Changelog 2018-09-26: Fishing, boats and more!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Polar bears don't spawn in these regions, they only spawn in the tundra (snow with white grass) and snow biome (no grass, barely vegetation, only snow)... do you play on a multiplayer server? Did someone maybe spawn the bear via command? Or did he maybe follow you while travelling through the snow biomes?^^

    No I was playing alone at the time so that's what kind of confused me didn't even go into the snow biome. Was actually riding a horse up and down the road for an FPS test and that road is outside of the taiga brush lands. mainly in a plains biome to be more precise. Speaking of the FPS what's up with it this time around? I haven't seen it fluctuate up and down like crazy well ever. In my encoding software it stays a solid 15-20 fps when recording but the game fps reads 5-25 and it goes up and down like a broken speedometer. Not sure what's going on there can you look into the F9 function please?

  • Anybody have issues with the the new Rifle-Repeater gun found in the Tier 2 Crafting bench? It is indeed awesome, behaves awesome, and appears awesome. It feels awesome.

    The issue I'm having with it is more with the magazines where it seem to stack and operate weirdly that 2 turned into 1, then 0 and still fired. Then I couldn't tell how many bullets in a clip/magazine that I would love actual proper feedback of how many bullets are in a clip. Maybe I can do a manual test on the flip-side of my night, yet would love an indicator to tell me how many clips are left in the magazine.

    Maybe there's something that I'm being blind. I'd love to know an outside of the menu way of knowing.

  • Did you try the refresh button to try and fix the issue?

    Yes. It repeats to draw just like that. The current height doesn't seem to have an impact. I notice that this happens everywhere where an item has been planted tho. Like a window, a door, a bed or sth. So it's fine when only blocks are used.

  • I had exactly the same issue but only while i had reshade in use.

    After deleting it this bug didn't come up anymore.
    Just the already messed up map data remained like that

    I'm missing that piece of the puzzle. Would you please point me to whatever Reshade is so I can check?

  • Reshade is a shader software that can be used in combination with games to make the graphics look better. If you don't know what it is then you haven't downloaded and installed it on your pc probably as it doesn't come by default.

  • None. Just my ever going battle for RW to start on the right screen. Please find attached screenshots to see what I mean.

    Thanks for the screenshots, and sorry for the late response! Does this only happen since logarithmic depth buffer was enabled in the config file?

    In my encoding software it stays a solid 15-20 fps when recording but the game fps reads 5-25 and it goes up and down like a broken speedometer. Not sure what's going on there can you look into the F9 function please?

    The F9 function actually returns correct results, but it updates every 250 ms. So if there is something going on which has a big impact on the framerate, this could result in a frequently changing output.
    Originally it was intended to have a frequently updating fps counter, since we're using it for debug purposes...

    The issue I'm having with it is more with the magazines where it seem to stack and operate weirdly that 2 turned into 1, then 0 and still fired

    This can be indeed confusing: when loading a magazine into the gun, it gets "consumed", so it no longer appears in your inventory (same with musket balls, rifle clips or arrows - once they're "loaded", they won't show up in the inventory). Once the magazine for the semi-auto rifle is loaded, you have 20 rounds. I agree that we need a separate indicator on the hud for this ;)

    I actual like the view with no roof on top! wonder if this could be a option to have ???

    Hmm... actually it's difficult to find out wheather or not an object or construction element (e.g. a roof plank) needs to be culled... :/

    When we lay in bed it should prompt us for how long, till when, and etc

    Basically this is a good idea, but we need a proper way to handle this in multiplayer. It wouldn't be an issue when playing singleplayer or if there is only one player on the server, but what happens if there are several players online and player A wants to sleep for 5 hours, while player B only wants to sleep 1 hour?

  • This can be indeed confusing: when loading a magazine into the gun, it gets "consumed", so it no longer appears in your inventory (same with musket balls, rifle clips or arrows - once they're "loaded", they won't show up in the inventory). Once the magazine for the semi-auto rifle is loaded, you have 20 rounds. I agree that we need a separate indicator on the hud for this

    Makes sense, and something I figured was happening. Well, whatever you do I'll accept that now that I know it's 20 I could estimate how many is left now. It's turning into my new favourite gun for self defense.

    Basically this is a good idea, but we need a proper way to handle this in multiplayer. It wouldn't be an issue when playing singleplayer or if there is only one player on the server, but what happens if there are several players online and player A wants to sleep for 5 hours, while player B only wants to sleep 1 hour?

