if you're using an outdated version of the game (and the "Same version" box is checked), or if there is an issue with the connection to our servers (e.g. either an av program or a firewall interfering with the connection, or a very high latency [afaik servers with a ping higher than 1000 or 2000 will be discarded])...
    Currently there are around 145 servers online.

    fishing looks good (but it would be a must to do that in the boat or on chairs. but I guess we will need to wait until the mounted combat system ?)

    Yes, indeed, basically it's the same limitation that prevents you from using tools/weapons while sitting on a mount, or using items while sitting on a chair. This will change in the future ^^

    as we can't pick it up, do they work like mounts (owned by the crafter) ? and only the crafter can mount them ?

    Well, basically vehicles can have an "owner", but this doesn't have any effect at the moment (like mounts, they can have an "owner", but other players can still ride on them). Not sure how far this "owner thing" goes in the future. For vehicles, there will be at least an option to lock them (at least certain vehicles, like cars), so only the "owner" can unlock them (or someone who has a key)^^

    The hot/cold : nice addition ! but we have not so much info except the icon in bottom right. Did the clothes makes difference ?

    Yes, clothes actually make a huge difference, every piece of clothing has a different insulation value. It even makes a difference if you wear a hat or not^^
    But I agree, there needs to be a better way to find out which clothes will actually keep you warm (as well as more information about your current temperature).

    for the new rifle, I have the same « problem » with the repeater : we don't know exactly how many bullets we have in a magazine

    This will be added in the near future ;)

    The broken motor issue is tied to that error, only happens if I crash while trying to get in

    Thanks for the info! :) I guess I found the issue, please have a look if this issue still persists after the next hotfix (will be either ready today or tomorrow I guess)

    The server has been updated but it seems the world still doesnt load for me and I waited 5 minutes until the game logged me out. There is other people online on that server so that proves the issues is not a reset on the server.

    Can you load worlds in singleplayer? If it works fine there, this indicates that there is a connection issue 8|

    Also, it seems that our PNB is not working properly, it seems we cant resize pnb

    If you're using lshift to resize elements: the default key is now rshift (actually rshift was the default key from the beginning, but lshift also worked). However, we changed the way how controls are handled, so every key can have a "secondary binding" now. You have to set up lshift as secondary keybinding now in the settings (settings -> controls, scroll to the bottom to get to the building bindings) ;)

    and it seem everyone is getting stuck on stairs and ladders, and we have the assumption that we have grown taller

    Yes, the character is slightly taller now, or more precisely, it requires more space now. Previously it was possible to walk through a corridor with a height of 3 blocks (although the character was already bigger than that, resulting in being able to look through the ceiling etc), now that doesn't work anymore.

    However, there is a small issue which prevents you from going downstairs in certain situations. This will be fixed soon^^

    This is a really awesome update. Except the worms. i hate worms. Ugh!!! Ugly, slimy, gross little things so essential to our ecosystem yet gross to look at! I guess I wont be fishing anytime soon.

    Hehe, well, you can still use the fishing rod without bait, it just takes longer until you catch a fish ^^

    I realize there have been fewer updates but they were big

    This is true: we came to a point now where we cannot wait any longer to implement the "bigger features". In the past, there were quite a lot of "smaller features" on our list which could be added in the meantimes. Actually we couldn't really work on the "big stuff" while we still had the old player models in place. Fortunately this changed with the player models update in December (this update was really crucial for most of the stuff that was added recently), and it feels like the time has come to focus on the important features (which actually have an impact on the gameplay) ;)

    Now that all the basics are in place, there really needs to be number indicators on our player on the inventory screen to see how different articles of clothing affect insulation

    That's true, we will definitely add something like that in the near future

    In this case, it read "you ate a slice of pumpkin" which I imagine didn't taste very good in real life

    Who knows, maybe the taste actually plays a big role, and this message is more like a reproach :D
    Jk, this bug will be fixed shortly^^

  • Great! Now we need to find water first..

    Does new update addresses bad water generation placement? I already wrote about that.. Every 10th seed I start game with, have water (lakes or sea) to find in first half of hour of the game (with flying enabled). Other 9 seeds unluckily contain water too but just water ponds... is it my game or am I just bad with seed numbers? In general there is too little water ingame... what the others think? Best regards.

  • Thank you for the reply, but theres one that wasnt aswered. Im an admin and wheni have my gm 1 i still get affected by temperature, is there a way to disable that?

  • Does new update addresses bad water generation placement?

    Unfortunately this update doesn't touch the world generation. Lakes and oceans are randomly generated, so there is unfortunately a chance that you won't find any of them for a long time... since there are sometimes quite huge distances between biomes, the situation is getting even worse.

    We will rework the biome distribution in the future, but since there is a chance that this breaks existing worlds, we will hold it back until other world-generation-related features are ready, or until we found a better way to preserve old worlds ;)

    Im an admin and wheni have my gm 1 i still get affected by temperature, is there a way to disable that?

    Currently you cannot disable it, but this will be available with the next update ^^ In addition to that, temperature will no longer affect you when being in creative mode.

  • I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but many report getting stuck on my server. I have a few who can't even play the game since the update, very slow to load, even when offline or single player for them. Also my server is getting flooded with odd behaviour, mostly when I am in creative mode building for the server, huge memory leaks occur within 30 minutes after restart then the world does not render properly (if I am building in creative). I am attaching the log, if you inspect, you will see a lot of repeats toward the end especially like: "START 11 54 14 STEP BACK START 11 55 14 STEP BACK" .. log file is 30MB in size, zipped to 2.8MB, but still too large to attach to this. Send me a PM with a link to your dropbox, i can send to you what is occurring ( red51)

    @Edit - i was just able to send you a PM Red, with attached log. Logs are getting huge now and spammed with "START 11 54 14 STEP BACK START 11 55 14 STEP BACK" over and over. Performance drops quickly if I start using creative tools and eventually takes down server.

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

    Edited once, last by Juggernaut ().

  • Great! Now we need to find water first..

    Does new update addresses bad water generation placement? I already wrote about that.. Every 10th seed I start game with, have water (lakes or sea) to find in first half of hour of the game (with flying enabled). Other 9 seeds unluckily contain water too but just water ponds... is it my game or am I just bad with seed numbers? In general there is too little water ingame... what the others think? Best regards.

    I got this seed that has an ocean right next to spawn on first try. Just look for the palm trees when you spawn in and you will find it :)


    Also loving the update Red :D Is there a way of viewing seeds in game like on the pause menu or something? if not maybe a suggestion.

  • @Juggernaut The " START 11 54 14 STEP BACK START 11 55 14 STEP BACK" are system print lines that should have been commented out or handled with a boolean. They are for debugging reasons. Red knows about it.

    I would avoid doing too much with the terrain until these lines are removed. They appear to run whenever terrain is modified or water is placed.

  • Oh, that's interesting... it looks like the pouch hasn't been added to the inventory at all It's anyway strange that it took so long until the pouch showed up (actually the item is supposed to show up as soon as the rod starts to move)... please let me know if this happens again

    It hasn't been added into the inventory at all that I'm assuming it either A) Disappeared, or B) Turned into a Plaice, or whatever you call it. Never did get the one from the clip you've seen. Otherwise, it's a fine update that I'm hyped. I want to build a few things again.

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