Upcoming: Water update

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Thanks for all your feedback! :)

    any eta when it will be released (something more specific then sometime soon)

    Unfortunately it's dangerous to give precise ETA's on that :D But it really should not take too long^^

    is there going to be a bucket or somrthing to store water in it?

    A bucket is in the works, but originally it was planned to be available once the new playermodels and animations are ready. Not sure if we're able to find a temporary solution until then, but it will be at least possible to "place" water with the creative mode :)

    I wonder if the static ponds will contain a unique floor and border of mud, sand, or cobblestone with lillipads and fish!

    It's our intention to change the floor and banks of ponds, but I'm not sure about the first release (probably we will do a lot of fine-tuning over time)^^

    will we be able to adjust the default water level ?

    Later there will be a special world type "islands", there you will probably be able to adjust the water level :) For regular worlds it's unfortunately not possible :(

    I supposed things like waterfalls and rivers will be released when the water is no longer static?

    Yes, unfortunately there will be no waterfalls in the first water release. I guess they might get into the game once the physical water is implemented^^

  • * Water block
    * Swimming

    Is there other things in this water update any new objects or textures?
    Assuming water edge texture or sand

    Will the water render in new worlds, existing world or must it be placed?
    Assuming new worlds or only placed this time.

    Looks beautiful :thumbsup:

  • Thats right.In existing worlds,it will render in areas you haven't explored yet.

    I'm really curious to see at what height level. especially for flowing.
    dang it, we might have to build an Ark :rolleyes:


    Since we will be able to swim in water i assume we might be getting an oxygen-meter show up on the HUD and a new cause of death (drowning).
    How about 1-step further to make RW different than most other games like body heat ->> hypothermia when swimming in cold biomes.
    I mean we've got radiators.... It would be cool... also the campfire could radiate heat for after a cold swim!
    or is it too much ?

  • *snip*
    Since we will be able to swim in water i assume we might be getting an oxygen-meter show up on the HUD and a new cause of death (drowning).
    How about 1-step further to make RW different than most other games like body heat ->> hypothermia when swimming in cold biomes.
    I mean we've got radiators.... It would be cool... also the campfire could radiate heat for after a cold swim!
    or is it too much ?

    I think this is a very good idea. Body heat (or the lack of) could gradually slow the player's movement. Dying from hypothermia could use the same animation as sleeping. For example, as your body head is reduced, the player's max movement (ie. running speed) is gradually reduced, until it is equal to walking speed, at which point the vision starts to get darker.

    Under water, suffocating could start with blurry vision (instead of slowing down), and then having vision fading to black (i.e. sleeping animation).

    This would add some realism in the game instead of "hurting" as in many other games.

  • I'm 100% certain that Red51 wanted hypothermia, environmental diseases & such so clothing shall play a major part also. Clothing being a major part that it even plays into what LordFoobar mentioned that I truly can't wait for water update to just get out so we can eventually dive into the whole environmental effects. The whole need for diving suits and the like for water, as with normal cotton, silk, & plastic fiber related clothing for the dry land to stay dry, clean, & warm.

    Making radiators/heaters function would be a wise thing to do also with you needing to either stay near them, or to build a room to then contain such, to keep your avatar warm. Or a cooler when in a warmer biome. Being in the water in warmer biomes would cool you off instead with the opposite effect of what a colder biome would give you.

    Red51 advertised he wants to go into detail with this being quite a big challenge for him. It's awesome for when we do get it, yet it's such a pain & hassle to get it all into the game that I have to feel bad for him & his two buddies for when things don't work the way they should. Every update being ready when it's ready because of the high bar + the stupid bugs/glitches in the way.

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