Changelog 2015-11-11: Signs, grass replanting, more ores

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Hi folks!

    A new update is available, bringing some new features, for example several different customizable signs, private chat messages in multiplayer, and the ability (WIP) to replant grass (finally you can get rid of the dirt spots on your map).

    This update also greatly increases the spawnrate of ores, so there is a much higher chance now to find ores while digging. Maybe the spawnrate need some further tweaking in the future.

    When loading an existing map for the first time, it needs to be converted. Depending on the map size, this may take some time, so please take that into account (especially when running a multiplayer server, have an eye on the console).

    Have fun with this update :)


    • [New] You can send private chat messages in multiplayer now (use "@playername" as prefix)
    • [New] New objects: Signs (78 variations), which can display text
    • [New] New object: weathervane (currently just for decoration)
    • [New] Ability to replant grass (use your sickle to get blades of grass)
    • [New] Last "connect to ip" will be saved now
    • [Change] Increased spawnrate of ores outside of caves
    • [Change] Cannot turn furnace on/off accidentally anymore when putting ores in it
    • [Change] Reduced minimum size of glasspanes and windows
    • [Change] Removed minor visual gap between construction elements
    • [Change] Reduced range of oredetector
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong color in chat after wrapping to the next line
    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing blocks when placing large blueprints
    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing glass objects in blueprint preview
    • [Bugfix] Fixed crash when placing specific blueprints
    • [Bugfix] Fixed some lighting issues (black walls)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed "delay" when opening the console on some machines
    • [Bugfix] Fixed different types of the same item (e.g. torches) when picking them up (only affected few items)
    • [Bugfix] It's no longer possible to cut trees when too far away (vertically)

    Bugfix 2015-11-12:

    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing text on signs in some situations
    • [Bugfix] Fixed crash when using blueprints containing a block
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong light calculation with inner ramp corner block
    • [Bugfix] Fixed problem with malformed umlauts
    • [Bugfix] Chat supports square brackets now as well as upper case umlauts
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong text position on some signs
  • Me encanto! Agregaron muchas cosas, cambiaron y arreglaron muchas cosas! Me encanta! Estoy deseosa de poder probarlos! Saludos desde Argentina!

    Saludos de Alemania. Lo encuentro fantástico que tenemos aquí también la gente de la Argentina. :D (Mi español es mal, si traductor ha usado Google.

    Super la actualizacion :thumbsup:

  • Using Google translation!! Hehehe ;)

    Temos também Brasileiros... :) Parabéns a equipe... cada vez mais o Rising World conquistando o mundo!
    Sucesso e vida longa ao Game!

    Obs. Já ancioso para o próximo Update principalmente transportes... Red51 irá ter muito trabalho pela frente, parabéns e sucesso!

    Vou lá atualizar o nosso server brasileiro! Calro, mas também aberto para os amigos de todo o mundo!

    Thank you!

  • Nice update. Now I feel I have to bring something up. On 9-28- 2015, this was posted in the changelog

    "Biomes. They still need more work, and since we want to provide you some great looking results, it's necessary to put more time in it. We hope you understand that. It shouldn't take too long until they're finally available!"

    We are almost 6 weeks later. If Red was to have spent those 6 weeks working on the biomes , and only the biomes, We would have Biomes by now. We are 3 weeks since the last update. I do not know why biomes are taking so long. Red , If you work on the biomes and only the biomes , they get done . I have seen this pattern long enough now not to expect anything major from Rising world at least for the short term .I do wish Red all the best. It is his game and he has to code this as he sees fit. We just have to take it as we get it . I am not trying to be critical of Rising world or of Red, I will continue to watch the evolution of this game, but I will no longer address the update style. There Is plenty that I have to do as it is. Such Is early access.

  • Nice update. Now I feel I have to bring something up. On 9-28- 2015, this was posted in the changelog

    "Biomes. They still need more work, and since we want to provide you some great looking results, it's necessary to put more time in it. We hope you understand that. It shouldn't take too long until they're finally available!"

    We are almost 6 weeks later. If Red was to have spent those 6 weeks working on the biomes , and only the biomes, We would have Biomes by now. We are 3 weeks since the last update. I do not know why biomes are taking so long. Red , If you work on the biomes and only the biomes , they get done . I have seen this pattern long enough now not to expect anything major from Rising world at least for the short term .I do wish Red all the best. It is his game and he has to code this as he sees fit. We just have to take it as we get it . I am not trying to be critical of Rising world or of Red, I will continue to watch the evolution of this game, but I will no longer address the update style. There Is plenty that I have to do as it is. Such Is early access.

