Changelog 2017-11-30: New playermodels, new items and more!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • No rush to Red51, yet can't wait for the Player Foundation update to hit the vanilla side of things. There's just so much to do in this update that I can't wait to apply it onto my main world to unlock the mining drill, test out the new 'Custom sound' API, as well as finally have my cotton building deal with crafting clothing, and such. We won't be using the guns much, unless with Breedmaster plugin, until we gain bandits, pirates, and raiders to deal with. It'll just be a protective weapon for when you go scouting. Once things are properly polished it'll give us many more things to do. I could finally also finish off the roadway I was making + prep for underground train tunnels, and such heh.

    The new food appearances are awesome, as well as the reworked tools. I'm also going to have to build a monument to the old player model for old times heh. Also, I seem to be happy with the walking and running. I haven't once griped about it. Only the constant choppy lagspikes that Red51 and myself suspect to be related to the sound....

    Once everything is fixed and polished it's going to send an actual shockwave through the game we could last another 5 months 8o

    i just generated a new world with 0.9 and i just played and played like 5 hours now.
    i have all new weapons now and i used the mining drill.
    i can say... its awesome.
    i went to a hunt with the bow and got a tiger
    then i crafted a gun and got a bear and almost died and went home with broken bones, and a bearpelt (walked like 15 minutes with broken bones)
    and then i died to get rid of the broken leg and crafted a rifle
    and now i have all done, except the clothes, cause i dont wanna cheat something in, i wanna craft them
    but i can say, its a powerfull updateand its so much fun
    cant wait to my next hunt with the repeaterGun :D
    gonna have so much fun :D
    just shooting bears, no passive creatures, only bad ones :D

  • I don't shoot foxes & rabbits because I love how cute rabbits are & foxes are my friend. It's in my name. There's no deers, yet there's moose. I dare you to shoot your musket or rifle next to a goat and a moose to see how they'll treat you 8o

    I want to craft things in survival mode as well. That's where the meat of the game is at. I want to craft clothings from the loom, or their own specific clothing spot so I can finally be able to make use of all the cotton I have. I hit a brick wall with open lan that I"m now back lurking, playing other games that need tending to.

    Yup. Me and Reydelreyes seem to be on the same page of only shooting hostiles, nothing more. :thumbsup:

  • Thank you very much for the feedback and the error reports :) Probably a new hotfix will be available shortly, and if everything's working smoothly, we can finally release the stable update.

    Both in lakes and oceans I see these blue rectangles. they tend to disappear as you get closer to them

    Does this issue still persist after the latest hotfix?

    Is there a way to turn of the avatar image when you go into your inventory? Don't really want to see a half naked man each time I go in there

    Unfortunately there is no way to disable it (since it's needed to put clothes on your character)... however, I can add an option to disable this view for the next hotfix. With the next hotfix, you will be able to set game_gui_clothingelement_visible to false, this will hide the player preview ;)

    Also: don't know if this is supposed to happen, I usually use creative mode, but is the light facility (L Key) supposed to work in survival?

    Yes and no :D It's our intention to remove the debug light, it's been there for too long now (originally it was implemented before you were able to place torches on walls), but we decided to get an alternative ready for this first. We did prepare a helmet lamp, unfortunately it's not in the current build yet. But I'm confident we can add this in the next days or weeks, then we will finally disable the debug light in survival mode.

    I don't seem to be able to stack items such as raw bacon, tomatoes, etc. Not really played the survival before so I don't know if this is supposed to happen?

    Well, some stack sizes changed. They're much stricter now. However, this does not affect old stack (which existed prior the update), but these old stacks can't be merged anymore.

    I also can't apply water on the paper press.

    That should be fixed after the latest hotfix ^^

    Grinding station not works, and steel hoe either.

    Hmm... does the issue with the grinder still persist? The steel hoe will be fixed with the next hotfix

    * I noticed that smelted sulfur is rendered larger than other ingots so they stick out past the front of the smelting tray.

    Will have to check out what's going on there =O

    *records and lumber still do not show in inventory slot. "missing image" instead

    Does this issue still persist?

    * unable to place records on or crank the gramophone

    Does this issue still persist?

    * on the primitive furnace, I have to go through the motion of "opening the side door" before i can load it with fuel. however, no door is visible

    Yes, that's true.... that needs to be sorted out ^^

    When would give you free the 0.9 serverversion to download ?

    You can find a beta in the steam dedicated server, or alternatively here is a direct download link: https://download.rising-world.…017/

    - More hair variations are needed. Painfully lacking. I however like the colour palette, the gender choosing, and such.

    Fully agree. Some features are still lacking, actually we did prepare a few more haircuts, but they're not ready yet^^

    - arrows from bolts should get stuck on solid surfaces (I later found out one was stuck in the ground yet was a syncing issue

    Actually they get stuck on solid surfaces (and they can be picked up again), however, they still pass through vegetation (such as trees) and objects (like furniture, doors etc)...

    - Clothing needs a category somewhere so we can craft in survival. I couldn't find it, and I'm sure it'll be added.

    With the next hotfix, you will be able to craft clothes at the loom

    - Needs a 'Loot all' option on corpse

    Sounds like a good idea, at least for the player corpse. For animals, we want to rework the gutting procedure anyway (getting rid of the stupid chest gui)

    - Pumpkin seeds have an issue of staying planted that they go back in your inventory after 2-5 seconds.

    I will check out what's going on there :)

    - Depending on how close you are to others you can see them turn invisible. It's a similar issue in VRchat where a 'Personal space' option was used as a toggle option.

    Yeah, unfortunately that's still a bug. Needs to be addressed.

    - Ammo fills the ammo slot at first, yet doesn't after for the rifle, crossbow, and musket. If the ammo is available in the inventory it should auto dump into the ammo slot.

