Update 0.8: Seasons and more

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Will check this later, not sure if I'd hit it once after felling or several times but I just stood there looking at the bottom of the tree (in the first image) and the square texture cycled through various versions, changing every second or so.

    Haven't been able to replicate this so I'd ignore it for now. Will repost if it happens again.

  • That's weird... was it maybe too damaged? Once tools are in the "broken" condition, they can no longer be repaired (although it's weird that the progress bar still showed up then) :thinking:

    It was all cracked, I'm not sure if that counts as broken, but the status was Damaged, so I'm not sure if that's already the broken side of things. The progress bar did show up though so I don't know. If it was too broken though, that'd make sense :)

  • Juttery clouds and sunset

    Thanks for the video! What you're seeing there is the sunlight - it seems that the sun position changes too roughly :wat: Or more precisely, it looks like there is a desync between client and server time... if the time diff is too great, the game updates the sun position immediately (most likely this is what you're seeing here - this also becomes visible on the sun reflection)...

    I will check out if there is maybe something broken :thinking:

    It was all cracked, I'm not sure if that counts as broken, but the status was Damaged, so I'm not sure if that's already the broken side of things. The progress bar did show up though so I don't know. If it was too broken though, that'd make sense :)

    Oh, thanks for letting me know! I can confirm that the sledgehammer (and some other tools) could not be repaired properly... I will fix that with the upcoming hotfix!

  • The hotfix is now available ( :) Item durability is now configurable in the settings menu (and optionally it can also be disabled). In addition to that, we've adjusted some crafting recipes and also fixed various bugs. Multiplayer servers need to be updated.

    Hotfix (2024-12-20):

    • [New] Item durability is now fully configurable and can optionally also be disabled (see settings -> miscellaneous)
    • [Change] In order to craft certain tools, an anvil is now required
    • [Change] Changed crafting recipe of rowboat (no longer requiring ropes)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed saloon doors not working correctly if they were resized
    • [Bugfix] Fixed text being invisible on ore detector
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong sparks direction when using the grindstone
    • [Bugfix] Fixed ingame music no longer playing
    • [Bugfix] Fixed axe (and some other tools) not being sharpenable at the grindstone
    • [Bugfix] Fixed certain tools not being repairable at the grindstone
    • [Bugfix] Fixed broken collision detection for npcs
    • [Bugfix] Fixed rendering issues on some transparent materials
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issues when moving blueprints while manual placement is active
    • [Bugfix] Fixed error when duplicating an item (in creative mode) that was in the last slot of the hotbar
    • [Bugfix] Fixed dead player body clothes turning pink (missing material) after changing clothes
  • The hotfix is now available ( :) Item durability is now configurable in the settings menu (and optionally it can also be disabled). In addition to that, we've adjusted some crafting recipes and also fixed various bugs. Multiplayer servers need to be updated.

    Hotfix (2024-12-20):

    • [New] Item durability is now fully configurable and can optionally also be disabled (see settings -> miscellaneous)
    • [Change] In order to craft certain tools, an anvil is now required
    • [Change] Changed crafting recipe of rowboat (no longer requiring ropes)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed saloon doors not working correctly if they were resized
    • [Bugfix] Fixed text being invisible on ore detector
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong sparks direction when using the grindstone
    • [Bugfix] Fixed ingame music no longer playing
    • [Bugfix] Fixed axe (and some other tools) not being sharpenable at the grindstone
    • [Bugfix] Fixed certain tools not being repairable at the grindstone
    • [Bugfix] Fixed broken collision detection for npcs
    • [Bugfix] Fixed rendering issues on some transparent materials
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issues when moving blueprints while manual placement is active
    • [Bugfix] Fixed error when duplicating an item (in creative mode) that was in the last slot of the hotbar
    • [Bugfix] Fixed dead player body clothes turning pink (missing material) after changing clothes

    How many gallons of coffee did you just drink?!?!!?!? LOL

  • Another mini hotfix is available now btw - it just fixes the blinking info text in the lower left corner of the screen :saint: It's a client-only update, i.e. no action required for multiplayer servers.

