Changelog 2016-09-19: Better animals, more content

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • @red51 and @zfoxfire:

    Eating animals: yes, I understand it is not an urgent topic. Also I do not not necessarily expect this to be implemented in a visual, 'narrative', way, with animals wandering from plant to plant and visibly eating its fruits. This would be wonderful of course, but a 'simple' availability effect, with the presence of animals in the area reducing the number of ripe fruits would already be rather useful to tune the food availability.

    Growth time: well, of course, I do not mean the game should implement real growth times, with tomatoes taking 3 real time months to grow, and not even necessarily 3 game time months; I agree this would be excessive. Still, vegetables growing almost over night seems to me excessive in the other direction.

    We often speak about increasing the survival aspects of RW and regularly this is intended to mean adding fictional difficulties like mobs, dungeons and so on. Removing the fictional easing elements or shot-cuts, like the two quoted above, would already go a fair length in making RW more survival oriented.

  • The "infiniteitems" took me by surprise. I thought it was a bug until I went back through the change log. I guess I could see where this would be a boon for people who like to build a lot and fast. I was not able to walk through the saloon doors but I placed them just out in the open. maybe they have to be between blocks. I also was not able to remove them, and when I used the pick to destroy them it destroyed the two upright beams and left the doors floating in space. I could not remove those. Though quitting the game and reopening it cleared that.

    When throwing out a stack of items from the inventory it creates a giant crate, and in my case the grate landed on a corner and continued to hover there. Again this was cleared after a restart.

    The animal update is great! In my creative world, I spawned back my farm animals and they are all still there! For the animal NPCs my wish is to have them produce milk/eggs/meat (goats, sheep, rabbits too) AND to reproduce, i.e. we don't have a farm like a zoo. They aren't just to look at. That may require male and female animals, or I guess you could just have a "breed" switch to decide who's going to be pregnant when. And a long interval before the babies come.

    For capturing animals in survival, I would like to see a staff of some sort used to harmlessly prod them. Also, you could build a wide "funnel" type fence in areas where the animals congregate and then drive them toward your holding pens. Lots of possibilities.

    Wish list: horses, dogs, herding behavior, half-size blocks (width as well as height), rotatable blocks, round beams (poles), less acutely bumpy ground, naturally bumpy, yes—weirdly bumpy not so much. Water physics! Characters, male and female, customizable—and an optional 3rd person view. I don't want much do I?

    Couldn't care less about dungeons or monsters. There are more than enough games out there for that. Which is why I chose Rising World in the first place. That and it's creative and pretty.

    I'm enjoying playing while the game evolves! Thanks devs for your hard work. :thumbsup:

  • +1 Cattle prod idea

    An electric one obviously would work but a simpler one could just be heated over a fire
    I simpler one would just be a long stick that could optionally be placed over a fire to be heated up. Maybe a brander could be made in a similar fashion for whenever domestication becomes a thing :)

  • @red51 and @zfoxfire:

    Growth time: well, of course, I do not mean the game should implement real growth times, with tomatoes taking 3 real time months to grow, and not even necessarily 3 game time months; I agree this would be excessive. Still, vegetables growing almost over night seems to me excessive in the other direction.

    So I've been playing a bit lately and noticing how incredibly long the growth time is. I actually ran out of cotton (had to craft some cloth for bandages and a splint) and broke my leg while spelunking, applied a splint, jumped down a little to much and broke the splint, and crawled my way out of the cave and back home. In total it took two game days to get out and back home. So yeah, It's definitely survival oriented but I feel it's a bit too extreme for non-survivalist. Personally I love the new settings. I've actually started larger plots for cotton and hemp growth. I'm going to do what ArcticKitsu suggested and really stock up on cloth and craft lots of medical supplies. So if Red decides to set the growth time back to the old settings then I'm ok with it but a survival mod or customization of growth time will be needed at some point.

  • I just went to the website and saw the list for the "Planned Features". It's quite long and includes some of what I've been wanting. Love the idea of vehicles and rail.

    I too have broken leg in my survival world, and I guess that's going hamper my movement some! Ha.

    But speaking of stocking up on inventory— I've wondered why we can't transport loaded chests to new locations? I'm not a Minecraft player myself, but I've watched it, and it seems like this is feature needed for establishing outposts or taking long trips?


  • What if, instead of a cattle prod or a burning stick, we could just use a torch? Animals would fear the fire and could be herded into pens, leaving them damage free. Or leads could be made with hemp or cloth to lead the animals to the pens. Just as long as they're not as cheaply done as in Minecraft.

