Changelog 2018-05-30: Look at my horse!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • I am not shure what is causing the db lockup on my server

    Sorry for the late response regarding this issue! Basically the "locked" error indicates that the game/server was not able to write to the database. This happens if the database file is locked/inaccessible, although it's really strange that - according to the log - the server is no longer able to save the world once this issue occurs. I spent some time checking out if there is anything wrong in the game. SQLite hates multithreading, so there is a chance that this error occurs if multiple threads access the world database. However, we synchronized all write tasks some time ago so basically this should not cause this issue. Of course there could be a bug in the server, but unfortunately I wasn't able to find anything that could cause this issue :huh:

    But it looks like the current JDBC driver we're using for the server has some issues at least on Linux. Maybe you can try to download the latest (just extract the zip file into the "libs" folder of your server [while the server is not running] and replace the existing file):

    If that does not work, I guess the only solution would be to move to MySQL :|

    What's new to me here would be crop failure that it has me now worried if we're going to be struggling 'Conan Exiles' style, or if it'll be tolerable like with Terraria

    I didn't play Conan Exiles so I can't say much about that unfortunately^^ But of course it's important to find a good balance. We just want to make sure that the current "get-a-few-tomato-plants-and-you-never-have-to-worry-about-food-again" approach does not work that easily :D So it will be important to keep an eye on your plants.

    Yeah, but will we be able to build it up from the shell by adding customized parts onto it? Start with the shell to then add the parts onto it in the main world that you'd have vehicle garages build that it be like a factory type setting

    You have to build cars step by step (i.e. first create the chassis, then add the engine, transmission, wheels, body, doors etc). However, these will be pre-made elements, so you can't fully customize it (for example, you can't make a car out of planks, for example). But you can still change the appearance by removing the roof, for example (turning it into a convertible), or changing the color/paintjob of the body. And, of course, you can decide what engine and transmission you want to use (there will be both automatic and manual transmissions available) :)

    We decided against the "fully customizable cars made out of single construction elements" approach. On the one hand, it would be nice to have a high degree of freedom, but on the other hand, 90% of all cars would basically just consist of a few planks, or resemble a "cube on wheels" if we take that approach :D That might be funny, but could be annoying on multiplayer servers...

    That's a tease with the "big boat". I do hope we get to see them then see if we can have them ourselves. I consider this a tease because it's one of those "it's so close, yet so far aware" type deals. Any chance for a sneak peak?

    I really can't say much about big boats yet. The first type of boat we're going to add will be a rowboat, but it would be a pity if there won't be any bigger vessels. We have a big sailing ship in place, but idk if the player will be able to control it (alternatively it might just spawn randomly on the ocean with several pirates on it and precious loot) ^^ Nevertheless, it will take some time until we can focus on bigger vessels^^

  • Funny I was thinkng of random crop blights myself.. but it would have been far beyond me abilities to write a routine so now I dont have to worry about it .. :thumbsup: The game currently has infinite food and infinite resources so it is hard to establish a reason for players to trade. everyone on my server just digs and digs until they are bored then the leave.

  • It's our intention to improve the npc AI now, which will allow us to implement more hostile npcs, especially human enemies (e.g. bandits). Trains, cars and boats are also on our list, as well as some other features, so stay tuned for the next updates!

    Taken From The Changelog

  • I didn't play Conan Exiles so I can't say much about that unfortunately^^ But of course it's important to find a good balance. We just want to make sure that the current "get-a-few-tomato-plants-and-you-never-have-to-worry-about-food-again" approach does not work that easily So it will be important to keep an eye on your plants

    Well, at it's core it's meant to be an extremely serious and difficult survival sim that I had to the difficulty to be more "safe" & "experimental"; Basically creative mode. You would gain a massive amount of food per day while running out of 98% of it in that single CE day that it was insanely hostile. Everything spoiled in what seemed like an instant that it was frustrating. Gathering resources was a chore, but it does have many good points:

    Building in detail and variety that it's modular, yet also Rising World-styled in ways when it comes down to furniture placement. Climbing terrain & structures is awesome, as with having a working awesome elevator that needs a clear line of sight to ground zero. It's a harsh game, yet I prefer Rising World for how far more homely Rising World is.