    Hotfix (2024-12-21):

    • [Bugfix] Fixed blinking info text in lower left corner of the screen
  • Amazing work on the update Red like always :)

    A small bug report about shadows: If that works well now on horseback, they still have an issue on foot. Only the head, hands & tools cast shadow, not the body. See the screenshot below ;)

  • red51 not sure what I did but I ifnally got it to work. What I did was use my steam ID instead of anonymous ... also reset steamguard for steamCMD for that pc as i change PW recently .. and that seems to have done the trick.

    thank you so much for the update and your time.


    Just to mention, updating the regular way worked fine on my server (Windows server) but on my workstation (Windows desktop) I have the same issue as Juggernaut

    I am logging in as anonymous. I will try my Steam account now...

    Just though I would let you know, as this has not happened to me either before.

    Edit: yes using a non-anonymous account worked on workstation.

  • Thanks for your feedback! :)

    A small bug report about shadows: If that works well now on horseback, they still have an issue on foot. Only the head, hands & tools cast shadow, not the body. See the screenshot below ;)

    Oh, thanks for letting me know! It seems the clothes aren't casting any shadows (and since the body under the clothes is culled, only the hands and head is visible). I will fix this with the next update ;)

    Just to mention, updating the regular way worked fine on my server (Windows server) but on my workstation (Windows desktop) I have the same issue as Juggernaut

    I am logging in as anonymous. I will try my Steam account now...

    Just though I would let you know, as this has not happened to me either before.

    Hmm... that's really weird :thinking: Unfortunately we have no control over SteamCMD... and when uploading an update, there is basically nothing that could be done wrong :saint:

    I could imagine that beta branches are maybe causing more problems than regular branches?

    Brand new world. And I can't reproduce the error. I originally had the furnace on a gravel beach but then i moved to an island and placed it down again and it worked fine since. I don't know how many hotfixes occurred between those events but its working fine now.

    That's weird, maybe one of the hotfixes accidentally fixed it, IDK... but I'm happy to hear it works now :D

  • Great update as well! I notice that the journal in the custom notes can't add more than two pages, there's no button for "Next Page".

    I don't know if this tool only work on that way or it's a bug.

    Personally I like if we add our custom images in that custom notes section of journal, like the other sections of tutorials, in my case for building and organizing purposes.

  • No animals... at all?

    I'm late to enjoy this update. I searched to see if this was reported already but found nothing.

    At every major update I start a new seed because I love the exploration. I've survived a few days on one and tested two more random seeds. I flew around a bit on all of them to search, but I'm not finding any animals, at all, anywhere.

    I double-checked the settings: Animal Spawnrate = 100% and 300% tried. Verified all new seeds start with all animals on.

    I know I can do it manually with console commands, so I'll use that work around.

    Is this an issue not yet reported? Or user error?

    Advice welcome.

    "The most beautiful stories always start with wreckage." ~Jack London

  • Now yes, I thank you as I should Red, I didn't have time but we are already on vacation and there is time to test the new update well.

    Thank you for continuing to make this great game bigger and bigger!

    The boat sail thing was great. Also thank you very much for returning the JAVA drawbridge to the new version.

    I also have the doubt if by activating the seasons of the year and I have deactivated the growth of trees and plants... Will that make the plants and trees grow again, or would they just change color?

    I also have doubts about fishing: fish, frogs and birds in the game, will they exist?

    In addition to the diary that I mentioned, there are some things and suggestions that I had planned to explain here (more like in the previous update post) but it will be for the next updates, let's hope.

    My first suggestion, one that I have wanted to come here to comment on for a long time and I always forget... Please, in the future is there a way that we can put our own music (tracks, etc.) in a folder and have these songs and tracks can be played through the phonograph (or a new, more discreet object, such as a small modern wireless speaker)? My goal with that would be to put my own ambientation in certain areas and areas of the game. As if we are in an area with a lot of vegetation, we can put on our own sound effects of crickets, wind through trees, wolves, etc. Or music for certain interiors. The truth is that I was very encouraged to say this for a long time because it seems to me that no one has ever mentioned it in the forum and it is a great idea. The small speaker is to disguise the origin of that sound source.

