Survey results

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  • deutsche Version

    Thanks a lot for your active participation in the survey! In total we received 2941 responses. We have some very interesting results and it definitely helps us to decide which features are most desired. However, of course the results must be taken with a grain of salt: It's likely that most people who participated enjoy Rising World (at least to a certain degree). Most of the people who don't like RW, who don't follow development or who doesn't own the game at all probably didn't fill the survey in the first place. Nevertheless, it's still very helpful and gives a rough idea of what the community thinks.


    Now let's get to the results:

    Obviously building is considered a very important feature of Rising World, but same applies to exploration, survival and PvE. In contrast, a story or PvP don't play a very big role apparently.

    Rising World without a singleplayer mode is a no-no.

    Multiplayer isn't as important as singleplayer, but still plays a very big role. Of course both singleplayer and multiplayer are a big priority for us.

    It looks like most people prefer to play with friends on private sessions (P2P or LAN). But don't get this result wrong: There are still a lot of people who enjoy playing on public servers. And this result doesn't mean that people who voted for "Private sessions" never play on public servers.

    Now it's getting interesting: Most demanded features are obviously flowing water, electricity, cooking and baking, mounts and seasons. But skills/xp, boats, cars, trains and even an infinite world play a big role for many players. Same for modding.

    It's clear: Most Rising World players want complex crafting, at least to a certain degree.

    Find a happy medium: Inventories shouldn't be too big or too small, same for stacks.

    Graphics do play an important role, although it's certainly not the most important feature... seems like sounds do play an even bigger role.

    Again, we have to find the happy medium. Most players want action, but not too much action. It should still be peaceful, but not too boring.

    Can confirm: Many players want a realistic game, but also appreciate some fantasy elements - as long as the game doesn't turn into a pure fantasy game.

    It looks like most players want monsters in the game.

    Now it's getting tricky: Monsters yes, but should they also spawn at the surface? One third of the community says yes, another third says no. From another point of view, more than half of the players want monsters at the surface or at least they don't mind if we add them. Obviously we don't have to avoid this feature like the plague, but it's certainly a good idea to have a setting to turn monsters off.

    This one is a little clearer: Most people don't want magic. On the other hand, it seems like adding some magic elements isn't necessarily a bad thing. This could be certain magical weapons. Or imagine a rare staff that gives you control over the weather. Who knows... we should probably get more into detail in a future survey.

  • As I've said, Magic should be in the game but in the way you've treated the smoke particle. People would have to go out of their way to enable it, same if it was an ingame feature. People would have to slave away to make magic useful and practical. I guess only modded worlds or specially tuned worlds could have them.

    The results are also interesting, which I like. I'm glad people desire monsters within reason. Rising World still needs to live and breath; Rising World needs to breath on its own so it can allow us to play along side it as we nudge things into our direction.

  • I'd love for there to be electricity and plumbing in the future! Adding plumbing would certainly serve a good purpose for advanced cooking and baking! Maybe make it so your player has to poop and pee sometime after drinking and eating, for good use of a toilet ;) Also, maybe if they don't wash their hands, they will get disease!

  • I'm quite surprised to see any sort of story mode that low after all did anyone stop and think " where did we come from? how did we get here? are we alone here (NPC's ;);)) .

    Thanks for sharing all the results very interesting..

    I think the game is currently known and loved for its building aspect.

    Once it expands to other fields a story will be required more often.

    I personally don't need a story but would prefer possibilities for creating own quests

  • thx for all these panels, easier to see! and I am happy to see that so much people answered :) you are doing well, so keep up this good work, we are supporting you and waiting to see the results in the new version!