    Awesome. Well, a voting thing could probably be placed, or even admin over-rides. If major players sleep they can over-ride other people's game sessions, or even a tally of majority that if enough people sleep it queue people up........ It's late (4 am est) that I'm sure you'll figure something out :D . Ideas are ideas that you'll gain the proper ones in proper time.

  • Can anyone please explain the response from @red51 made to me? It must of flown right over my head. Action recording Software read a solid 15-20 FPS, while the in-game FPS counter read 5-25 and the numbers were going up and down faster than I ever seen before. I removed the teleport plugin and the texture pack still had the same results. It wasn't until I wiped the config file and ported over lines from the backup before the update that it finally stabilized. Not sure what changed but something about some Logatharmic or something like that was set to true and was causing severe graphical issues so I deleted the line and it's running smoother than ever. Back to my question though... What did red mean? Because he said something about debug and he lost me on that.

  • Can anyone please explain the response from @red51 made to me? It must of flown right over my head. Action recording Software read a solid 15-20 FPS, while the in-game FPS counter read 5-25 and the numbers were going up and down faster than I ever seen before

    The ingame FPS counter is just a debug tool for us ;) We added it some time ago so we can see if certain actions and tasks have a big impact on the framerate.

    Most external programs which show the framerate use some sort of "smoothing" or at least have some delay, so you will see a (more or less) steady value. Our internal fps counter is accurate, but it updates very frequently (every 0.25 seconds), that's why the numbers are going up and down quite fast.

    Not sure what changed but something about some Logatharmic or something like that was set to true and was causing severe graphical issues so I deleted the line and it's running smoother than ever. Back to my question though

    The "graphic_logarithmic_depthbuffer" setting determines whether the game should use a logarithmic depth buffer or not. A depth buffer (also called z-buffer) determines if a certain pixel/fragment is behind or in front of another fragment. If there isn't enough precision to resolve the distance between two objects, you will see "flickering" or "z fighting". A logarithmic depth buffer provides a better distribution of depth values, resulting in much less "z fighting", but it has a bigger impact on performance (some optimizations on the graphics card cannot be used if we bypass the default depth test).

    The actual impact really depends on your graphics card. Some cards are struggling to run the game if a logartihmic depth buffer is used, while you won't see a difference on other cards. To cut a long story short, unless you experience lots of issues with flimmering/flickering planks, it's recommendable to keep the logarithmic depth buffer disabled (deleting the line in the config resets this setting, and since it's disabled by default, this has the same effect) ^^

  • The ingame FPS counter is just a debug tool for us ;) We added it some time ago so we can see if certain actions and tasks have a big impact on the framerate.
    Most external programs which show the framerate use some sort of "smoothing" or at least have some delay, so you will see a (more or less) steady value. Our internal fps counter is accurate, but it updates very frequently (every 0.25 seconds), that's why the numbers are going up and down quite fast.

    The "graphic_logarithmic_depthbuffer" setting determines whether the game should use a logarithmic depth buffer or not. A depth buffer (also called z-buffer) determines if a certain pixel/fragment is behind or in front of another fragment. If there isn't enough precision to resolve the distance between two objects, you will see "flickering" or "z fighting". A logarithmic depth buffer provides a better distribution of depth values, resulting in much less "z fighting", but it has a bigger impact on performance (some optimizations on the graphics card cannot be used if we bypass the default depth test).
    The actual impact really depends on your graphics card. Some cards are struggling to run the game if a logartihmic depth buffer is used, while you won't see a difference on other cards. To cut a long story short, unless you experience lots of issues with flimmering/flickering planks, it's recommendable to keep the logarithmic depth buffer disabled (deleting the line in the config resets this setting, and since it's disabled by default, this has the same effect) ^^

    Thank you red :)

  • Hey Red,

    Do you have an updated list of commands to spawn in some of the new items? I have a "crafted" offline world and at one of the military bases i have, I have to spawn ~80 semi-automatic rifles and ~240 magazines. I know it's lazy, but the world is more artwork and scenario setting than it is a game-play world. :P

  • Hey Red,

    Do you have an updated list of commands to spawn in some of the new items? I have a "crafted" offline world and at one of the military bases i have, I have to spawn ~80 semi-automatic rifles and ~240 magazines. I know it's lazy, but the world is more artwork and scenario setting than it is a game-play world. :P

    item m14 80
    item ammom14 240

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