    Another suggestion I have is (to avoid APIs) that each light and torch that we place has an option in the radial menu of what time (in the game clock) it turns on or off. It would help the game a lot and I don't think performance will be compromised.

    I have a suggestion for the F8 menu (Edit textures on already built blocks): Will there be any way to edit besides the textures... The scale of these? In addition to giving us the data on the scale sizes in those already built blocks?

    And about that, when copying blocks as we always do, could the scale of these also be copied directly? You could put an option for this in the game's pause menu, under miscellaneous, just below the "copy block color" option.

    My last suggestion that I consider important would be: put an option in the radial menu, which allows us to modify the speed of the player in creative mode (in flight, F4), something like what we see in moving and scaling the blocks (0.01, 0.10 , 0.25, etc... Up to x4 to save time at far distances, flying faster). Personally, slowing down the flight would be more useful to me when building small details, sometimes the game lags and that makes these types of edits more difficult for me.

    I have other minor suggestions: someone mentioned the idea of painting in caves, terrain and blocks "freely" with the paintbrush, something like painting on canvas, that's a good idea... I had the idea of doing something similar but with a new tool: the chisel. We could remove material from a block to draw on it and make certain reliefs in much simpler and freer ways. Of course it would have a big impact on performance.

    My last suggestion is bizarre XD: is there a way for trees to sweat tar? It would be interesting to have that type of materials.

    Thank you very much for so much effort, I hope the official release of the game from the alpha is a success, I now have the time to dedicate a few good days to the game as it deserves. I will soon improve my profile, how can I quickly go from beginner to intermediate or more?

    Greetings to the entire community.

  • I have a suggestion for the F8 menu (Edit textures on already built blocks): Will there be any way to edit besides the textures... The scale of these? In addition to giving us the data on the scale sizes in those already built blocks?

    With F8 if you bring up the menu and then the change texture, right click on the texture preview on the right and it gives you the option to change the scale. It'll show what the default scale of the block is.

  • I have played long enough now to get from Spring to Autumn in the new game ... and it is SPECTACULAR! I love the color changes. It happens earlier in the Summer than I expected but it continues to change and get more colorful as time passes, which is great! I didn't know what to expect and I think you did a great job wither the seasons red51.

    I was also really happy to see the garden plants change to a bronze color as well. I harvested everything, I don't know how plants will be affected by the snow to come, but I did replant one of each veggie to watch that process. It's added a nice realism to the survival mode.

    Every time we get an update it spurs ideas and creativity, and I know we ALL jump in and ask for MORE! But this update for me was better than the NPCs.

    THANK YOU and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and enjoy your time off!

  • Thanks a lot for your feedback! :)

    Great update as well! I notice that the journal in the custom notes can't add more than two pages, there's no button for "Next Page".

    Yeah, unfortunately you can't have more pages atm... but we will add this with one of the next hotfixes :)

    Personally I like if we add our custom images in that custom notes section of journal, like the other sections of tutorials, in my case for building and organizing purposes.

    It would be indeed very useful, but it wouldn't play well with the text... text can't wrap around the image automatically, so it would be up to the player to format the text accordingly... I will think about adding that :thinking:

    The "blinking text in the lower left corner" issue is back again. Just updated and whenever i look at something, that text blinks continuously. Also, is there any chance of being able to use weapons while mounted on any vehicle in future updates?

    Sorry for that... it seems that the mini hotfix didn't go live for the standalone. However, this should be fixed now :)

    I also have the doubt if by activating the seasons of the year and I have deactivated the growth of trees and plants... Will that make the plants and trees grow again, or would they just change color?

