Update 0.8: Seasons and more

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Yeah, many plugins broken, including the Teleporter and the Wisp plugins. Consider all the plugins broken. Hope I can have the Wisp plugin back in time.

    Wenn du mit der Maus über ein Kleidungsstück im Inventar (noch nicht Angezogenes) gest, kommen Information über Schutz, Wärme, Wasser.


    If you died with the mouse over a piece of clothing in your inventory (not Energized), get Information about protection, heat, water.


    I'll check out what my options are. Wish we could have more clothing options.

  • Wearing this. It seems to not be effective in either cold or hot weather. I have to test it out, it however isn't effective during the rain. Shuttling many supplies around.

    Basically you could check out the temperature in the inventory (it's the perceived temperature). Maybe the temperature needs some fine tuning on our end :thinking:

    Smelting sand into raw glass is not unlocking the glass blocks, am I missing something?

    Oh, that seems to be a bug 8| Looks like this only affects the glass materials for blocks... I will fix that!

    Yeah, many plugins broken, including the Teleporter and the Wisp plugins. Consider all the plugins broken. Hope I can have the Wisp plugin back in time.

    Unfortunately there is an issue in two API methods which prevent many plugins from running correctly. We've fixed it for dedicated servers, but not for the game yet - but a hotfix will be available shortly ;)

  • We've just released the hotfix btw ;) This update is optional for multiplayer server. It fixes a crash when hiding dead bodies, fixes the preview now being visible when placing terrain in suvvival mode

    Hotfix (2024-12-19):

    • [Change] Map key binding (M) can now be changed in settings menu
    • [Change] Increased durability of primitive axe
    • [Bugfix] Fixed random crash after hiding/removing animal corpses
    • [Bugfix] When placing terrain in survival mode, the game now shows a preview
    • [Bugfix] Fixed journal being empty after reloading a world
    • [Bugfix] Crafting recipe progression is now properly reset when loading another world
    • [Bugfix] Fixed picking up leather not unlocking the relevant crafting recipes (if you already have leather in your inventory, drop it and pick it up to trigger the recipe unlock)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed glass and cloth related recipes not unlocking
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issues with some plugins
  • We've just released the hotfix btw ;) This update is optional for multiplayer server. It fixes a crash when hiding dead bodies, fixes the preview now being visible when placing terrain in suvvival mode

    Hotfix (2024-12-19):

    • [Change] Map key binding (M) can now be changed in settings menu
    • [Change] Increased durability of primitive axe
    • [Bugfix] Fixed random crash after hiding/removing animal corpses
    • [Bugfix] When placing terrain in survival mode, the game now shows a preview
    • [Bugfix] Fixed journal being empty after reloading a world
    • [Bugfix] Crafting recipe progression is now properly reset when loading another world
    • [Bugfix] Fixed picking up leather not unlocking the relevant crafting recipes (if you already have leather in your inventory, drop it and pick it up to trigger the recipe unlock)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed glass and cloth related recipes not unlocking
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issues with some plugins

    I just posted a bug report about the glass and some other recipes that aren't unlocking.

  • Some oddities with the texture 'patches' that appear on trees when cutting, not sure if it's unique to the new version...

    1 When hitting the bottom of an already cut tree a 'cut bark' texture appears. not a big problem but if I stand and look at it for a little while, the texture alternates with other patterns.

    2 When chopping some trees with the default primitive axe, no cut texture appears on some trees (maybe slightly below the surface??).

    3 When chopping a fallen tree that's resting at an angle on its stump (lying against another tree or terrain) the chopping textures can appear much further up the trunk than it should (sometimes appears to be a metre or more from where it should be).

    Not a big deal but maybe for the 'to do whenever' list? :D

  • Amazing, plus maybe was the Unity update, I don't know, but all the input lag that there was in Linux, is gone.

    Oh, awesome, I'm happy to hear that! ^^:thumbup:

    red51 what should be iron boulders are giving gold ore?

    Was it really an iron boulder that gave gold ore? The latest update introduced new gold and aluminium boulders (which only spawn on arid and arctic islands). They look quite similar (screenshot below shows the iron boulder on the left and gold boulder on the right)

    1 When hitting the bottom of an already cut tree a 'cut bark' texture appears. not a big problem but if I stand and look at it for a little while, the texture alternates with other patterns.

    You mean when there are multiple hits, i.e multiple, overlapping "cut bark" textures?

    2 When chopping some trees with the default primitive axe, no cut texture appears on some trees (maybe slightly below the surface??).

    This indeed happens for some trees... this had been an issue for while unfortunately, but it's on our to-do list :)

    3 When chopping a fallen tree that's resting at an angle on its stump (lying against another tree or terrain) the chopping textures can appear much further up the trunk than it should (sometimes appears to be a metre or more from where it should be).

