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  • Add some sort of supporter DLC for Rising World? 20

    1. No (8) 40%
    2. Special Items (visual enhancements only) (8) 40%
    3. Special Items (with special abilities) (2) 10%
    4. Yes, but not sure what kind of DLC (2) 10%


    We need funding for the game right? You have had a very loyal fan-base since release. Could you release a DLC for visuals, golden pick-axe or tools. Something that doesnt turn the game into a pay to play thing. No extra benefits just something that we can help support the game. I'm sure I am not alone in wanting to help. I would gladly pitch in as I'm sure others would. This is not to throw you off of your current work. Just an idea to get some revenue.

  • To raise the motivation. If you buy a key but don´t have any purpose for it (other than "donating") then it feels kind of hollow. Even though its probably still the best way. I think with a DLC that doesn´t make a char look like its the king, neither has any effect on the game itself, it would be fine. Not instead of buying extra keys but additionally. Maybe for less than the price of the game (i.e. for 5 eur instead of 10 or 15 eur).

    But then again - what DLC should that be? Even a pet could be considered as something useful, even its only cosmetic. I could imagine maybe temporary access to a test server before the patch is officially launched. Or maybe simply to collect "supporter token" and at a certain level/amount you can trade them against something, like i.e. a RW cup, T-shirt, a Red51-hand-signed note reading "release date september or october, for sure not later" (release 31st at 10pm) or something like that :party: (Sorry red51 - i couldn´t help that little joke, forgive me - im happy whenever the patch is released). With a lot of "supporter token" maybe you could get a 3D-printed version of one of your buildings.

  • I know that it would raise the motivation but it would be a kind of milking the customer with nonsense dlcs or items that are already in the game but is locked behind paywalls like ea or paradox games.

  • I think its a great idea to add special content to help support the game! Yes, I agree, pay-to-play is not a great idea for this game!

    It is also important to note that the economy is getting worse, therefore prices are rocketing and probably won't get better anytime soon, so there is that...Not everyone can spend a whole lot. Buying the game is usually good enough :)

    My idea for special content: The future moving objects that Red51 plans to add in the game(like moving windmill blades, etc.): l feel like that should be DLC! Think about would be, I guess, a "luxury" in the game! But how much would this "luxury" gameplay feature really be worth? Hmm...Id say, $2.99, maybe even $3.99? It really would be up to Red51!

  • As I've told Red51 I'm fine if he releases the Rising World soundtrack. Take your time, make it good. If needed. I'm all up for it. Also, TL:DR: I'm in the 'Yes' camp for DLC, ONLY if we focus on 'Rising World Soundtrack' and 'Rising World Studio Mode'


    Rising World - Studio Mode (External DLC):

    What I told Red51 is that if push comes to shove he should look into how other games are doing things by releasing a separate game mode for an additional fee. For Illusion Games Studio games (Koikatsu, Artificial Academy, Honey Select, etc) he could have a 'Studio Mode' allowing us to preview models, animations, inject our own models & animations, and even object related things. Even do various scans of models without corrupting our "test worlds" or "main worlds" by using this external program to do various checks.

    Other indie developers have either become "too bored" or "too frustrated" they started working on side projects to keep them sane (and as a support item), something Illusion Games Studio had done from the get-go. Studio modes tend to be overly popular, and would be handy in Rising World's case when dealing with modded entities (humans, objects, vehicles, blueprints, etc).

    - Characters being set up in a pose, and various animations (pre-determined scenery).

    - Showing animations, poses, custom characters, settings for character expressions, what to pose, etc.

    - Setting up a scene with furniture, characters, various animations. Camera controls.

    This could also help if it's tied in with Blueprints, external models desiring to be imported into Rising World, and etc. This would be handy to view things "on the go" using Rising World checks, to view things, or to do dependency checks. Far more useful if one has a laptop or a Steam Deck to view things "on the go". Or maybe just something "more casual" to pass the time. Nothing lewd (as Illusion games tend to be, they they can also be kept tame), just something to view making sure you're having a good day or it checks out in Rising World's dependencies. If Red51 can make it so we can view the default, view models being imported into Rising World, or even use it to set up a scene (selecting biomes) in an 30mx30m radius, for example, then that would make it a worthwhile DLC. An overly helpful one. It would be something people would genuinely go for, more so for those who blueprint and mod. Maybe even the casual players also in curiousity.