    Right now plants don't die, so they will continue growing after winter. But we will most likely change that in a future update (but then there will be also an option to disable that) ^^

    I also have doubts about fishing: fish, frogs and birds in the game, will they exist?

    Not yet, but that's on our to do list.

    My first suggestion, one that I have wanted to come here to comment on for a long time and I always forget... Please, in the future is there a way that we can put our own music (tracks, etc.) in a folder and have these songs and tracks can be played through the phonograph (or a new, more discreet object, such as a small modern wireless speaker)? My goal with that would be to put my own ambientation in certain areas and areas of the game. As if we are in an area with a lot of vegetation, we can put on our own sound effects of crickets, wind through trees, wolves, etc. Or music for certain interiors. The truth is that I was very encouraged to say this for a long time because it seems to me that no one has ever mentioned it in the forum and it is a great idea. The small speaker is to disguise the origin of that sound source.

    Adding custom music tracks is problematic... in multiplayer, this requires us to sync it with other players, but this would cause a lot of trouble in terms of copyright (because most likey 99.99% of the music that is played would be copyright-protected music). I'd prefer to have a plugin for that instead.

    But when it comes to sound effects, it's our intention to have a creative mode tool to place sound effects in the world. It wouldn't be custom sound effects though, but we will offer a lot of different sounds (nature sounds, city sounds, interior sounds, engines, machines etc) :D

    Another suggestion I have is (to avoid APIs) that each light and torch that we place has an option in the radial menu of what time (in the game clock) it turns on or off. It would help the game a lot and I don't think performance will be compromised.

    Ideally this would be solved by the power system we want to add in the long run... but we'll think about that ^^

    I have a suggestion for the F8 menu (Edit textures on already built blocks): Will there be any way to edit besides the textures... The scale of these? In addition to giving us the data on the scale sizes in those already built blocks?

    As mentioned by CursedXistence , you can change the texture scale by right-clicking on the right texture (in the texture dialog) :)

    And about that, when copying blocks as we always do, could the scale of these also be copied directly? You could put an option for this in the game's pause menu, under miscellaneous, just below the "copy block color" option.

    Unfortunately the size isn't stored per item atm... however, you can just use the "Adapt to World Element" setting for that (by default it's the Insert key): Just hold the block in your hands and press that key, then it will automatically adapt the size^^

    My last suggestion that I consider important would be: put an option in the radial menu, which allows us to modify the speed of the player in creative mode (in flight, F4), something like what we see in moving and scaling the blocks (0.01, 0.10 , 0.25, etc... Up to x4 to save time at far distances, flying faster). Personally, slowing down the flight would be more useful to me when building small details, sometimes the game lags and that makes these types of edits more difficult for me.

    If you want more control over the flying speed, you can go to the Miscellaneous game settings and change "Fly Mode Speed Control" to "Advanced Mode". Then when the flying mode is active, hold Shift and use your mouse wheel to change the flying speed :)

    I have other minor suggestions: someone mentioned the idea of painting in caves, terrain and blocks "freely" with the paintbrush, something like painting on canvas, that's a good idea... I had the idea of doing something similar but with a new tool: the chisel. We could remove material from a block to draw on it and make certain reliefs in much simpler and freer ways. Of course it would have a big impact on performance.

    This is a bit tricky to implement... but if you want something like paintings on a cave or terrain, you could place a decal there. Maybe we'll add an option instead to paint a custom image instead of having to upload one (but implementing a useful painting editor will take some time, which is probably better put into other features first)^^

    My last suggestion is bizarre XD: is there a way for trees to sweat tar? It would be interesting to have that type of materials.

    Unfortunately I can't say much about that yet... once we need that for crafting, we may add it ^^

    I have played long enough now to get from Spring to Autumn in the new game ... and it is SPECTACULAR! I love the color changes. It happens earlier in the Summer than I expected but it continues to change and get more colorful as time passes, which is great! I didn't know what to expect and I think you did a great job wither the seasons red51.

    Thanks a lot for your feedback, I'm happy to hear you enjoy it :) :thumbup: Merry Christmas!

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