Changelog 2017-04-20: Ingame map, dungeon, new content

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Wow! This is the most bug reporting I've done in a while... I was flying over to where a cabin was showing on the map. The cabin was on the map but it wasn't in the game. I noticed recently the map has been refreshing properly but this time it was not. I looked around but could not see the cabin below me. Game crashed promptly. Stacktrace below. When i restarted the game, i noticed the cabin was no longer on the map.

    Uncaught exception thrown in Thread[jME3 Main,10,main]
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: This NativeObject is not registered in this NativeObjectManager
    at com.jme3.util.NativeObjectManager.deleteNativeObject(
    at com.jme3.util.NativeObjectManager.deleteUnused(
    at com.jme3.renderer.opengl.GLRenderer.postFrame(
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(

  • We just got a tiny steam update a few minutes ago... anything important in there?

    Just fixed an issue with plants and also a minor issue with logarithmic depth buffer, so nothing important ;)

    A son of a friend wanted me to ask you (Red51) if we can crouch and have wave emotes in the next update. Crouching currently is useless

    Yeah currently there is no real crouching in the game ^^ This will change once we have our new player models, although I can't say for sure if the first release of the character models will already contain a real crouching feature (since this needs some fine tuning, so maybe it becomes available shortly afterwars) ^^

    And attached is the pond at night. On closer look, I can barely make out the surface of the water but normally its a bit darker and not so transparent

    Hmm... yeah that's indeed barely visible. Did you also disable water reflections? If both refractions and reflections are disabled, water surfaces are sometimes hardly visible. We'll change that in the near future :)

    Wow! This is the most bug reporting I've done in a while...

    Wow, that's indeed a nasty issue =O Looks like something got internally messed up. Did you maybe use the "reloadplugins" command or something like that? Maybe keep an eye on this, if this issue occurs again, please let me know

  • Yeah currently there is no real crouching in the game This will change once we have our new player models, although I can't say for sure if the first release of the character models will already contain a real crouching feature (since this needs some fine tuning, so maybe it becomes available shortly afterwars)

    Just a small inch of a crouch, yeah. I bet all the kneeling and stuff shall be later, yup. Awesome! That makes both me and others happy.


    Also, me and Harv have this desire (as well as Zork) to be able to export the map into a .png image file. Is that a possibility? Even in a modding sense? If it stalls/delays the player model update then could nudge someone via modding to do it. Let them know how then someone can poke around with it.

  • Full-size image can be seen here:

    As ArcticuKitsu said, there seems to be a consensus among players that being able to export the map as a single image file would be a really nifty feature to have. The way the map files are laid out suggests that actual "stitching" wouldn't really be required, since the map is already chopped up into little pieces in a manner that also specifies how they fit together.

    In this example, I was trying to visualize a water route from my place to the main settlement on Arctic's server. Just by walking and swimming I can now see both the land path and possible waterway at a glance. Just in case boats make their appearance in the game. ^^ The only problem this time is that I had to take a zillion (give or take) screenshots and stitch them together with a combination of a program called PhotoStitcher and Gimp.

    If building the feature into the game is not feasible, then we'd settle for a little guidance on how some of our hearty software enthusiasts might go about creating either a plugin or standalone app to get the job done.

    It's easy enough for us to make such requests. I know it's another thing altogether to come up with solutions. (Yes, that was aimed at Red51 :rolleyes: )

  • Wow, that's indeed a nasty issue =O Looks like something got internally messed up. Did you maybe use the "reloadplugins" command or something like that? Maybe keep an eye on this, if this issue occurs again, please let me know

    This was in my single-player game in the standalone version. I might actually have a tiny plugin installed that I wrote but I certainly did not use that command or any command. I simply flew over a place where a cabin should be. And I very rarely experience crashes in this game.. It's quite stable, for an alpha. :)

  • Hmm... yeah that's indeed barely visible. Did you also disable water reflections? If both refractions and reflections are disabled, water surfaces are sometimes hardly visible. We'll change that in the near future :)

    Oh boy, do I feel like a dummy. Yes. I did have those turned off. I must have disabled them so I could get an FPS boost and forgot about them.

  • What is the ID of the new "white wood"? I'm not sure I'm seeing it? Is it as white as the "white plaster" (ID: 143)?

    yes its id 143 all ids are in the block bench i guess you know that lol

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Also, me and Harv have this desire (as well as Zork) to be able to export the map into a .png image file. Is that a possibility? Even in a modding sense? If it stalls/delays the player model update then could nudge someone via modding to do it. Let them know how then someone can poke around with it.