    Might as well take note from the Japanese to have fun externally in Rising World. This would be an external asset. You have Rising World (Java/Unity), then you have RW-Studio.exe as a secondary thing. That's how Illusion Game stuff works. I'm even seeing the same for other indie games on Steam doing the same so it's not a road not untraveled. It's a fairly traveled road, even if it may be low-grade gravel road or an upkept gravel road. It's worth traveling. It would be wise for Rising World to do the same, more so when seeing the whole Plugin API/Modding API in its future. If Red51 desires to support external models, such as VRoid/VRM then this could be far more helpful than expected. :monocle:

    Everything is up to Red51, I'm just trying to help him with lessons already learned in the indie circle. If Studio Mode is something he is capable of doing then I'll wish him the best. If not, then that's a shame. It is what it is, I'm only trying to help. I feel this would be the most worthwhile thing to have, especially when it comes to the Plugin/Modding API later to use this as a quality software to check if something works (externally), or if more tweaking should be needed without booting up Rising World 50,024 times over. :nerd:

    (If you need me to reclarify something I'll be more than happy to do so.)

  • No thanks, when we talk about exclusive content we need to think carefully, this game should be totally different from the big corporations that sells a skin for 10$.

    And if we will ever go there with skins and stuff let it be possible to be obtainable with in game challenges achievements or something like that so that if someone wants to buy them and have it early without doing the challenge that will be fine with me, but please don't block us with exclusive stuff. If you want to help and support Red do what I did, buy few copy of the game and share them with your family or friends, thanks!

  • I said yes to visual enhancements. Possibly special blueprints made by community members that could be auctioned off on occasion with proceeds going to support the game. Textures made by the community (is there a way to add our own textures)? Packs of pre fab building supplies, like pre -measured walls etc a do it yourself kit (this type of thing would help me personally haha cause i suck at measuring things). NPCs? etc etc

  • Well, with the blueprints its no problem to create pre fab stuff, walls, etc. Its not required by the dev. The community could do it. or you just learn to do it yourself. Its not so difficult :)

    Hahaha for some of us math challenged people it is! Some just want to build stuff not bother that its all measured out exact.

  • its not much math. if you want a house with 10x10m just build one wall 10 blocks long, 4 blocks high and use blueprints to copy paste it 3 times. then chop holes where you like doors and windows. thats it

  • If they made a ingame shop where users could sell blueprints and plugins for real money, and for each sale a % goes to the dev then this could be good for content creators and the game developers, i see it as a win for both party's.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • If they made a ingame shop where users could sell blueprints and plugins for real money, and for each sale a % goes to the dev then this could be good for content creators and the game developers, i see it as a win for both party's.

    Really bad idea with blueprints. In the current blueprint system, there is nothing to stop you from placing blueprints and then scanning them in as a new blueprint, I think the implications are clear.

    And selling plugins? Not even in such huge communities like Minecraft have I seen plugins that you have to buy ... I don't know if people would take that seriously :D

  • Really bad idea with blueprints. In the current blueprint system, there is nothing to stop you from placing blueprints and then scanning them in as a new blueprint, I think the implications are clear.

    And selling plugins? Not even in such huge communities like Minecraft have I seen plugins that you have to buy ... I don't know if people would take that seriously :D

    people can copy music too but they also can buy it on itunes, the point of the shop is not to stop free content, its to give the community a way to help support the developers and content creators, no one would be forced to use it, and just because something has never been done before does not automatically make it a bad idea.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Of course not, but I just think it's not realistic, but who knows, maybe JIW has similar ideas :)

    unfortunately because of tax, they have to come up with a idea that does not look like some type of scam, so something has to be sold, be it DLC from the developers <-- witch people hate and can seem a scam in itself, or by from content creators <--- a little less scammy but still not the best, or users buying more copies of the game, something that i myself have done..

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • its not much math. if you want a house with 10x10m just build one wall 10 blocks long, 4 blocks high and use blueprints to copy paste it 3 times. then chop holes where you like doors and windows. thats it

    A house with 4 blocks high to calculate it mathematical is 2 meters high. Many people are 2 m tall. Standard in Germany is near 2.4 m ceiling height, so use 5 blocks and it doesn't feel like the ceiling is falling on your head. ^^

    Really bad idea with blueprints. In the current blueprint system, there is nothing to stop you from placing blueprints and then scanning them in as a new blueprint, I think the implications are clear.

    And selling plugins? Not even in such huge communities like Minecraft have I seen plugins that you have to buy ... I don't know if people would take that seriously :D

    That's the reason why I almost never release blueprints anymore. I really enjoyed to help people who can't build such things by themselves, but that was exploited as you aptly described.

    Two buy more copies of the game could be a good help for the devs, as I did, but there should be another option besides storing unnecessary keys.

  • If they made a ingame shop where users could sell blueprints and plugins for real money, and for each sale a % goes to the dev then this could be good for content creators and the game developers, i see it as a win for both party's.

    I agree! But perhaps you’d have to pay to be able to upload the blueprint to use the service? If there is no pay-to-upload, literally anyone could do it and I’d think that’d be a problem…

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