  • Looking forward to see where these results take the roadmap :) Overall I'll be honest I'm not a big fan of the magic but monsters on the surface? Sure! The game seems a bit to tranquil I like it like that but after so long you want to stop building and go out an explore. Find something new, perhaps a new biome, cave, ravine or even a river that flows to a beautiful lake. Someplace to call vacation. When you look at the bandits and array of different tools already in the game it makes me wonder well what did happen to the world? Sure a little backstory wouldn't hurt to the the tale of what happened to the world, where the monsters came from and how all the modern stuff fits into it. Perhaps humanity opened a rift, or had an EOD moment? The monsters could be demons that are left over from hell.. you've got skeletons already in the game. Perhaps bandits could fight them as well?? :thinking: Really looking forward to seeing where this takes the game. Love the results keep up the amazing work! :thumbup:

  • Obviously building is considered a very important feature of Rising World, but same applies to exploration, survival and PvE. In contrast, a story or PvP don't play a very big role apparently.

    Thx for sharing the results with us. The video looks great!! :thumbup:.

    It would be nice to be able to create PvP-areas, inside a PvE-world, so we can organize PvP-events.

  • I REALLY want to see magic in the game. I'm surprised this many people didn't want it. I think a fair balance would be to add magic but to make sure that players don't feel obligated to use it to progress through the game.

    As a person who prefers medieval/fantasy play styles, it frustrates me to see that the best tier tools are modern day tools such as chainsaws, guns, etc. Adding magic could be more for aesthetic differences. (Spells that cut trees at the same speed as chainsaws, etc.)

    The game is in a weird state right now where the weapons are swords and battleaxes, and you wear medieval armor, but you trim grass with a weed wacker and fight giraffes. There's no set theme and to progress through the game you're forced to use a strange mix of modern and medieval tools.

  • Honestly the results of the survey meet allot what I would have put down. I kind of like the idea of going more medieval in my game but hard to pass up the ore finder and the drill. Magic would be an interesting way to go if you don't want to use guns. But then what kind of magic are we talking. Wizard (fire and ice) Necromancer (disease poison and summoning) what is this magic option :D all in all I'm really enjoying the game in my fresh game play and can't wait to see whats been added since I played back in 2013. Not saying I haven't kept up with the game since then, but this is my first full play through since then. I even have videos of why I quit when I did back then. I think it was a glitch where I fell through the world, died and started in a new area with nothing.

  • I REALLY want to see magic in the game. I'm surprised this many people didn't want it. I think a fair balance would be to add magic but to make sure that players don't feel obligated to use it to progress through the game.

    As a person who prefers medieval/fantasy play styles, it frustrates me to see that the best tier tools are modern day tools such as chainsaws, guns, etc. Adding magic could be more for aesthetic differences. (Spells that cut trees at the same speed as chainsaws, etc.)

    The game is in a weird state right now where the weapons are swords and battleaxes, and you wear medieval armor, but you trim grass with a weed wacker and fight giraffes. There's no set theme and to progress through the game you're forced to use a strange mix of modern and medieval tools.

    red51 in my very beginning I also was a bit irritated by the mix of medieval and new technology. Would it be possible to have an option where players can select "medieval/magic", "tech", "both" where the game then limits (or not) what the player can craft/use? For example when selecting "medieval/magic" I would not be able to produce electric items, chainsaws, guns and ore detector or use the miners helmet with the lamp.

    Items could be adapted to the settings, e.g. the miners helmet with the lamp would be an iron helmet with a candle in the non-tech setting.

    That way both user groups (tech/non-tech) would be able to play their preferred style in the same game (Rising world). Server admins would have to decide what they allow on their server.

    On the one hand many options can give full freedom to players, on the other hand I fear that the list of possible options will become overwhelming for new players. Maybe we need a "starter default setting" for new players and "detailed advanced setting" for players which want to stay in the game and want to have more influence.

  • If you plan on doing flowing water, can you add rivers and streams to the world generator?

    I think this was originally planned as part of the world generator overhaul. Now that the game is being re-build for the new engine, I imagine all this stuff will get tossed in early on with the new world generator as it already has lots of features not in the old one such as higher voxel density. I'd love to know how far biomes are in the re-design. I've seen some screenshots of prairies, snowy cabins, and forests. No lakes yet. ;)

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