    Right now it's unfortunately not possible, but it's definitely planned (i.e. having an ingame feature, maybe a small button next to the map which allows you to store the map as an image or something like that). However, of course the single map tiles can be converted into a png or jpg file without much hassle. Maybe I can release a small converter or a plugin (which only works in singleplayer then) which can do that^^

    What is the ID of the new "white wood"? I'm not sure I'm seeing it? Is it as white as the "white plaster" (ID: 143)?

    The new id is 84. It's however slightly darker than the white plaster (143) texture.

    This was in my single-player game in the standalone version. I might actually have a tiny plugin installed that I wrote but I certainly did not use that command or any command. I simply flew over a place where a cabin should be. And I very rarely experience crashes in this game.. It's quite stable, for an alpha.

    It's indeed a strange issue. If it crashes again, just let me know ;)

  • This was in my single-player game in the standalone version. I might actually have a tiny plugin installed that I wrote but I certainly did not use that command or any command. I simply flew over a place where a cabin should be. And I very rarely experience crashes in this game.. It's quite stable, for an alpha. :)

    Have you made forceware "clean installations", or do you install over the previous driver? Sometimes this kind of instability occurs because of this.

  • Another small update is now available! It's only a client-side update, so there is no need to update your multiplayer servers. This update fixes some bugs, improves the map (M) loading (i.e. map tiles load faster now), and also adds two new features to the construction placement tool: on the one hand, you're now able to rotate construction elements while they're locked (just hold your CTRL key and use the arrow keys, as usual). On the other hand, it's possible to change the current texture on the fly, by typing "id <textureid>" into console.

    Changelog 2017-05-06:

    • [New] Added ability to rotate construction elements while they're locked (hold CTRL)
    • [New] Experimental "id" command to change the texture id of the current construction element on the fly
    • [New] Now a small notification will show up if you try to refuel the smelting furnace at the back door
    • [Change] Map loads faster now
    • [Change] Pressing return to close the chat no longer toggles modular snapping when placing construction elements
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issue of being unable to join a mp server when player rotation is invalid
    • [Bugfix] Fixed hitbox of tree stumps
    • [Bugfix] Fixed culling issues with trees
    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing polygons on cherry tree
  • Another small update is now available! It's only a client-side update, so there is no need to update your multiplayer servers. This update fixes some bugs, improves the map (M) loading (i.e. map tiles load faster now), and also adds two new features to the construction placement tool: on the one hand, you're now able to rotate construction elements while they're locked (just hold your CTRL key and use the arrow keys, as usual). On the other hand, it's possible to change the current texture on the fly, by typing "id <textureid>" into console.

    Changelog 2017-05-06:

    • [New] Added ability to rotate construction elements while they're locked (hold CTRL)
    • [New] Experimental "id" command to change the texture id of the current construction element on the fly
    • [New] Now a small notification will show up if you try to refuel the smelting furnace at the back door
    • [Change] Map loads faster now
    • [Change] Pressing return to close the chat no longer toggles modular snapping when placing construction elements
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issue of being unable to join a mp server when player rotation is invalid
    • [Bugfix] Fixed hitbox of tree stumps
    • [Bugfix] Fixed culling issues with trees
    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing polygons on cherry tree

    I know its "experimental" but are you going to make it so the id stays after you click away?? it changes back after I use a different inventory item.

  • I know its "experimental" but are you going to make it so the id stays after you click away?? it changes back after I use a different inventory item.

    It depends on how useful this would be ;) Right now it just affects the "placement tool", so it doesn't touch the related item (basically the plank in your inventory still has the original texture, that's why it changes back after switching the item).
    I'm sure something like that will be at least available for the creative mode in the near future

  • Just woke up a bit ago and seen there was an update overnight. Not sure what it was but @red51 keep up the great work! Hopefully this summer when I get my rent rebate I could get some cpu issues resolved and begin recording again. As of for the moment software like OBS & Xsplit are too demanding on the cpu and lag the game like crazy when recording. Action! by Merillis is by far the best for recording. Hoping for some rivers later down the road. I might try my hand at an update video but I will have to dig through here for all the latest features. Have fun and game on :)

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