    You mean the "cut bark texture" doesn't appear where you hit the tree, instead at a higher position? In this case, this is unfortunately caused by the collider of the tree... have a collider with higher precision would have performance implications unfortunately. But I will see if we can somehow improve this ^^

  • You mean when there are multiple hits, i.e multiple, overlapping "cut bark" textures?

    Will check this later, not sure if I'd hit it once after felling or several times but I just stood there looking at the bottom of the tree (in the first image) and the square texture cycled through various versions, changing every second or so.

  • Hi, Red. I think I just encountered a bug with the big smelting furnace. I had more than half of all the 60 spots filled with iron ore, and the rest was filled with sand. Once the smelting was over, the sand had converted to glass, but the iron ore remained iron ore. I was able to pick up a piece of iron ore and even in my hands, it was still iron ore, not an ingot, so it's not just a graphical problem. I was then able to successfully smelt all the iron ore on its own. "Take All Ingots" worked for me.

    Self-Update: Sand smelts to glass faster than iron ore. If I wait long enough, the iron ore gets white hot and eventually becomes ingots. Is sand supposed to smelt, in-game, faster than iron ore, though?

  • Was it really an iron boulder that gave gold ore? The latest update introduced new gold and aluminium boulders (which only spawn on arid and arctic islands). They look quite similar (screenshot below shows the iron boulder on the left and gold boulder on the right)

    it was a gold boulder! is there a way to reduce their spawn rate?

  • This update was also on eof mine suggestions! Nice update red, only the npc are a bit more broken like my sheeps trying to go trough the fence and they are jst teleporting mid air and then teleporting back and that forever agian and again. Also the dummy's are broken when I want to spawn them in a building they are teleporting to the roof....:thinking:

    Ayways, This update is amazing red, good work

    And merry X-mas everyone:D

  • Hi, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong here, I have a Damaged sledgehammer, I tried to repair it with the grindstone, but it doesn't repair. It counts the bar up to 100 but the hammer stays broken.

    Likewise the axe does not sharpen, but the Pick does, and so did the sword. The axe is also in Pristine condition.

    Again don't know if I'm doing something wrong but...possibly a bug?

  • Thanks a lot for your feedback ^^

    not sure if this was reported yet but the "take all ingots" on the primitive furnace appears to be broken. i can pick them up individually just fine.

    That's weird :wat: Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce that... did you build a new furnace, or was it maybe an old furnace in an existing world?

    If this happens again, do you mind sending a report? To do that, just open the console and type "report" :)

    There appears to be an animation issue with clouds - is this known about? Otherwise I will upload a video to show you.

    Oh, I'm not aware of an animation issue... a video would be indeed quite helpful :saint:

    Self-Update: Sand smelts to glass faster than iron ore. If I wait long enough, the iron ore gets white hot and eventually becomes ingots. Is sand supposed to smelt, in-game, faster than iron ore, though?

    Yeah indeed, ores take 5 minutes while sand only takes 3 minutes. This was intended, but maybe it would be indeed better to increase the smelting duration for glass to 5 minutes too (to avoid confusion)? :thinking:

    it was a gold boulder! is there a way to reduce their spawn rate?

    The only way to reduce their spawn rate is to change the definitions.db. Since world generation is handled serverside, it's sufficient to just change the definitions.db on the server (in MP).

    The spawn rates are defined in the "biomes_spawn" table (either reduce the "occurrence" value for all gold ore entries or alternatively increase the values for all other rocks in that biome) ^^

    Nice update red, only the npc are a bit more broken like my sheeps trying to go trough the fence and they are jst teleporting mid air and then teleporting back and that forever agian and again

    Yeah, I can confirm that this is happening more frequently now... I will check out what's going on there ;)

    Hi, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong here, I have a Damaged sledgehammer, I tried to repair it with the grindstone, but it doesn't repair. It counts the bar up to 100 but the hammer stays broken.

    That's weird... was it maybe too damaged? Once tools are in the "broken" condition, they can no longer be repaired (although it's weird that the progress bar still showed up then) :thinking:

    Likewise the axe does not sharpen, but the Pick does, and so did the sword. The axe is also in Pristine condition.

    Oh, thanks for letting me know! It's unfortunately a bug... I will fix it with the upcoming hotfix :)

    Can we get some more information on where to find this resource? :)

    Basically the new "Resources" tab in the journal is meant to provide information about where to find various resoures :) As mentioned by CursedXistence , gold currently only spawns on arid/hot islands, while aluminium only spawns on arctic/snowy islands^^

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