  • For when we get NPCs how about having some with natural traits to herd your animals to one area every few intervals both with and without fences. Maybe even train an NPC by having them steadily/gradually learn from books to become more effective at herding, as well as anything else. Gradually introduce books for them to tear through, something NPC merchants could give you also. Maybe even sharing your learned experiences with them and vice-versa that you could have it locked in a book for whenever you die, or something horrid happens.


    Yeah, I'm impatiently waiting for both the player model & Customization update, as well as anything containing horses so I can finally travel long distances with ease. Even a way to naturally make gravel by crushing stone via sledgehammer, or something. It's useless in Minecraft, yet both dirt & gravel is genuinely useful in Rising World. Dirt and gravel have higher value uses in Rising World, more so in early game, that I just love it <3

    And yes, with this & further updates you truly need to make medical outposts while also having a healthy supply of bandages & splints to tend to your injuries. I tend to be cautious, yet the way Zork behaved proves theres still those situations. I even managed to slip into what Minecraft would consider ravines. Just straight drop down I had to dig back up. We'll have to keep bandages & splints on person at all times, like with water. Might need a travel backpack, or even a 'waist pouch' for these medical supplies. Horses would definitely hold these medical supplies.

    Back to farming, I'd suggest that herding call again, as well as some 'harmless' herding stick. Red51 also made note of leads & roped collars to lead an animal to its farming area. I'm glad he even made note of NPCs scanning chunks to scan for various chunks for naturally spawning items, ores, and such. Not sure how he read it though, so we'll have to see when the time comes. Hope this leads into naturally partnered NPCs.

    So much to brainstorm.

  • Interestingly enough, I noticed the saloon doors are too wide for a regular two-square wide door frame, as seen in the image below by the right side embedding itself in the wall.

    Yes that's true. Originally the frame was supposed to be hidden in the walls, but obviously that doesn't work as intended... that will be fixed ;)

    that all saloon doors work well both in creative and survival for me by merely walking through them

    That's indeed how they're supposed to work, simply walk through them, no need to open them manually^^

    At 20:10 in the video below, looks like sometimes when you use a sledgehammer on a block sititing just above ground level, the block drops through the ground rather than rest on top

    Yeah, right now the block items only spawn in the center of a block (in this case it's below ground level). This will be changed with the next update :)

    Growth time: well, of course, I do not mean the game should implement real growth times, with tomatoes taking 3 real time months to grow, and not even necessarily 3 game time months; I agree this would be excessive. Still, vegetables growing almost over night seems to me excessive in the other direction.

    That's true. But right now a tomato plant takes 3 realtime hours until it's fully grown (actually 3 hours you have to play). I'm afraid that's too much for a causal gamer who just spends an hour in the game, if at all. On the other hand, if someone spends hundreds of hours, the growth time could even be 10x higher. I think different levels of difficulty need to be implemented. Maybe a "causal" mode with quick growth times (and easy gameplay in general, less hostile animals etc), a regular mode like the current one (although one have to keep in mind that the current gameplay is still too easy, that'll change in the future, so it's better to say "a regular mode like what the current one is supposed to be"), and maybe a "realistic" mode with much higher growth times, no easy health restore, basically a "hardcore survival". Finally everything has to be customizable, maybe someone wants hardcore survival, but quick growth times etc...

    I was not able to walk through the saloon doors but I placed them just out in the open. maybe they have to be between blocks. I also was not able to remove them, and when I used the pick to destroy them it destroyed the two upright beams and left the doors floating in space. I could not remove those. Though quitting the game and reopening it cleared that.

    That's interesting! This may be an indicator of why some people have issues with saloon doors (since I wasn't able to reproduce this error yet) 8| Maybe you could try this: Go to your game directory (steamversion: rightclick on rw in steam -> properties -> local files -> browse local files), then open the "" file with a texteditor, set "game_debug_console" to true, then save the file and start the game again. Now load a world and place a saloon door, try to walk through it, and if it doesn't work, try to remove it. Then quit the game, and go to the "Logs" folder in your game directory. There is now a log file, please upload it here in the forums (or alternatively open it with a texteditor, copy the content and paste it here or on ) :)

    When throwing out a stack of items from the inventory it creates a giant crate

    Yeah, this is the "item representation" of an object (like furniture). We want to add at least various sized crates, since it doesn't make sense to have such a big crate for a small item like a lamp :D

    So if Red decides to set the growth time back to the old settings then I'm ok with it but a survival mod or customization of growth time will be needed at some point.