    Point was about food with food spoiling in a day which goes by in an instant. Good luck finding a balance :D . If we ever get fishing I may resort to having a fishing diet of smoking all the fish I get (if they last for a very long while).

    You have to build cars step by step (i.e. first create the chassis, then add the engine, transmission, wheels, body, doors etc). However, these will be pre-made elements, so you can't fully customize it (for example, you can't make a car out of planks, for example). But you can still change the appearance by removing the roof, for example (turning it into a convertible), or changing the color/paintjob of the body. And, of course, you can decide what engine and transmission you want to use (there will be both automatic and manual transmissions available)

    We decided against the "fully customizable cars made out of single construction elements" approach. On the one hand, it would be nice to have a high degree of freedom, but on the other hand, 90% of all cars would basically just consist of a few planks, or resemble a "cube on wheels" if we take that approach That might be funny, but could be annoying on multiplayer servers...

    Excellent. It's awesome trying to imagine it now that I can't wait to see how it handles in practice. It's fine on paper now, just can't wait for how it's like in practice.

    So you basically decided against anything Minecraft "Movecraft" eh? Makes sense. It would actually lag things out that I'd be fine to see what you have going on that I still hope we build vehicles out in the open with what you mentioned. Shall be fun :D (I'm hoping I read that right without adding my own spin to it)

    I really can't say much about big boats yet. The first type of boat we're going to add will be a rowboat, but it would be a pity if there won't be any bigger vessels. We have a big sailing ship in place, but idk if the player will be able to control it (alternatively it might just spawn randomly on the ocean with several pirates on it and precious loot) Nevertheless, it will take some time until we can focus on bigger vessels^^

    Rowboats shall be fun. Whenever ready I'll warmly welcome boats into my world. Kelna port is still waiting to warmly welcome boats into the world that I'll gladly welcome rowboats first.

    Sweet! That's an awesome tease that I love it! So I guess that pirate boat suggestion shall work in this manner as well that I hope we can also command it back to port. I would go out seeking these boats to bring them back as trophies. I would treat these big vessels as giant floating trophies. I hope there would be a chance for them to spawn in already spawned oceans in a form of "patrol" type habit.

    I'm loving this that the three quotes is showing Rising World is in good hands and a bright future. :thumbup:<3<3<3<3<3

  • I really can't say much about big boats yet. The first type of boat we're going to add will be a rowboat, but it would be a pity if there won't be any bigger vessels. We have a big sailing ship in place, but idk if the player will be able to control it (alternatively it might just spawn randomly on the ocean with several pirates on it and precious loot) ^^ Nevertheless, it will take some time until we can focus on bigger vessels^^

    I would like to see small sailing boats. Wouldn't it be possible to have a basic boat and add parts like sails or an engine?
    Different sizes of boats would also be cool like a little boat to sail from one place to another and a yacht where you have a bed and a basic kitchen inside.

  • I actually like the idea/concept of crop failure, diseases and other related idea's added to the game. It separates this game from so many others and makes it even more unique. Same thing with creating the cars the concept is different & sets it apart. What some of you may be asking is about custom paint jobs, different interior perhaps even a station wagon. To me let's just start with the basic model first and then worry about the different varieties or flavor we prefer. Driving around in a 1980's station wagon like it's in style isn't exactly my idea of fun. For example the worlds we generate are relatively very bumpy, even if it's a superflat world the world still has it's bumps and bruises; because of this I like the idea of the jeep. It's an all terrain vehicle off road and still fun, I don't think a limo, bus or even a taxi would be worth driving across the worlds without a road to prevent the wheels on the bus from rolling down the road ahead of you. :whistling::) As for the boats beginning with a row boat would be awesome! :thumbsup: We could go whitewater rafting down rivers, waterfalls and so much more with these things. If I could ask for one implementation before adding boats it would be waves and how big they can get while being affected by the weather. Would be kind of awesome to ride a row boat into the sea to be capsized by a monsoon or a powerful storm (hurricanes?.)