    Nice update! :thumbsup:

    This update perhaps adds more features, but it first addresses issues that made the game crash. The JIW team is releasing updates that are critical first, and blueprint had to be fixed before introducing new major features. Signs and ores are very small updates compared to biomes... And if you think about it, releasing the ore update now reduce the amount of map conversion necessary to apply these updates (i.e. splitting map updates into smaller updates to reduce risks of breaking things). Also, replanting grass is also part of the the upcoming biome update :)

    If biomes had been pushed already, we'd have seen people complaining about something else. So, please, don't be part of the whining and see what is being done. If you ask questions instead of complaining, you'd get more answers :)


  • Yay! The update is here! Excellent! Nice to see signs added in, and in such variety. I wish I could play around with them also but have to wait for someone to do an update video. The weather vane was also a nice steam suggestion not too long ago + assuming those 'fences' are able to have corner pieces. Neat stuff.

    No worries on the biome update, just that they should have been out by now. I do hope they do find themselves being released sometime soonish. It can still wait though if we can continue to get 'bribed' by these updates. You're doing awesome & I want to hit Trillnar over the head with a few rolled up newspaper wacks. Chill out. Yes, he could focus purely on biomes, but other stuff needs to be done. You can wait. If I can wait, and others can wait, then you can wait also Trillnar. Chillout :thumbup:

    I'm giving Red till December 5th just because that's Sinterklaas day. Don't worry, take your time. But ya, patience. As long as we're getting these sorts of updates then it's all fine.

  • Nice update; Thank you for fixing the smelter issue with them turn on accidentally. People who do not have migraines cannot understand what this means to me. It means I can play the game longer, and enjoy life without getting a migraine triggered. For the people that would say "well Icon don't play if it causes issues" I say (well can't here in polite company :) } My point is I mention something about flickers flashes etc Red fixes them if he can.
    A few things though. I will add more IF I find anything :) (I am telling you Red make me beta tester, after I have tested it is GOLDEN!!!)
    1) signs do not work, I put text on sign then plant them, just get a plain board.
    2)I go to place a blueprint and get fatal exception error that I attached. I also attached the error log from Rising World folder.

  • [...] The only thing that gets me is the look of the text on the signs. Perhaps a more carved look or burned looked if it was wood and so forth.

    This can be fairly easily achieved by dynamically creating textures (print text in a Graphics2D context, then getting the image data) and dynamically generating the bump map for that texture. This would certainly be a great improvement indeed :)

  • Anybody having a sense of humour here? I just noticed now that Red51 added in the updates on those travel signs saying that biomes shall come in 12.1 km. I see those updates we had & are getting listed on there so I had a nice chuckle. Something I would have picked up on if I wasn't distracted earlier on my first posting (something I had to also edit after).

    Biomes in 12 km. Lovely. May I get a horse to travel to this biome update? :P

  • Hello, Guys
    I don't know if it's just me, but when you add the plates I tried to enter the names and didn't show up when I click on CREATE.
    Note: sorry if you've seen it.

  • Hi DedoFull,
    The text is only visible in one direction of the sign (plate).
    When you hold the sign above a bright surface (not grass!) you can see a light green arrow.
    That arrow indicates the direction where the text appears.
    So turn the sign as appropriate


  • Yay! The update is here! Excellent! Nice to see signs added in, and in such variety. I wish I could play around with them also but have to wait for someone to do an update video. The weather vane was also a nice steam suggestion not too long ago + assuming those 'fences' are able to have corner pieces. Neat stuff.

    No worries on the biome update, just that they should have been out by now. I do hope they do find themselves being released sometime soonish. It can still wait though if we can continue to get 'bribed' by these updates. You're doing awesome & I want to hit Trillnar over the head with a few rolled up newspaper wacks. Chill out. Yes, he could focus purely on biomes, but other stuff needs to be done. You can wait. If I can wait, and others can wait, then you can wait also Trillnar. Chillout :thumbup:

    I'm giving Red till December 5th just because that's Sinterklaas day. Don't worry, take your time. But ya, patience. As long as we're getting these sorts of updates then it's all fine.

    I never said Red was doing a bad job , I have praised this game all over steam and to friends. Here you are Setting deadlines LOL :) That's a joke. Biomes will be done when its done , meanwhile, I have a few more new and upcoming things to check out . I wont be complaining about it any more :)

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