    I guess I will not touch the growth times in the next weeks, but I fully agree that these things need to be customizable at some point.

    Might need a travel backpack, or even a 'waist pouch' for these medical supplies. Horses would definitely hold these medical supplies.

    Backpacks for the player are not planned at the moment unfortunately, but you will be able to craft backpacks for horses (and donkeys and camels), so they can carry some of your stuff ;)

  • Found another bug... So I have a medium size crate placed. I'm on page 3 of the inventory and double-click something in my personal inventory to transfer it. The item is moved to a random slot on page 1 instead of page 3. If I drag the item instead of double-clicking, it goes to the intended page.

    And now I can't reproduce the error. The game crashed. I restarted and now the crate is working properly. I should probably leave debug mode turned on. happened again but only on certain items then the problem went away. I'll try and get a log next time it happens.

  • To Red: I love the varying sized crates, and I noticed the large one allows for four pages of inventory which is very nice. The question I have is, how easy is it to code extra pages of inventory for storage items? A simple copy/paste of code with a variable name change? I'm just wondering how easy it would be for you to create the "Red51 Super-Secure Mithril Vault with 51 pages of inventory, 8 character hex-based passcode protection, and a warning label indicating 'do not forget your passcode'."

    I have however noticed signs can't be placed directly on crates.

    Also, whenever I find ore at a spot where the hole afterward becomes inconvenient, I usually refill the hole once the ore has been fully mined. But there are times when I'm refilling that I notice some of the ore returning. The ore detector senses it, and when I mine it, most of the time I can get ore from it. Over the course of mining and refilling, less and less ore reappears until the hole is gone. While realistically it makes no sense, if this is a bug, I wouldn't worry much about it as at most, one can get 10-15 extra pieces of ore during the refill.

    Which brings up my next question: Is it possible we're getting too much stone per block mined? In the instance above, I used the ore detector to find the iron ore, and after over 64 pieces of iron, I refilled the hole. Now, I don't OCD the refilling of holes, but I'm sure I shouldn't have over 30 pieces of stone left on me when I had none before I started digging. Especially considering how much ore I mined. As with the ore, I wouldn't worry much about it as it's just stone, and I'm sure everyone here loves amassing stone for their builds.

    Keep up the great work, Red.

  • Also, whenever I find ore at a spot where the hole afterward becomes inconvenient, I usually refill the hole once the ore has been fully mined. But there are times when I'm refilling that I notice some of the ore returning. The ore detector senses it, and when I mine it, most of the time I can get ore from it. Over the course of mining and refilling, less and less ore reappears until the hole is gone. While realistically it makes no sense, if this is a bug, I wouldn't worry much about it as at most, one can get 10-15 extra pieces of ore during the refill.

    well in fact in real life not all the ore is taken the first time and the taylings often contain missed ore, this is why old gold mines have been re mined over and over oO

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Kick? Just by walking into things for now, yet we might be able to kick when player models & customization comes in in a guess....around December? I hope the API comes out soon so we can have Dungeons pop around to then allow for player models & such. Damn. Happy with what we have right now though.

    [edit: It appears I misread about the kick so that makes things awkward. My bad >_>]

  • Maybe you could try this: Go to your game directory (steamversion: rightclick on rw in steam -> properties -> local files -> browse local files), then open the "" file with a texteditor, set "game_debug_console" to true, then save the file and start the game again. Now load a world and place a saloon door, try to walk through it, and if it doesn't work, try to remove it. Then quit the game, and go to the "Logs" folder in your game directory.

    Hi Red51! I did what you said. This time the door worked fine I placed it with and without a block doorframe. I was able to walk through either one, and I was able to destroy both of them. I also threw out the stack and the crate didn't hang in the air. Who know's what happened before, when I got the strange behavior, but it's working correctly now.

  • well in fact in real life not all the ore is taken the first time and the taylings often contain missed ore, this is why old gold mines have been re mined over and over oO

    While I'm perfectly fine with how Rising World handles returning ore, I both agree and disagree with your comment pertaining to mining ore. Minerals in real life are nonrenewable resources. That said, it is perfectly normal for a miner to go back into an old mineshaft, start new tunnels, and find ore where previous miners never mined. It's not perfectly normal to merely dig out an old mineshaft and find missed ores in the rubble that was used to fill it in the first place. It's also not normal for a miner to find ore in the rubble while refilling his or her mineshaft. Mistakes happen in reality and one can accidentally put back a stone with a speck of gold on it, but I would guess that's a rare occurrence based on a lack of attention, among other things.

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