    For those that prefer the medieval style for transportation & building you don't need a car. We have mounts & yet true I would love to see oxen or horses pulling a stable just for fun. Imagine plowing a field with a steer & manual plow.. :/ about that. Might be a little too old for my taste but for some they might enjoy it. When electricity is added personally I would like to see a blast furnace, ore crucibles & more something to combine ores into new types. Iron + Coal or otherwise iron & carbon in a blast furnace could make steel. This could be used for creating parts for vehicles, building materials and special factory parts. When electricity does come to the game I am hoping for rubber tree's, oil and all things related to electrical components. Crucibles, blast furnaces & computational devices could help with circuit boards, telephone poles for carrying electricity the list just goes on. When you step outside of gaming and take a look at the world around you, it changes your perspective. I have reason to believe this is the concept of the game though I can't be entirely sure. seasons would be a great addition versus a snow biome being beside a desert.

  • Survival elements should be awesome that it's going to make Rising parallel with 'Wurm: Unlimited' in certain ways, and that's a good thing. It won't be exact, but it'll be in that same zone which is awesome.

    For example the worlds we generate are relatively very bumpy, even if it's a superflat world the world still has it's bumps and bruises; because of this I like the idea of the jeep. It's an all terrain vehicle off road and still fun, I don't think a limo, bus or even a taxi would be worth driving across the worlds without a road to prevent the wheels on the bus from rolling down the road ahead of you.

    In populated multiplayer maps people can smooth out the terrain to make proper roads. We're also eventually to gain road building features that we can probably have roads smoothed out with construction vehicles. Maybe.

    off-roading vehicles should probably be added first, yeah. Then we can get all the other stuff such as the limo, bus, among other things. I however hope we could gain pickup trucks, ATVs, and even the trucks from Euro Truck Sim 2 & American Truck Sim (if able). If not, dump trucks could work with Bobcat type vehicles. It's all up to Red51 & the modding community.

    My settlements tend to be flat that you can handle vehicles in them (certain types). Bikes and motorbikes could be a thing? Scooters?

  • Excellent idea using blight and spoilage on the food supply. I admit that I went from planting and harvesting all the plants and trees so I could test the growing times and such, and then dropped down to doing exactly that which was quoted earlier: planting a few tomato plants and potatoes.
    Time to dig out my greenhouse template and plant variety and quantity again.

    Nice job on the recent updates Red51. I really do enjoy this game.

  • I recently learnt that Temperature is coming soon to the game, I'm really excited and can't wait for it! It's something I've been hoping for since day one I got this game ^_^

    Also, is food spoilage already in effect? I haven't seen anything go bad for me yet.

    Oh and the NPC dummy system is AWESOME! I hadn't tried it yet, but it's so much fun! Thank you so much for the awesome updates!

  • red said in the last update, "It's our intention to improve the npc AI now, which will allow us to implement more hostile npcs, especially human enemies (e.g. bandits). Trains, cars and boats are also on our list, as well as some other features, so stay tuned for the next updates"

  • I Am Loving the Mounts update as much as everyone else is. I'am glad though that you mad the few changes necessary such as making the map available while riding a horse Red, I too look forward to next update but I dont want to add any more pressure on you than there already is. Keep up the great work I'm sure there is many days and late nights working on this title so I just hope that a lot of community understand this and that you cant meet every demand being a one man band :) Again I've said it before on the steam forums, thanks for a great game and keep up the great work :D:D:D

  • I think Red needs to implement a dollar "cost" every time someone ask "WHEN IS THE NEXT UPDATE"?? :rolleyes:?(
    As always it will be here when it will be here, and it will be GREAT!!!


  • Maybe he could answer like Michelangelo (Charlton Heston) in the movie, The Agony and the Ecstasy. " When you pry it from my cold dead hand!"... Woops .. wrong advertisement... oh yeah... "When I'm Finished!"


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