    We will think about this. It would be interesting to hear what other people think about this :?:

    - Apparently hitting cancel still saves the layouts that it should just cancel out of it, not saving your selection.

    Oh... I will check out what's going on there 8|

    No error messages with these, so did ss.

    That's really strange... I will have a look at this issue!

    I am rocking my current garb...

    Hehe, your outfit is hilarious!! :thumbsup:

    Also, I notice that you can't loot your ammo, they are not in the dead body.

    True... needs to be fixed^^

    the bandages and split legs can't be appliqued.

    That will be fixed shortly ;)

  • Are you going to add branches randomly spawning on the ground for poeople to pick up and make stone axes?

    Yes, definitely planned! :)

    just hoping you are sleeping time to time just a big thx to be aware but don't loose your health we can wait...

    Thanks for caring :) Don't worry, have enough watermelons and burned bacon here to keep my health bar filled. And if anything goes wrong, my spawn point isn't far away :D

    I'm very new to this community and your awesome (awesome) game (yes I need to say that twice!). I have to say you've just impressed me even more with addressing your user queries so directly! Keep up the amazing work! Much respect!

    Thank you very much for your kind words! ;)

    Is there a 3rd person view mode yet or will it come soon?

    It will be coming soon, probably somewhere in December or January^^

  • Some bugs I noticed:

    Glass panes and window frames hidden inside arc block have visual clipping.
    When adding coal to a fully fueled furnace the coal is consumed but no extra fuel is added.
    New tomatoes refuse to stack with old tomatoes, we all know they are better but they should still play nice :P

    Other than that I'm super excited. Mining drill is so much fun. :D

  • Thanks for caring Don't worry, have enough watermelons and burned bacon here to keep my health bar filled. And if anything goes wrong, my spawn point isn't far away

    Spawning is like beaming up or reincarnation. . .

    A lack of sleep can cause braindamage too. But we still need your brain for a longer time than this update.

    Übertreibs ni.

    Tschak - Wenn ich gewusst hätte, was die alles damit in die Massen tragen :| Werdet Euch klar, was Ihr wirklich wollt und ändert gegebenenfalls Euer Leben ^^

    Ich wünsche Euch ein Leben in Harmonie
    Schnellhilfe / quick help ( alt / old )

    Edited once, last by Boing----Peng-Bumm- ().

  • @red51 Do we have an ETA for the new version of the plugin API? I would like to have it before the update is fully released to fix some errors that are currently occurring in my plugins (when I load them in Beta 0.9) so that our server doesn't break down :/ I assume there are some changes because the plugins did not throw any errors/exceptions with the previous version of the game.

    Second thing, did the blueprint file format change at all with the new version? If yes in what way? Because I will have to update the blueprint texture editor too in that case.

  • Red51 you're speed in stepping on the buglist is incredible thank you very much. As has been said, do take time to sleep.

    Glad to see the loot gui is under plans to be removed.

    i noted that it has been asked to be able to close the portrait window on the inventory, that's good. Also that we will be able to craft our clothes on the loom (I expected that :) ).

    The question is: will the cloths we craft be available in inventory and will it be possible to store them in chests: for trading/selling etc.?

  • Your speed*


    With the next hotfix, you will be able to craft clothes at the loom

    Sweet! Looking forward to it hoping that everything shall play out smoothly. If we can, I'll see about making that Santa hat, unless it's still causing trouble. Can't wait to make them.

    Sounds like a good idea, at least for the player corpse. For animals, we want to rework the gutting procedure anyway (getting rid of the stupid chest gui)

    Yup. Just the player corpse because of how much we take on our person that it's a bit tedious for how we have to keep clicking to get them back. Chest gui eh? Oh, right. Let's see what you have planned for that. I'm now curious.

  • A new hotfix is now available. We still have to fix some smaller issues as well as clipping issues (i.e. player partly visible through clothes) ^^

    New tomatoes refuse to stack with old tomatoes, we all know they are better but they should still play nice

    Hehe, basically you're right :D But stack size changed with this update. This doesn't affect old stacks though, but if you have an old stack with a size greater than the max size, you can't add any new items to this stack ^^

    @red51 Do we have an ETA for the new version of the plugin API?

    Oh, yes. I've just uploaded a pre-version of the plugin API :)
    API Preview 0.9

    Second thing, did the blueprint file format change at all with the new version? If yes in what way? Because I will have to update the blueprint texture editor too in that case.

    I'm not sure, afaik the blueprint format didn't change (too much time has passed^^), but I will verify this

    The question is: will the cloths we craft be available in inventory and will it be possible to store them in chests: for trading/selling etc.?

    Basically you can put the clothes into a chest, drop it on the floor, or trade them with other players ;) We're also thinking about adding a special object dedicated for clothes, e.g. a wardrobe

    I'll see about making that Santa hat

    I'll make sure that the santa hat will be ready in time for xmas :D

    Thanks @red51, the rectangles underwater have indeed been fixed after the last hotfix.

    Thanks for letting me know, glad to hear that :)

    The snow/grass under buildings remains an issue (like the video I posted before showing the snow going up and down).

    I'll check out what's going on there^^

  • We're also thinking about adding a special object dedicated for clothes, e.g. a wardrobe

    Nice! Well, at least that's something. I can make use of that nicely, I hope. :thumbup: Curious to know if we'll be able to see what's inside, or similar.

    I'll make sure that the santa hat will be ready in time for xmas

    Sweet! Yeah, at least we'll have one thing themed to Christmas this time that is new. I'm happy :thumbup:

    Also, any chance for the latest info on hotfix patches to see what's been fixed and etc? Or would that take away from all the patching and such? It's simply for curiousity side of things to see what works, what's new, and etc.

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